What the FRICK is going on bros

What the FRICK is going on bros...

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Some Neo-Nazi Sup Forums idolizes.

not video games
fuck off



how is he a neo-nazi, in your own words

>not archive

He likes reading books.

Is being a YouTuber a hard job,?

who cares

attention whoring 101

claim that you're leaving x platform so people go all like "no pls don't leave" and get attention, just to come back a few days later with more relevancy

He's the proto alt-right neonazi racist.

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Why do cringe boomers like pewdiepie so much?

At this point he doesn't need any relevancy. He has it all.

This political/social media shit is getting out of control, comedy and games are dying because everything is labeled as racist/transphobic. I don't care whether your a leftist or on the right but shit like this tires you out. If you don't believe me do 1 week internet or social media detox and you will see that your life is 10x better.

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>quits YouTube
>in the next sentence says he's "taking a break"

>has enough money to never work another day in his life and live comfortably
>can "quit" YouTube and go on a year long vacation (or however long he wants)
>can come back whenever he wants and the fans will be there to eat his shit up
It'll be like when that cheater scumbag Doc quit twitch for over a month and came back to a letter viewership and more money than he'd probably have made grinding the regulars during that time. It's a win/win for them. Must be nice.

>get married
>have millions
>don't want to play retard for kids anymore
Sounds pretty based to me.


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>everybody who reads books is alt-right

humans are pathetic, the fact that millions of us give a shit what some random guy with zero skills other than being popular does

>reading is now alt-right
lol, the rabbit hole goes ever deeper

>reading books is now considered far right

I read a book recently, when are the FBI coming for me?

clickbait 101

break = quitting!
stop posting clickbait

based, he's made his millions and can comfortably retire

It's like people have no experience with the real world and the manipulators in it. E-famous narcissists pull this shit all the time.

>If you read books you're a nazi

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i made that post lol get baited dickheads

Buh bye jew asslicker

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>humans are pathetic,
Right. Now if you, a normal guy, can deduce that. Imagine what super rich people think about how dumb people are.

He finally got tired of reviewing braindead discord teenage zoomie 'memes' that are old after a week

I'm about to end this man's whole BOYS LOCKER ROOM
Absolutely Nobody: spaghett

>read a book recently

Bros, am I brainwashed?

quits youtuber for 8 days aka vacations

But you didn't.

you do realize he retracted his donation right?

He never gave them money idiot

$50 says he’ll come back

>crawling this far up your own ass for posts on a Croatian taxidermy board

Honestly, the guy already wracked up millions with YouTube. Might as well dip now that he's happy, married and with the website's policies becoming worse every passing week.

He says the N-word and doesn't afraid of anything.

Not him, but as much as I dislike pewdiepie and think he can gateway unwitting viewers into JP,Sup Forums, or Ben, I don't think he's a Neo-Nazi (or even really dog whistling). Moreso just a typical early-age internet gamerkid who easily falls for the easiest arguments. Like most people are going to have the same take on shit like the okay sign because the conversation being given by lefties is way less intuitive to the senses and it's easy to say it's Sup Forums trolling, but it's essentially just a psyop and of course it is going to work when actual racist start flashing it.

>he perpetuated the alt-right "reading books" meme

Based, fuck that nazi

>fahrenheit 451
>an alt right book
I refuse to believe this is real.

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nigga probably has enough cash to never work again so whatever

>He says the N-word
So did Markiplier.

>I was just pretending to be retarded

probably not for the first few years, because you enjoyed it
but like every other job, you settle into the needs of the job and you grow tired of it
can't be that much harder than being a daily talk show host, which is already kind of a grating job for hosts after a few years

Right, he didn't give the money, just groveled on the internet for a week for them. Shut the fuck up you stupid, stupid pewdiepie cocksuckers.

>Aldous Huxley
This has to be bait

Peak commie mentality.
Educating yourself to the other board and reading means you're a threat.

I'm more baffled to the fact that she equated reading books to fascism.

>he can gateway unwitting viewers into JP,Sup Forums, or Ben
Nigga, come one. Did you really type this unironically?

oh its real. if 1984 was made today, it would 100% get labeled as "alt-right". any talk about the "thought police" and "world order" gets the far left foaming in the mouth.

fake he said he's taking a break a january- real reason youtuber don't get paid on january because no adds

He's not a nazi, he's just another fucking grifter who thought it'd be funny to have some edgy political views for attention, but as soon as the jews so much as glance at him he tucks his tail between his legs like the swedish dog he is.


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But just a 3 years ago with Trumps seizure of power they told me to read 1984 to know what to look out for.

>but as soon as the jews so much as glance at him he tucks his tail between his legs
Sounds lika a neo nazi to me.

>can't be that much harder than being a daily talk show host
TV is different because everything is done for you including getting dressed and made up, doing your own internet show is a lot harder

do you think every remotely-popular person on the internet has a mandated meeting with the rich jews

Ok boomer

Yeah well look out for them.

Wait where did he say this? He didn't upload any videos about it or make a tweet about it.

Because some of its truths have been used by others. That's like saying "heheh if Fight Club came out tidday, it'd be called toxic masculinity and incel enabling!" "If the bible came out today, it'd be called a cult manifesto!"

user, humans are corrupted.

Yes ,no ,maybe

I'm convinced that "movement" was a 4d chess troll move. it started out by a senator's facebook or something that he probably doesn't even control. even after that went on, there were lefty professors saying to not take everything literally from 1984 to try to undo some of the damage lol

Spamming "nigger" is a gaming pastime.

>No more zoomers unironically making Pewdiepie references in comfy Minecraft threads

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Just got married probably wants to spend time with his wife

What particularly gets me is calling 451 an alt-right book when the alt-right was a term coined almost exclusively for labeling the group that would not stop sucking "god emperor" Trump's dick. Trump could shoot an unarmed civilian in the face and they'd call it based, it's exactly the society that 451 is about.

>Fahrenheit 451

imagine drawing this unironically and taking pleasure out of it even though you probably don't give a rat's ass about e-celebs in general as long it gives you big pee pee e-points

back to your board leftypol

>"reading books" meme

better start burning some books or i'll get suicided by a FBI agent

Libtards are so dumb

I guarantee you he's not critically retarded

thank you based Janny

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Hi, felix.

did all the retards that replied to this post really fall for the b8 this hard

They're from Sup Forums, they aren't very smart.

He pewdipie

Hey retard.

Literally who cares about most youtubers at all.

This explains why every person who are making these ridiculous false claims are so fucking retarded

Isn't he a married billionaire? Fuck appealing to zoomers on youtube, retire and enjoy the rest of your life.

hah i remember watching him back in 2012-2015
him playing corpse party got me into guro and horror

what's pewdiepie like these days? gameplays were fun to watch