>We wuz Jedis n shit
>We wuz Jedis n shit
Other urls found in this thread:
Is this dawn of the planet of the apes?
Is the nog going to be in a coma the whole movie after Kylo lightsaber'd him in the spine? If so I might consider watching it
man i was laughing so hard today remembering the first TFA coming out and seeing this. and all the reactions. just holy fuck it is some funny shit. literally shoving this shit in your face. too good
The fact that you made this thread shows that it clearly triggers you that John Boyega is in Star Wars.
It's hilarious desu.
>Stay in a bacta pod throughout the movie
>Dies off screen
>Robot nurse tells Rey that he lost the will to live
These & the Jonah Hill fat memes were the best time on Sup Forums, senpai.
Think again. I could honestly give two shits about Star Wars (I'm not a man-boy, am married w kids), I just think its funny & totally obvious what they're doing with the franchise (strong female lead w dark negro who looks like he's straight off the plantation).
>married w kids
I'm a Sup Forums guy too but Star Wars has always had nogs in it. A black Jedi isn't unbelievable at all. It doesn't feel like MUH DIVERSITY to me. Every race and species has had a jedi and if Finn is force sensitive, he certainly isn't the first. Lando blew up the second Death Star and Mace Windu was the most powerful lightsaber user of all time most likely.
Plus, I like Finn. I thought he was funny and charismatic in The Force Awakens. The movie didn't have many highlights but he (especially with Han) was one of them.
>Black people in my movies make me throw a childish tantrum! REEEEEE
>my wife and her son
Stormfront took over this site when Moot left. It's time for you to go to Reddit cunt.
they did the same thing in this teaser but with rey
How are they shoving anything in your face because he's a nigger? He's not even the first nigger in a Star Wars trailer.
>Disney shills are actually pretending to be from Sup Forums now
This is just pathetic
He was actually the best part of nuwars.
No man just an old ass Star Wars fag. I have trouble not liking the movies.
fucking kek user
Stupid stormfag hes not a Jedi, hes literaly a Janitor in coma.
You must be as pathetic as the dems to feel threatened about this.
>Forever alone basement dwellers
Dude, that nigger is gonna be a Jedi. I also think he might be someone's kid or grandkid from the older films. It would explain why he resisted the brainwashing Stormtroopers of his era were subject to. The fact he made his own decisions and all that shit seem to indicate a resistance to mind control which is a sign of being force sensitive.
Or maybe they're doing a Han type character with him. Not the rugged smuggler thing but the individualist who does what he feels is right regardless of what anyone else thinks. I like that better if he's just a badass and not a space wizard. That's what made Han so fucking cool.
I'd imagine he's related to Lando. I figure Lando went down for blowing up that second Death Star and maybe they took the little ones (grandchildren, I guess) to use once they executed him and the grown men in the family.
Does your wife know you frequent a internet community full of iqlets and the board with the most pedos?
actually saving a shill picture
top kek you dumb saracen
>yfw it is revealed that Finn is the grandson of Mace Windoo and a jedi
>"i-i really showed them"
Actually he isn't. They deliberately mislead us about it in the marketing for the first movie.
Ya'll are missing the most obvious part of this
>The top of the pod looks like a halo
Disney n' Co. are not subtle about foreshadowing/metaphor
Snowflake basically. Bravo, Rian. They sire know their audience now.
Luke will die in TLJ, so it'll just be the nig & the whiite wommen. Screencap this.
>Think again. I could honestly give two shits about Star Wars (I'm not a man-boy, am married w kids), I just think its funny & totally obvious what they're doing with the franchise (strong female lead w dark negro who looks like he's straight off the plantation).
Again, the fact that you should write such a long defensive reply suggests that it DOES indeed bother you.
Why do black people scare you so much? Why are you so afraid?
>They sure know their audience now
Yeah... everyone? Like literally fucking everyone? That seems to be the Star Wars audience.
I'm not wrong though am I. Lemme guess, marriage is dumb, you play vidya & have a shitty job w a shit degree that has no practical purposes, spending your nights alone fapping to trap & cuck threads?
Your generation is terrible & the reason white women fucks Tyrones.
Oh, Sup Forums has a new sticky!!
He's a regular Sup Forums user which makes him a loser. Makes sense he's all paranoid and bordering insanity
>McDonald's sure sells a shitload of hamburgers, they must be good
That's your argument.
Tyrones = black thugs?
Even me and my friends dislike white girls who date ghetto blacks.
My friends are blacks, pharmschool,medschool,engineering student. And for fuck sake shut up alreqdy about affirmative action, there's no A.A in our province, i had to write it because white losers get an existential crisis every time they see a minorities doing better in life than them
No, it's really not. I didn't say anything about the quality of it. I just meant they don't seem to target a specific audience because everyone goes and sees it anyway because it's Star Wars. The Star Wars audience is everyone. That was basically what I said. What's that have to do with being good or quality? Usually something consumed on that level is the opposite of good.
really makes you think
>I'm a Sup Forums guy
>that language
Sure you are, my dear kike friend.
t. actual Sup Forumsack
I don't get the fear.
I grew in in a school with 8ft tall black kids and I never felt threatened. We all just got on. (britfag by the way.) I walk through gangs of black youth every day and they never say shit. It seems like these people have some deep-rooted fear about black people to a point where a fucking guy in a Star Wars movie triggers them into hateposting. They're living in fear ffs.
I don't get it.
Why would anyone pretend to be a Sup Forums loser?
You think too highly of yourself. That's like bathing in filth and piss so you can pretend to be an homeless person who hasn't showered in 7 years,who the fuck would do that?
are you denying shills?
