How does Sup Forums feel about judged sports?
How does Sup Forums feel about judged sports?
i don't like being judged
if i can't tell who is doing well or not because i don't know the sport well enough i'm not gonna watch it
Those are not sports, those are competitions, like miss universe
When you consider the nature of instant replay, one might say that the nfl is now a judged sport.
It's fun to watch for the crashes.
dont belong in the olympics. every year they manage to create a controversy
i dont know but niggers shouldnt be allowed in the winter olympics
Aren't handegg touchdown catches "judged" half of the time?
thanks, closet homosexual
All worthless. That includes boxing matches that don't end in a knockout.
Just like a soccer ref judges if a ball crossed the goaline you dumbshit
boxing is the worst one
i am ambivalent. i honestly and unironically enjoy watching both men's and women's gymnastics but skating can just go suck a dick as far as i'm concerned.
They're not sports, they're arts.
they're fine
would marching band count in this
I am confused about there score. They never looked particularly graceful.
There's a surprising amount of physicality and coordination in marching band so I don't see why not.
They're fine for the memes and slags.
basically this
but as long as they involve athletic women showing off their thighs and armpits I'm ok with them
it's prone to corruption. in 2014 WO held in Russia, during the ladies individual figure skating, the Russians basically overscored their skater to a gold. one of the judges is married to the chairman/president of the Russian Skating Federation.
>Judges didn't make the mixed couple win
As long as the ladies show off their fine ass and tight mounds I'll jerk to it.
If I were a judge I would shameless rule in favor of my home country every time.
they already do which is why instead of putting you to judge USA they put you to judge Japan or France
Then I'd shamelessly rule in favor of Japanese qties. Sorry France, if I ever judge your food I'll give it a perfect 10.
I love judged sports.
>team loses
>" FUCKING REFBALL! ref mvp.jpg"
>team wins
why is there a bandage up her ass?
not a sport but rather a spirited competition
they are dogshit
I really like the figure skating though there are notable problems with the judging where skill and athleticism can be outranked by some stylistic aspects in choreography.
Not sports
MMA and boxing are judged sports if they don't go the distance, it has its problems but also its place
The weirdest one is ski jump. The longest jump should win, period.
That would be like judging the long jump in track
G-strings really chafe.
we always get fucked over
I don't like when they take up almost the entirety of the olympic coverage on NBC because they presume only grrrls watch the olympics or some shit. Figure skating and gymnastics dominate coverage every time and it's pathetic. Other than that, I don't pay them much mind. I know most of the shit seems made up without any real substance to em like an exhibition type thing. It's athletic but the names of things and points mumbo jumbo seem like total bs. But I guess when any sport is made up at the beginning it's the same way too. But no, I wouldn't put faith in anything that is won through judging. That's literal refball.
Judged sports are just too easy to rig. Theres no objectivity to say "can't argue, this person was better"
The longest one 95% of the time wins. Though when you have one meter shorter jump but perfect V shape, perfect telemark landing and one meter longer but guy barely landed with one ski going to the side - the shorter one wins obviously.
I feel like we should have a new sport.
I call it "surprise Arm Wrestling"
The goal is to get your opponent to somehow forget that you're attempting to Arm Wrestle and then catch him off guard and beat him at Arm Wrestling.
whattaya think?
How does that have anything to do with disliking gays? Shit, most blacks despise fags.
It's not a sport to be honest.
that's why they changed figure skating to award certain points to certain tricks
>most blacks despise fags.
t. insecure white person
(this isn't true)
>t. insecure white person
(this isn't true)
most blacks do indeed hate them
Dancing with the Stars is a sport. Think that over.
Don't care if we get to see hot women like her HNNNGGH