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Star Wars Celebration - The Last Jedi
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Reminder that Snoke is retconned Revan and that the Malachor incident is what created the jedi vs sith thing in the new canon.
We've come so far.
>All white men are evil: Girl Power: BLACKED Lives Matter the Movie in Space
they literally could not figure out better plot than what some video game company scripted years ago
>it's time for the jedi to end
This has me hyped like you cannot believe. Finally putting to death the most corrupt organization in the entire galaxy.
Imagine being this autistic
No matter how autistic I am, I will never come close to matching the autism of the average star war's fan.
Fuck these people.
>it's okay for me to be really stupid because there are other people who are more stupid than me
Okay pal
They never said anything like that
This series has like 20 more planned movies because you autistic nuthuggers will pay to see the same interracial space adventure for the 50th time, then pay for the merchandise, and then shill for it on twitter for free by posting about how feminist it was when the proud women of color Shilio Lun used the force on Le Whitey Badzz. I bet you shouted YAASSS QUEEN in the theater when it happened, before going back to your mom's house and watching saturday night live so you can catch up on all the latest pop culture references and see Hillary stab Drumpf with a lightsaber
So the leaks were true, they are retelling Adam and Eve only genderswapping it.
Brother and sister find the force tree. The first force girl was wise and good and only had love and peace in her heart. She was surrounded by light. Luminous creatures are we. The first force boy on the other hand was only greedy for immortality and that hunger and greed created the darkside of the force. From this male original sin, all evil done by the dark side and the sith was created.
The reason Anakin couldn't be the real chosen one was because he was born male. No male can truly be good, so it can only work with Ray being the chosen one. It. All. Makes. Sense.
When Luke says "I only know one truth, it's time for the Jedi to end" he's talking about white males. It's time for white males to end, to leave this world, only then can we be free of their evil. Free of the dark side.
At last I truly see.
>force trees fucking confirmed
Good thing I already dropped this.
Fuck off Sup Forums
Why do you always have to be right?
why is everybody talking about Force trees
please don't tell me the Force isn't made by a tree
I'll take midichlorians any day
It's fake bait forced by the same user
>it's fake bait
this shit actually looks like the prequels lmao
How is that autistic when he's right? Everything Star Wars Disney has produced has had a female lead, has had no nonwhites on the bad side, has had no females on the bad side except for one character who is covered in armor most of the time, has had no white males on the good side except for background characters or Han and Luke who were already established.
If Disney wants to make Star Wars more diverse then fine, but why does that mean they have to go about doing so shitting on white guys and men?
The fist force uses came from touching a force sensiste tree, on that Island where Luke is hiding. That tree is the origin of the force. The girl was good, the boy was evil and only wanted to use the force to live forever. He eventually killed the girl and fled to create the sith, she was brought back to life by the tree and founded the jedi. She eventually died but fortold that one day another strong independent girl who could fix machines better than chewie, fly the falcon better than han, shoot better than annie oakley, swordfight better than a fully trained jedi and use the force better than a jedi who trained his entire life on the same day she even learns she has force powers would be born, and that girl would save the force.
No it doesn't
lol no, this shit's been confirmed leaked.
The force grows on fucking trees now.
I was there for both big panels, AMA
>ditches midichlorians in order to keep the force mysterious and mystical
>instantly shits all over it by going out of its way to explain it again
How was the full trailer
Oh boy!
I can't wait for Kylie Renginald to job against MaRei Sue again!
Is Kathleen still forcing her shit ideas on every aspect of production?
I thought it looked like the space battle from (what used to be) the worst Mass Effect game.
Star Wars Rebels is Disney-produced, and contradicts a lot of thist. I mean yeah, it isn't a movie, but still. Niggra.
What was it like being surrounded by nothing but fat, sweaty, smelly neckbeads/hambeasts, and did you catch cancer from all the cancer particles floating about?
>if i'm not in the top slot, then i'm getting shitted on.
how fucking insecure are you?
There are already 6 star wars movies full of white dudes.
I'm not even an sjw but god damn you have no balls whatsoever.
People seem to forget that Chinese already explained this shit with Yin and Yang. Both are energy or "The Force" there is masculine and feminine energy, which is what they are attempting to get at.
Sure it sucks that masculine is probably 'evil' energy but also its a different side of a same thing, it makes Empires, it revels in power and freedom, Feminine energy is weak and rebellious and guarded.
You could say a bad thing about either side, Grey is in finding that inner balance instead of being an extremist.
There are new space ships and a space battle, so that's really all it takes to get me in the theater. I really fucking hated the Force Awakens
>Rey, see that tree down there? It's closely related to this event that my father was involved with during The Clone Wars television series about a forcewielder family: Father, Daughter, and Son. The Daughter being the Light Side, the Son being the Dark Side, and the Father being the bringer of balance until my dad killed them all. But anyway, Rey, there must always be balance. We have to do what it takes to make Grey Jedi relevant. Just like Ahsoka Tano. She was a Grey Jedi. Rey, you must watch Star Wars Rebels, now available on blu-ray, and to further understand my story, Star Wars The Clone Wars (2008 series also available on blu-ray). Grey Jedi are the way to go. You can also check the Massively Multiplayer Online Game Star Wars The Old Republic. Being a Grey Jedi there makes for a tedious playstyle but it's worth it. You can subscribe to the game for $14.99 a month. The Jedi must end.
