Why the fuck did he die offscreen?
Why the fuck did he die offscreen?
Not enough tent poles
filming deadpool 2
because the protagonist is really Sheriff Ed Tom
To put things into perspective. In real life, violence isn't always cenimatic.
it was the cinematic equivalent of shitposting
I never understood why the girl in the swimming pool would shoot him.
She didn't
He didn't call it
Yet another thread by a brainlet film embryo.
Either try thinking critically next time or just stick to capeshit, kid
Good job!
what is the message of this movie
what does it all mean
the bad guy got away!
w e w
what are other good sweaty-dust-grimecore movies? Is there an essentials list? I just saw logan and really enjoy that style of story
Because death doesn't give a fuck if you're ready or not meet it.
is the reason he died because of inconsistent morals? If I remember, haircut makes a speech about how he's the only "consistent" force in the world (or something to that effect)
and the only reason brolin got caught up in the first place was because he did the "right thing" and returned to give the one guy some water he could've gotten off scot free had he not gone back, and eventually he ended up getting killed because he cheated on his wife, essentially acting unfaithful and inconsistent with his morals whereas haircut remains "consistent" the entire film and walks out on top
omg youre so smart & insightful, please teach me to be like you
Hell or High Water
The Proposition
The Counselor
I know you're being ironic because you're a butthurt phoneposting tourist but seriously actually watch more film.
guy asks for perspective on something in a movie
you shit on him and call him stupid for not understanding, whilst offering nothing of your own. thats hypocrisy, you fat retard
>be a complete retard
>can't even understand simple concepts
>refuse to think for yourself
Yikes. Why do tourists get so upset? Actually try using your brain next time. Think about what you're seeing rather than just expecting to be handed an answer. No Country really isn't even a complicated film, you dumb phoneposter.
Here's a tip: Watch more films and try to use the critical thinking skills you learned in elementary school. Being butthurt that you ask stupid questions and get called stupid for doing so isn't beneficial to your growth. Don't sit in denial try to learn something.
Not anyone you're replying to but
you are so fucking mad right now HAHA
no one is THIS socially inept & obnoxious
Holy fuck they really triggered you, huh?
i love this movie but this is really stupid desu. like I get it and I didn't have a problem with it but considering we see chigurh kill so many people its just inconsistent
like you're gonna intentionally disappoint the audience to make one small point that isn't present anywhere else in the movie? just dumb. cocky
Nah he was screwed either way since he had the tracking beacon on him.
i AM one of the ones hes replying, and im thinking
>"this guy autistically agressively shits on a guy for not understanding some aspect of some film, while giving no indication whatsoever that he himself understood it. maybe if he offered some answer to OPs question, it would be fine for him to shit on OP, but he didnt, and shits anyway, making him the biggest retard here. and now hes all butthurt for some reason. wtf"
This, thank you
right here
the thing i never understood is Woody Harrelson's character telling the office guy that the building was missing a floor, and the office guy is like yeah whatever
does W.H. not know that most building's skip a 13th floor ... does he know and just want to make a dumb joke?
here's the (you) now go away
Even the Coens say otherwise
>Here's a tip
they can say what they about choosing to have him die offscreen, but ultimately the main characters are the sheriff and chigur, which is made more obvious in the book
llewlyn doesn't undergo any change or growth. he is just a vehicle for the plot
No that hit Chigurh at the end
Is No Country a bit overrated or am I just a pleb who needs to watch it with a more clear mind?
Just answer the question, it seems like you don't even know the answer! Maybe you're the dumb one haha!
why was sugar a victim of a car accident in the end
was the movie trying to tell us to make sure you have insurance?
He didn't have no agua.
the same random chance he gives other people (e.g. the coin) comes back on him with a fluke accident
up to that point he seems like a ghost who can't really be touched except when llewlyn got the drop on him. but that was planned and not really up to random chance
do a bunch of retards just discover this movie on Netflix and just make the same fucking thread every other day? enough is enough already! it's ten years old!
user, at what point would you quit botherin' to discuss actual kino?
You keep postin like that and I'mma take you in the back and screw ya
because death is random and unexpected
It's an anti-western.
>bad guy doesn't ride a horse or use a pistol
>no showdown between the sheriff and the outlaw
>"cowboy" hero dies offscreen
>Mexicans get away with the loot
>no resolution
>no stirring musical theme or soundtrack of any kind
t. Introduction to Film as Literature teacher
This was very good, very similar aesthetic and themes. I'm sure they were reading a lot of McCarthy when they made this.
>The Counseler
Isn't this the one that CMcC wrote the screenplay for? Any good?
God he looks like a twig compared to how he is in later movies.
Jim Scarborough'd never carried one; that's the younger Jim.
When there ain't no lobos.
>Truly, this is No Country For Old Men ©
Jesus christ, really?
