>all the money in the world
>spend 500m on two players
>lose again
>team is still shit
>be colour shit
thanks mr shitskin sheik
>all the money in the world
>spend 500m on two players
>lose again
>team is still shit
>be colour shit
thanks mr shitskin sheik
Why did Nerman think this was a good move? His only motivation is CL and he can be knocked out of it by February every year if drawn against Madrid/Barca/Bayern. PSG are too beta to actually take on tier 1 teams.
Makes me really happy to see PSG lose, now just need man city to do the same
either nerman bought his own hype and thought he would be able to carry those shitters to a final
or he knows he's a fraud and is simply riding the money train until everybody realises he's a gervinho without alopecia
bring Pep to PSG for a year and let him win the CL, Emery simply isn't cut out to be a manager of an elite team. He should've remained in Sevilla.
he wanted to go to halal but didn't want to go there directly from barcelona. I doubt he ever planned to stay at PSG for more than a year or two.
like you say, PSG are beta, and so will let him go, whereas someone like juve or buyern might've fought harder
>he wanted to go to halal
nah, he wanted more money
He could retire by now and still be rich af for like 4 gens
just remembered the sheik gave nerman and his father an hotel (in qatar I guess) as part of his wages
lmao what a ruin , a fool and his money
He was rich at Barcelona too
What did Manchester Emirates do right that Qatar Saint Germain didn't?
Hired a good manager
why is P$G too beta
is it the soy from bagguets
not even half as rich
thay have better competition, in france every single league match is a friendly match
>is it the soy from bagguets
psg spend the whole season playing against amateurs, then they can't handle the big boys
Also this
Mbappé was a good move but nerman was stupid, should have invested in defenders and GK (even if he surprisingly did well yesterday).
Emery isn't suited to deal with primadonna stars, Conte will probably take over if Chelsea let him go, or Simeone (but he wants full control over transfer).
3-1 isn't a big deal tho. Beating Halal 2-0 at home is nowhere impossible
He would still be able to never work as long as he lives while being able to own a private plane and shit. I still believe he left to not be a part of "Messi and the rest".
>cuckfonso still mad that he steal nerman from your small club
>he left to not be a part of "Messi and the rest"
then why did he ask barcelona to match psg wages to stay? He would have gone to an eplel team if he wanted a real challenge to 'step out of messi's shadow' and not a golden retirement
lmao keep the delusions Ahmed
>implying Real won't score one
>mexishit halalfag comes out of the cave after months hiding in shame
>get uefalonad
>buy nerman
>get halald
>spanish threat levels raised
you're the one who has been hiding dumb faggot moor stay mad tho
>no where to be seen during the match
>he thinks I'm al fonso
lmao faggot I'm the one that triggers you with the pic of a mexifag with a beer, not alfonso
why you post a photo of your uncle m8?
>8 seconds
that's not my uncle, he's my gardener, but I understand the confusion since that's how uncles look in your country lol
so you are in love with him so much that you always post him here?
lmao no wonder you faggots get beat so much by la Guardia Civil
>triggered again by le mexishit with a beer pic
haha never fails, told you earlier
tbf I would be mad too if >>>>>>my team replaced nerman with dumbele lol of course I would hate the sheik
stay mad tho RM is going to the next round and farca has Chelsea to deal with
> Bayern
Lol, Bayern is the equivalent of PSG: Dominates its shitty league but have no chance against the actually big clubs from EPL and PD.
>RM is going to the next round
sweetie you are getting wrecked in paris worse than against fuenlabrada
if RM scores one goal its ogre
You guys are full of shit. Qatar guy is the smartest businessman in football. Here is what the deal really implies:
>buy nerman at phenomenal 200mil
>raises the standard price of players by literally double
>hype nerman as one of the greatest players when he is so-so
>two chances in 2 years to win cl as a shitter team from france.
>if win, insta become france's pride, icon
>if lose, realistically the merchandise that psg will sell would cover the 200mil loss
>actually make cavani and mbappe look godlike as well so more sales
>all this working as we compare them to literally real madrid and barcelona
Here is the punch faggots:
>2 years later
>cl or no cl title who cares
>ronaldo retiring, halal is looking for new icon
>sell nerman to real for 300 mil
>profit not 50mil but 100mil because they raised the standard to 200mil for the best player, instead of 120mil or something
>also profited 2 years of sales of merchandise and advertisement
It is an absolutely genius play, all you short sighted can't see how much profit is coming in, both cash and reputation.
Txiki Begiristain joined City in 2012. They prepped Guardiola's move for years.
>if lose, realistically the merchandise that psg will sell would cover the 200mil loss
dumb leafposter
>buy overhyped shit past his prime
>lose any important competitions
>can't sell him 2 years later because he's shit and has huge wages
a genius plan
>people still unironically rated Neymar
Go back to mongolia. Even tho he is shit, neymar's brand is insane.
>buy overhyped shit past his prime
can't disagree. he is overhyped.
>lose any important competitions
who gives a fuck. psg is way more relevant than it was a year ago. profit in the long term.
>can't sell him 2 years later because he's shit and has huge wages
I know one club who wants him. the media is already preparing us for a transfer to real madrid next summer. Look at the trend, are you that dumb. Real madrid needs a brand, and it sure isn't butterface kane who will replace ronaldo.
madrid wants neymar now, the sheik won't allow it
in two years nobody will want neymar and his wages and ego and problems, he'll be the new robinho, old and past it while new young players like mbappe will come up every season
he's not worth it anymore
No one knows who robinho is. Neymar has that brand going with him, that is what makes him unique, not that he is good (as i said, he is ok). Real likes cristiano not because he is goat (he is not, a lot of stadpadding), but because he has a good face and a flashy personality. It sells especially if you are in real madrid. Ozil and di maria got kicked out because they weren't marketable, and they were arguably two of the best midfielders of real in recent years. My point is that, it doesn't matter if he is good or not, just if he is marketable. Nerman is absolutely worth his price, especially if he does well in world cup this year. Real will milk him until he is 34 like ronaldo, that is 7 more years before buying the next big guy.
mbappe fits real madrid well but no one knows him well (as in general public). He needs to do well in the world cup before real jumps on him.
I understand the idea but the main difference is ronaldo is a much better goal scorer than neymar, reason why the same marketing tactic used with him won't work with neymar, he's not as reliable and won't be able to deliver long term
>falling for the merchandise shirt meme
Yeah I'm sure a club like PSG can sell more than 220.000 shirts just to cover Neymar's price, that's excluding his wages and literally everyone other player on the team.
>shirt sales
I swear this canadian guy puts american retardation to shame
Signing Mbappe was great, signing Neymar was dumb. Should have gotten a real manager, a defense and a goalkeeper for that price
mbappe looks top class, lots of power and potential, much more impressive and intimidating than neymar
>sign young talent to develop into your system
>hire a competent manager
>don't sign any divas
>managers decision is final
>invest heavily across the entire team
>play in a good league so have plenty of practice against strong attacks and defences
>sign two attackers for 300m
>ignore midfield and defense
>sign incompetent manager
>sign diva players who run the dressing room and call all the shots
>thrash francois the baker each weekend 8-0 and get caught out
Thought Marquinhos was pretty flawless last night.
haha nice face faggot