Kathleen Kennedy is actually this hamfisted. Just listen to that bitch and understand that she is in charge of this series. It's not autism, it's a sad fucking truth.
Same exact trailer you saw on YouTube. Rian played it twice. Cool guy though he signed autographs for those of us waiting overnight for his panel
And her full name would be Rey'Betterthanmen Endofpatriarchy, and her family words will be "ACTUALLY IT'S ETHICS IN HAMMER-WIELDING!!! XD"
Also is anyone else tickled by how hard Re-Captcha is trying to get everyone to buy premium memberships?
You waited overnight for this? What kind of fucking loser are you?
How does it feel paying money and wasting hours of your life to watch the same commercial we all saw for free?
>this shit's real
>the light side is bad now
You were that close to the guy who directed fucking Looper and you didn't snap his neck on general principles?
Everything about the new trailer looks awful. Nothing about it looked good.
Yes. It was very clear she was only interested in pushing female empowerment through Star Wars. Not necessarily a bad thing though. Pic related. She is much hotter than Daisy irl
>There are already 6 star wars movies full of white dudes.
Why should this even be an issue? I mean wow, how insecure ARE you?
Luke is the one aspect of this franchise I care about and he looks like he's going to be a whiny fag in this movie so hopefully he'll die and I can be set free.
>Not necessarily a bad thing though.
I agree it doesn't have to be a bad thing. So far, though, it has been.
Can you really saw the prequels were full of white dudes?
How does it feel? It feels like I had the best two days of my life. What star wars fan doesn't want to see George Lucas, Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Warwick Davis, Anthony Daniels, Daisy Ridley, Boyega and witness John WillIams conducting an orchestra to the most iconic Star wars songs only a few feet from you?
Some autistic concerns:
>space battle
>fighters are used like first strike craft
>future tech and small ships are even able to get close to main fleet
>fleet does not have fast destroyer type ships capable of shooting down these small fighters quickly
I fucking hate how Starwars does their space battles and how theres a massive emphasis on small craft like xwings vs tie fighters and then it all becomes a huge clusterfuck of a battle with ships flying all over the place.
I really don't understand how they could make Mass Effect 3 look like a masterpiece when they made Mass Effect 4.
So if it was wrong for the old Star Wars movies to be full of white guys it makes it ok to do the opposite in new Star Wars movies?
Two wrongs don't make a right.
I'll give you John Williams but you can find most of those other people at any convention and pay them 30 bucks to bother them.
>takes a screen cap of unfinished CGI from a movie that comes out in 8 months
>Still looks better than prequels
>"this shit is worse than the prequels lmao!"
>Fills out capcha
>Reposts to /r/theprequeltrilogy.
>Reposts to /r/Sup Forums
ITS NOT AN ISSUE, hes not saying it is.
See? you are showing your insecurity again. Just chill dude, its alright.
>female empowerment through Star Wars
Why is the island in the shape of a sneaker?
Par for the course when it comes to nu-feminist character writing and development, desu.
Can you imagine if strong woman characters were written in the past like the trash they come up with now? Take Ripley from the much beloved ALIEN franchise:
>Parker: "I think we need to discuss the Bonus Situation..."
>:::quip music plays:::
>>takes a screen cap of unfinished CGI
Just like Jurassic World, right, champ?
>unfinished CGI
I think it looks acceptable, but this is probably the end product. When has the cgi ever been improved from the trailer to the theatrical release of a movie?
Its a metaphor of the BBC superiority.
If someone said Star Wars was about male empowerment I would say they were just as stupid.
because its sneaker island, nike owns it.
>I have the middle ground!
What did Rey mean by this?
Can i go ass to mouth on you?
>TFA = female lead
>Rogue One = female lead
>Rebels = multiple female leads
>Battlefront 2 = female lead
>Last Jedi = female lead
>Forces of Destiny = multiple female leads
>Episode IX = female lead
Where were you when millions of Star Wars fanboys were BTFO forever by Queen Kathleen?
Heh. Nothing personel kiddo. I already called you reddit so I aint got nothin I need to say.
B T F O !
JW was pretty ok tho
Plus is had lots of mommy in it!
You are clearly taking issue with "6 movies filled with white dudes," as justification, not to mention what you said is patently false to begin with.
So not only are you insecure, you're paranoid and jumping at shadows.
The sad part isn't the inclusion of female leads, but the fact that she okays fucking awful characters strictly because they happen to be female. She has no grasp of what makes a character worth staring at, and it shows.
