
*breaths in*

That's the least of that nu male's problems going by that photo.

The question is not if he is tall or short; it's if he can draw dimes or not.

>same height as Hack Snyder

So are we in for Star Wars kino?

>Rian Johnson Highest-Paid Director in the World - Mediamass
>Rian Johnson net worth:
>$5 Million
how much do you have?

Damn it feels good to be 5'8"

I'm 6' tall and have literally never understood why people mock shorties. So they're short, big deal? At least they're not kissless basement dwellers like OP.

H-haha manlets, right g-guys?

i dont even know how that is or why i should care

>Alien Spaceship approaches earth
>Him and Space Cunt sucked into giant spaceships anus
>Advanced Alien A.I. concludes that Crooz is the perfect soldier
>Proceeds to shit out a bunch of assorted Cruz clones and Space Cunt clones
>Term Crews and Space Cunt army quickly overwhelm the Earth
>Tom Cruies height is 5’7”
>Tfw an advanced super intelligence determines that a manlet is the perfect soldier
>Tfw it was right
>Tfw all the tall men in the world were BTFO by a wave of manlets.

I'm only 5'8" and I slay pussy. Really it's all about confidence. You just need wit. Earlier today I was over my gf parents house helping them clean out their attic (sucked) and I stepped out. This lady in the neighboring house...super cute...came out to get in her car and she said "hey what are you up to?" and I said "oh about 5 foot 8".

She wanted to suck my dick. If I wasn't monogamous I would have thrown it in her.

Anyway stop acting like a pussy.

Im tall you fucking manlet

Cool story, big boy :^)

>This lady in the neighboring house...super cute...came out to get in her car and she said "hey what are you up to?" and I said "oh about your chest" and she laughed at me.

was brendan just a self-insert?

is that why he wrote that one scene where he beats up chad in front of his friends

t. turbovirgin manlet

>mfw same height

Oh well. It's not like I would have gotten laid either way. Not with this personality as I shitpost with you fucking friends.

>tfw 5'6" and I've only had sex with 12 women

>breathes in
That's the same thing you fucking mongoloid. Stop trying to meme so hard you fucking loser.
>inb4 baited
Fuck off, faglord. That doesn't make it valid you fucking autist.


>had sex

who is the Chad?

Why is everyone involved in Star Wars short? JJ, Lucas, and Hidalgo are manlets too

The decision has been made.

>Don't lift with me or my son ever again

He looks like a little kid

TFA was terrible.



>This lady in the neighboring house...super cute...came out to get in her car and she said "hey what are you up to?" and I said "oh about 5 foot 8".

>my self-worth is based on how women perceive me
I hope you're still in high school

what a fag honestly he has a great body but i cringe at people who do shit like that

My friend is 4'3 and he has sex all of the time, just be confident

Could be worse.

Could be Refn raising your wife and bull's children,and they still love him more.

his kids look retarded

The imagery here is just amazing.

refn looked like a bit of a chad growing up
he just didn't and still doesn't have the personality of one


this cant be him

id rather have the money

Just looked this guy up on imdb. He has only 9 credits as a director (including TLJ):

>3 episodes of Breaking Bad
>1 episode on a show called Terriers
>The Brothers Bloom
>The Psychology of Dream Analysis (Short)
>Ben Boyer and the Phenomenology of Automobile Branding (Short)
>Evil Demon Golfball from Hell!!! (Short)

Who the fuck decided it would be a good idea to hire this guy to direct Ep VIII? Are we in for something worse than TFA? Is shit going to go off the rails/hit the fan?

3 prior movies is more than Lucas had when he made the first Star Wars

brick and looper alone qualify him

>*breaths in*

Snyder is actually a huge Star Wars fan I'd unironically love to see him direct one, he'd do something to trigger people but it would be far better than the mediocre trash they are spewing out with the license right now.

Marcia Lucas directed it and Gary Kurtz wrote it.
Fun fact: Lucas was not involved AT ALL in any Star Wars movie except the Ewok TV movie.

>gold, grey and black filtering

spare us

A valid point, I guess.

Haven't seen either, but then again, I don't see too many movies (I hate theater goers and ticket prices).

>that gif
fuck me

It would be awesome though.

Fucking this. I wouldn't want to see Snyder make a fucking grey Star Wars movie (although that already happened without him with Rogue One, but that was a shitty spin-off prequel).

