Will it be Norway, Sweden or a complete surprise?
Will it be Norway, Sweden or a complete surprise?
For me it's Charlotte Kalla and Ebba Andersson for a surprise bronze.
You know what time it is
cheering for ebba here
I wouldn't be sad if she got silver or bronze tbf
Thank you for your support.
The other norwegians beside Björgen didn't look too impressive in the Skiathlon. Was that because of a smörebom or might there be something more troubeling causing it?
Any Russians with a shot? And what that good Swiss skiier’s name?
Stina today?
i think weng and oestberg might be overskied. but was surprised by haga. hope it was just nerves and that she'll be back today. she seems like a nice person
use this thread and let the other be burger bait?
>Any Russians with a shot?
>And what that good Swiss skiier’s name?
Von Siebenthal?
i think she is resting?
This -->
Okay. That has got to suck, missing taiming your peak for the olympics.
Will be interesting to see what Haga can do though
i'm glad. she should save her form for the relay and team sprint where she has gold medal chance. do you think ebba or kalla will ski the classic leg? ingemarsdotter is probably skiing first leg and stina last...
based ebba
i'm a little worried jessie's skiing too many races and is going to be worn out desu. imo team sprint with caldwell is her best chance. i think relay will be difficult for usa, given a weak number 4
Sweden was nice to me when I visited, Norway was very indifferent. I hope you win Sweden. Whatever it is.
I agree. This event and relay will be difficult, but in team sprint they could possibly win the entire thing
Yeah, exactly. No reason for Stina to go when Kalla and Ebba both have good shots at medals, and perhaps even Falk in an ideal world.
I'm not sure how good Ebba is in classic. I would guess that Ebba will get it though, and get order to "just hang on". So that Kalla can try to open a gap for Stina.
Thank you :)
Would you not have made a thread with a title identifying what even you're talking about at least? Autistic
If I were Sweden i would put Kalla on 2nd and Ebba on 3rd tbqh
haga a cute :)
on paper kalla doing classic would be better than emma. but tactically its better to have kalla on 3rd as so far ebba is not as proven in breaking away
Oops, sorry. I must have written in in the wrong place. Didn't notice it until now.
Should we make a new thread since many might fail to see this one?
are we migrating to the other thread as it has a title?
We'll just have to wait and see. I will have good hopes either way tbf