>Oooo Peee, where didjya get that image?
>At the gettin place.
Chigurh killed his wife right? That's why he checked the bottoms of his shoes when leaving I presume
He stepped on dogshit after saying goodbye.
it's implied that she refuses to guess on his last chance coin flip so he kills her
>Do you have any water, good sir?
i loved his wife's accent in that movie
most southern accents make people sound dumb but i liked hers. it was over the top but cute
>sposadly a cai-oat wont eat a mexican
also Blood Meridian is a sick book
In the book it is stated
The movie implies it by him checking his boots for blood
>be redneck american
>scottish actress has a better accent than yours
>get shot
why the actual fuck did he not have any water?
he had a pair of giant binoculars when he already had the scope on the hunting rifle. what the fuck is that
Finding Nemo is my favourite anti western.
>we dont give out no in-furm-A-shun
why do you think Chigur didnt kill that trailer park lady when he got so agitated by anyone else who would dare annoy him, and killed other innocents at random (hotel clerk)
Binoculars were a higher power.
I think I have pretty high standards, but NCFOM is pretty high up there for films I've seen.
Pretty easily within my top 20 I think, and maybe top 10 for movies in the last 17 years. Its so fucking good.
>are you jackin me?
it is overrated but a 8.5-9/10
but its the desert and its hot out thats dumb user
where would you rate There Will Be Blood, since these movies are joined at the hip due to the timing of their release
If you lurk here often then maybe its overrated, but I would easily rate it the same as that user. 8.5 or 9/10.
It doesn't necessarily have an big philosophic message or any commentary on the medium like Tree of Life, but its pretty much perfect at what it does: a deconstruction of Westerns.
+ its ALSO an extremely effective action / noir / thriller type of movie.
I'd say they're equally as good but in different ways. Kind of funny too since my favorite part of There Will Be Blood is the soundtrack but NCFOM has no music at all.
the soundtrack around the oil rig explosion is extremely memorable
i probably liked No Country more initially as an entertaining interesting chase film, but appreciate TWBB more as a cinematic "epic"
will gladly watch both if i come across them on replay though
Unironically because she stuck by her principals
oh wow, good point. thanks user
>We gotta circulate this, on radio!
>What do we circulate? Looking for a man who has recently drunk milk?
I used to own the exact car he gets t boned in. I was always afraid id get hit and the bone would stick out of my arm
>compared to hhhhwhat, the boo-baunic plague?
This movie was a waste of time
If Llewellyn died and TLJ avenged him as his last act before retiring I would have been fine with the formers death but there's literally no payoff for this entire film
This is obvious he was very cautious about shit, When he was in the park he could hear someone else moving around in the back which could mean a hassle. I don't think he had a gun on him at that point.
>Movies need payoff.
It's based on a book you fucking faggot.
>the annoying ass Sparkle Motion grandmother who ruins the whole thing
so frustrating, but i guess that's the point
I know! what a f@cking waste imagine if it had ended with the sheriff and the bad guy had both died shoting each other while falling into a volcano with ACDC's THUNDERSTORM on the background!!!
I agree that it is dumb, but that doesn't mean it isn't what they were going for
I sent Uncle Mac's thumbbuster and badge over to the Rangers put it in their museum. Your daddy ever tell you how Uncle Mac come to his reward? Gunned down on his own porch over in Hudspeth County. Seven or eight of 'em come up there, all wanting this, wanting that. Uncle Mac went back in the house to get the shotgun. Well, they was ahead of him. Shot him in his doorway. Aunt Ella come out, tried to stop the bleeding. Uncle Mac all the while trying to get that shotgun. They just sat there on their horses, watching him die. After a while, one of 'em said something in Indian and they turned. Left out. Uncle Mac knew the score, even if Aunt Ella didn't. Shot through the left lung.
And that was that... As they say.
Cormac's dialogue is pretty GOAT
it's a shame about The Counselor. just didn't work
> No aqua
The pay off is at the end when the sheriff is giving the big long speech about heaven and his dad that's where the theme is all wrapped up
> to make one small point that isn't present anywhere else in the movie
You must not actually love the movie because you clearly don't understand that the story is meant to transcend traditional views of western style morality. That's the point of Anton Chigurh, his use of the bolt pistol and coin flipping.
One of the few films that can unironically be called kino.
i thought chigur didn't kill him. the mexicans did and sped off but never actually found the full satchel in vent. chigur showed up after and took it no?
Yeah Sugar didn't kill him.
that's the irony, Llewelyn wasn't bested by Chigur in a battle of skill or wits, he was blindsided by something he never even considered or saw coming
what is so stupid about looking too deep into shit like this is that you sound like that one guy who is way too stoned and listening to a song saying how the different parts represent something bigger than just sounding good
feck awff