I'll be honest, i never tried to understand them, i simply mock them
They think they are looking down on black people , how fucking ironic. I'm laughing at every Sup Forums user living in his miserable hate-filled echochamber. They all have huge grandeur delusions
>WE WUZZ WHITE NN SUPERIORR,WE WAS VIKANGZ, TESLA, NEWTON,ARCHIMEDE AND THE TOP 0.000000000001% OF THE WHITE RACE. WE WUZ NOT THE OTHER 99.99...999% OF THE WHITE RACE (useless filthy peasants,which includes 100% of our ancestors) WE WUZ ONLY THE TOP 0.00.....01!
They keep talking about their "high IQ" i remember how i looked down on idiots bragging about IQ when i was in high school and pre med. These idiots were always the shittiest and dumbest students trying to compensate for their massive insecurities. They were always the first to drop out and the worst students
Sup Forums is composed of these losers and they try to look down on other haha,how ironic
>I'm enlightened & stuff. My tiny liberal enclave agrees with meeee
>Everyone else is dumb
Still mad, bro?
>he thinks bad of us
>implying we care
You should go outside more often. You're borderline insane if you actually believe that "shill" thing
Mad about? I'm pretty comfy in canada. You're the one that is going to die if trump ever removes your healthcare
So sick of blackwashing.
>he denies shill
you either live in a bubble or are a shill
>pic related
I have more of those
>mfw whitecucks when it turns out Finn and Rey fall for each other at the end
For every black guy that I know who's an absolute prick, I probably know 10 white guys who are even bigger pricks.
Tesla and Archimedes weren't even white, they were Mediterraneans
Lol this was totally made up by a pol loser to make you gullible lunatics fall for his dumb conspiracies haha
Holy shit,i'm actually speaking to paranoid idiots.You'll probably get locked in a psychiatric hospital soon
you write exactly like a shill
>this was made up
rly? why dont you check JIDF webpage?
>You write exactly like a shill
Have fun in the psychiatric hospital. Everyone who doesn't fantasize about sucking trump's cock is a 5 feet tall lizard trying to overtake the white race!
>I'm a Sup Forums guy too
Sup Forums isn't /x/ you idiot. We don't believe in lizards or the Illuminati. Unlike /x/, we actually have proof. Check those webpages
The only unhinged loony here is you.
he looks like space marine terminator with silver halo , are they testing the waters?
Pretty comfy here too desu. Family has state employer provided healthcare that actually pays for stuff. Only degenerates have Obamacare.
You should ask someone who's actually tried to use that trash for normal health stuff how well it goes. But thanks, leafbro.
The majority of trump voters have obama care
Some trump voters are alive only thanks to obama care
You people are fucking pathetic lol
>Muh paint infographs
Fucking gullible fucks . Wtf does that ny time hillary clinton shit have to do with 5 foot tall lizards pretending to be neckbeards online?
Is Sup Forums the new reddit board?
>Still thinks kike ran media & entertainment isn't pushing an agenda
Bless your heart
what the fuck does /x/ have to do with this, idiot? Also everything Sup Forums says has sources. Their infographic always have sources, as they are just a compilation of news, screencaps from websites, etc.
But what the fuck. This idiot just doesn't want to listen, we give him the source and he will just not look at it, while screaming "muh Sup Forums believes is /x/!!!"
>The company Google & Facebook is using for their fact checking
Its all a coincidence, right guise??
>WTF, I hate sources & stats now. REEEEEEE
holy shit you guys are gay and retarded. we dont want niggers in everything everywhere cause we arent niggers
Literally an r/the_donald outpost
>yes goyim! kikes won't do anything to whites!!!
>I'm a Sup Forums guy too
mediterraneans are white (caucasian). Also Tesla was slavic (white too)
High IQ doesn't matter if you don't study
holy shit, I really hate political correctness but people in pol are fucking braindead
>pol is one person
Also that was a leaf, they always make really shitty posts. See pic related
This is now a red pill thread
>"Sup Forums" guy
>not Sup Forumsack
Found they (((disney))) shill.
Fuck off Reddit
no one likes reddit
thats the path of the red pill
But user
You are the Reddit
>I'm a Sup Forums guy too
Yeah I know what you mean, I'm Sup Forums as fuck.
I feel like they're trying to make some kind of statement with these close up shots of Boyegas face. Perhaps to normalise his appearance?
I felt pretty uncomfortable when they did in TFA and it seems they're going for that angle again.
But why?
he's ugly
>implying I like t_d
Sup Forums hates t_d more than any leftist will ever do
Sucks your board got turned into a shitheap there sport
>Can't debate nor deny
You guys are shitty at this.
Were you even around for when Sup Forums was libertarian?
>mace windu was the most powerful lightsaber fighter of possibly all time
>I'm a Sup Forumsgoy too
shills, always shills
QUESTION fellow keksters, friends, anons, and redpilled gentlemen.
Do you think a 3/10 or above white woman would prefer John Boyega....or you?
Finn was a Sanitation Trooper
Finn was the sidekick of VII
Finn is at best Chewbacca at worst Jar Jar
hello fellow racists, i know we hate black people but have you ever thought that maybe race mixing is orangepilled? haha, ok see ya around guys, and remember A FUCKING TREE ahhahah only true poles understand that rare pepe amiright? :>
>triggered by a BBC in your capeshit
don't get mad just accept your place
>unconcious black guy being lazy, not doing anything
>surrounded by white, which is keeping him alive and moving him forward
What does this mean?