Forgot to add Hayden and Sheev to that list.
not him but what the fuck are you talking about?
>Can you really saw the prequels were full of white dudes?
Who are the main characters of the first 6 films?
>han solo
>obi wan
Bryce and that scene that tied why the dinosaurs didn't look like birds into the plot made that whole movie worth it.
Former occultist here. Embracing both the light and the dark side, or good and evil, is actually a belief that's popular with people you might consider satanists. One cannot be both good an evil, for where evil exists, good cannot, and vice versa.
Lucas wisely knew this was true, hence the scene where Palpatine tries to seduce Anakin with his "larger view of the force" speech.
Now it seems that Disney is embracing what was once though to be evil
>Where were you when millions of Star Wars fanboys were BTFO
Actual fanboys don't give a shit, kinda the whole concept of fanboys really
The prequels didn't even have a protagonist.
I never said it was wrong, but its not a fucking TRAVESTY to have non-white protagonists like some turbonerd autistics are saying
Rogue One made less than half the gross of TFA, despite being the superior movie
Last Jedi will also not do as well as TFA, nor will it move the same level of merchandise
I think it's hilarious how all the girls who grew up watching this shit will still grow up to be hysterical whore who will eventually need to latch onto a male figure for security.
The Great Feminist Pop Culture Experiment of the 2010's will go down in embarrassment history for all who bought into it, much like the 1970's.
>han solo
Leia, Lando.
>obi wan
Padme, Mace Windu.
It's really easy to paint your narrative when you approach it with an agenda to begin with.
It's not as simple as you're making it out to be. There will always be stupid people with stupid opinions on both sides, but it'd be an entirely different matter if they were good, relatable characters.
>a few non-white dudes change everything!
lmao @ your life
It is when the non-white protagonists are there because of an intentional agenda-push, and Kathleen Kennedy is very clear about why she's casting who she casts. If she didn't give a shit, and okayed actors based on their abilities as actors, then there'd be no problem. Instead we have Daisy Ridley, who's one of the worst actresses I've ever seen, as the main character in this new trilogy. And she's written as a classic Mary Sue to boot.
That's a travesty.
End zone scoring fixture relocation specialist.
Not him, but he's saying you're being a crybaby about white men monopolizing films in question and using that as justification for the heavy handed use of "stronk, yet terribly written Le 3rd Wave Feminism characters" within the films in question, which makes you seem rattled and insecure, a feeling I'm sure you're used to.
Hope this helps.
Disney further ruining the Star Wars franchise results in people not going to the movies or buying the toys? No way.
>Reposts to /r/theprequeltrilogy.
>Reposts to /r/Sup Forums
You need to go back
As an aspiring writer and artist, I'm glad these people exist. They're so easy to impress.
Where are those Disney shills when you need them to just, feel the burn!
The Force Awakens
>Han Solo
>Poe Dameron
>Kylo Ren
>General Hux
Rogue One
>Galen Erso
>CGI Tarkin
not an argument
>you're being a cry baby
i specifically said i wasn't him you retard, and i dont think the guy was complaining about "monopilization" at all. i think you inferred that because you're a retarded Sup Forums faggot. if he's anything like me, he understands that a mixture is fine.
Okay? And what about the new movies?
Finn, Rey
>It's really easy to paint your narrative when you approach it with an agenda to begin with.
You said it best brother
>oscar isaac
nice try moshe
>What is cherry picking
I get what you mean, though I do not think it's that bad. If we're really talking equality and not just muh feminism, then those pieces of media don't really tip the scales much. Let's see how autistic I can get by listing off Star Wars media from memory with lead genders:
>TFA = M(Han, Finn, Poe, Ben, Hux) F(Rey, Phasma, Leia)
>Rogue One = M(Pilot guy, Chirrut, big gun guy, meheecan Han, Galen, Krennic) F(Jyn, Mon Mothma, Jyn's mom maybe)
>Rebels = M(Zeb, Kanan, Ezra, Thrawn, Fulcrum) F(Sabine, Hera)
>Clone Wars = M(Obi Wan, Anakin, all Clones, most of the Jedi council, countless others across episodes) F(Ahsoka, Padme... Maybe some others?)
>Buy Rogue One.
>Not to terribly interested in watching it.
>Oh boy everything is overly explained even down to the simplest of actions.
We are landing on this planet to do this, ok, we are here, on this planet, lets go over the plan, got it? Good, on this planet, lets do this plan, and get off this planet, with this plan, got it? good? OH GOD THE PLAN! PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW!
Fell asleep half way, woke up, went back to where I fell asleep, got another 30 min in, fell asleep again, get to the end, HOPE!
People honestly considered this the best Star Wars movie made? Fanboy fucks came a load over this?
But characters, supporting characters and white male villains
Just watched the trailer and felt nothing at all. The Force Awakens trailer gave me some mild excitement (followed by disappointment with the actual movie) but this did absolutely nothing. Probably won't bother watching it.