Damn right. Leave her alone, creeps. She's mine.
Damn right. Leave her alone, creeps. She's mine
Can we just kill and dismember any fuckhead who uses the word 'thirsty' outside it's original definition? Grow the fuck up.
"words" from youths will never end. what "word" did you used to say?
>middle age white man using slang created by high school black kids
Celebrities only accept prom proposals from non-whites.
If she accepted then that would eventually lead to hundreds of these retarded proposals for every actor and actress for prom
Why are middle-aged nobodies so prone to become numales?
those teens you didnt get along with when you were a teen. you still wont get along with them when they age past a teen.
>Beautiful people shouldn't have to deal with ugly people
lol he's whiteknighting an actress who will never give in with him regardless of "thirst" that writer is thirsty af
why does thirsty mean horny???
are you thirsty for some sexual related liquids??? thats kinda gross to be honest
>inb4 someone calls me a virgin for not wanting pussy liquids in my mouth
When someone says something is cool do they mean it's cool to the touch? That doesn't even make any sense because I hear people say it about intangible things
>inb4 someone calls me an autistic for taking slang literally
Another word that has lost all meaning thanks to SJWs.
Jay Willis: the white knight to white knight then all.
m8 why would a grown ass woman go to a high school prom? That's creepy and no one who isn't a celebrity would be expected to accept to be a fucking teenager's date.
The writer is right, he's just a faggot.
What the fuck is that kike's problem? He's just a kid you dumb fucking sjw moron
FUCK him
Sad to see how far they've fallen. What kind of "man" would even read this shit at this point?
Making a video in which you ask a celebrity to go to prom with you is one of the most cringeworthy things you can do. I'm surprised there aren't a lot of notoriously cringeworthy ones.
A modern man who cares about social justice and is secure in his sexuality.
probably an origin of the term "cool" though. it just doesnt come out of no where.
t. thirsty beta
Yes she should you insufferable fag.
God, GQ has become the biggest fucking SJW magazine of late.
You sound thirsty.