>It would be awesome though
No. No it wouldn't.

based ben

Yes it would. If you hate Snyder you have bad taste.


looper is pretty good despite its flaws. check it out

Even with his style of colour correcting his films still have more style and substance than most others so in he end it outweighs the instagram filters in my opinion.

besides you could just not watch his movies and allow people to enjoy them.

apparently manlets with small dicks are the perfect lovers and are drowning in pussy and are the happiest men alive according to this board.

I agree totally.

>head canon
Confirmed of autism.

I liked 300 and Watchmen, but I haven't seen a film he's made since that I've liked.

>Even with his style of colour correcting his films still have more style and substance than most others so in he end it outweighs the instagram filters in my opinion.

I won't argue with that. I just don't think it would work in a Star Wars film.

Snyder would make a much more interesting Star Wars film than anyone they have lined up

Rian might do okay, but i'm not holding my breath for IX.
>guy who made Jurassic World

why does the manlet have actual tits? is he ftm?

also whos the chad?

Snyder is 5' (unite the) 7"
Scorsese is 5'4"

Does kino flow in the manlet's blood?

lol the reason why "height" is the first or second google result for every celebrity is so that common men could feel better about themselves knowing that they're at least taller than Brad Pitt. Judging a guy based on his looks makes you either a woman or a fag.

anyone know what kind of hair product that guy is using? been looking for that kind of texture for a while now

fuck are you even talking about

No, being a manlet makes you a woman. No sane girl would want to fuck a 5'6 guy.

this gif reminds me of the little feisty guy that gets posted a lot on tv. you know the one, i forget his name. just the way snyder jumps is just like him.

I think all of them will be alright. good quality control will do that.

hi asp

>it was a thread yesterday
>but wants to say i have autism

sorry you are so triggered bro.

I'm 6'4 and occasionally look it up just for point of reference with the set and other characters in a film. It's weird, but it's hard not to think about

Why would a man not being able to attract a women affect your perception of him? Do you need women to confirm that the guy is attractive before you're able to admire him for his work?

Have you not seen Looper?

then why did you make a judgment on him as a director you dumb fuck

>tfw 6'2 and fairly attractive but friendless virgin with minimal hope

Only half of looper was good


Why is making fun of us manlets okay? It's horrible. It's like making fun of someone for having cancer


you guys take the piss out of other people all the time tho.

It's a defense mechanism. Inside we're dying.

>tfw you destroy a thread

Feels good man.

its not a defense mechanism when you're punching down, you do it to yourselves and theres no excuse you pityful twat.

>She wanted to suck my dick.


Im sure its been considered at one point but Warner has him by the balls and now he's a type casted director.

If JJ and George collaborated on ep7, I think StarWars would have benefited as a whole.

>punching down
What? The lankets would be the ones punching down both literally and figuratively. What the hell are you referring to?

It's the sign of a bigger man to give the benefit of the doubt.
Looper and Brick are solid movies. JJ objectively fucked up VII's climax fight but going by Rian's past movies he knows how to built great cinematic conclusions.

>Scorsese is 5'4"

He's italian that's why

this webm is pain personified. I just can't stand to watch it

im not talking about talk men. ive seen manlets start spouting shit about women, disabled people and trannies when they get triggered by tall guys. doesnt make any sense, you are not helping yourselves.

Women and disabled people are fine

fine to mock or just fine? also what about trannies?

Just fine. Trannies are mentally ill

It's called being an asshole, and it's not exclusive to one type of person. There are assholes with all sorts of disadvantages. My point is that being a short guy isn't like being a balding guy or a guy with a big nose, short men are actually significantly more likely to commit suicide than taller men, more likely to be randomly assaulted, and suffer from pretty severe workplace discrimination.

so that excuses you lot for acting like assholes?

I don't know what you're talking about. There was a study done recently to see whether the concept of a Napoleon complex is real or not, and it found that short guys are actually less likely to escalate a situation, and are generally nicer to people. Your own subjective experience doesn't count for much.

Im talking about on here, so stop being so triggered.

But is he a cuck like hack snyder?
>Recalling their journey together, Ms. Snyder said she has gone from being someone who lived a “Sex and the City” life in Manhattan (out many nights, with weekends in the Hamptons) to a calmer more self-satisfied version of herself. “Now, I’m just content being with Zack, having my dogs, my family, my friends at my house,” she said. “I’m not looking for something else.”

That's fucking retarded. A, everyone on Sup Forums acts like a piece of shit, and b, you can't possibly know the height of whoever's posting.

not everyone, and i already said i was specifiying threads where people were discussing their heights idiot.