rate my drawing Sup Forums
Rate my drawing Sup Forums
Nice, what's it based on?
is she even Sup Forums related?
Federal watchlist/10
>is she even Sup Forums related?
girl seems about 11
(You) do the math
>Federal watchlist
shit out of 10 trace harder
I'm fucking done with this board. This faggot is obviously behind 7 layers of indirection and thus will continue to post pedo images and BLACKED porn until the day his NEET bucks run out or Mom clips the internet access off.
What app?
I guess it's working, OP.
>You will never slide those little shorts off. :-(
Do you draw exclusively cunny?
little normie got angry?
Im gonna fucking find david just you wait
Most of those girls are 18 now.
Yep he even """drew""" some candydoll
Delete this before I make you delete it
>tfw you realize everything is possible!
time destroys everything.
I don't know how.
>Every single one of pics sheswearing socks
What a little tease
kek. candydoll is cute, perfectly legal, vainilla gravure
you make it sound like hardcore snuff, or something
Why can't I find hoverboard girl anymore?
is anybody reporting this?
Why would you report this?
who is she?
Why are you so violent?
>le pedobot boogeyman
You can see it's a hey mister thread from the thumbnail, do you think roleplaying a hothead discourages anyone?
This board is hanging on by thread and honestly we should be thankful for anything that spices up the Star Wars pablum.
Until the new season of Stranger Things come out and it's acceptable to want fuck kids again.
Um because i dont like it
How could you not like this?
who doesn't like little cute girls?
are you a mysanthropic psycho?
Pls respond
>Until the new season of Stranger Things come out and it's acceptable to want fuck kids again.
>not being a mysanthropic psycho
I want reddit to leave.
looks nothing like daria. are you faceblind?
I wasn't answering, I'm the same person trying to drawing attention to my post
Are the rumors true
are you an agent :^)
(((((((They))))))) moved it to the private servers
rate my drawing OP
I'm John. Who are you?
no idea, but i'm pretty sure they can help you at waifuist on eight chan
Draw me, now.
Her eyes haunt me
>thread still up
What did sange mean by this?
I like the shading on the feet
Cunny 'the normalfag terminator' bot.
the hero we need, not the one we deserve
What cucked ass federal watchlist protects drawings? Some shitty europoor one or canada
It got deleted
You can go back toleredit
Her body casts no shadow on the flor, it makes look like she is floating. It is a small detail, but it would really improve the drawing
>tfw i'm fapping to girls the same age as my daughter during holy week
just fucking kill me lads. i don't want to be this monster ;_;
It occurred to be that there is a shacow, but you made it too blurry, I believe that a more well defined shadow would be better for ths case. In fact, the whole background is too blurry, it creates a unsettling contrast with the much more well defined lines and colors of the girl.
why fap when you can have the real thing?
It's an app.
which one?
Now I'm currious about why a machine would decide to make the background so blurry, or how does it even know it is the background
>denying your daughter your daddylove and jerking it to little girls you don't even know instead
Reported, you fucking monster.
>or how does it even know it is the background
It was programmed that way? It's not sky magic.
>how does it even know it is the background
Algorithms son.
And fuck up your relationship with your daughter forever, ruin your marriage, and end up in a criminal database. Good advice you fucking faggot.
>marry daughter
wow you sure are fucking stupid
It's no app it's a guy on instagram that traces these images and reposts them