could someone give me some fucked up shit to post to my friend?
pretty pls
Could someone give me some fucked up shit to post to my friend?
asks for fucked up shit, when there is a perfectly good rekt thread
You could just learn how to lurk instead.
2 minutes it would take at max to find some fucked shit on Sup Forums but you cant be arsed to do anything you lazy pathetic cunt.
Now go mate with bleach.
sorry for tardiness but i can't find such a thread
Whoo thinks was him...!?!
what did you expect?
Not spoonfeeding someone that clearly is to lazy to learn the site he is asking to get babied on.
i have lurked for a long while but not on Sup Forums, and i don't wish to stay in this mess for a long time
he said fucked up not delicious
Well then you worthless fuck, it works like all other boards, but you still just asked like a lazy faggot.
you clearly haven't found the catalog feature, ctrl f and the search function. Best to fuck off back to your daycare.
yes, but i don't wanna filter through a metric tonne of porn, which isn't omnipresent in all boards
i seached
you did not
You are so god damn fucking new to the world it hurts. You barely know shit about anything Sup Forums obviously, lurk more or preferably just an hero.
Wolf cola is best cola
well then sorry lad i'm actually retarded
we know
From shame we learn, you just became a little bit older in Sup Forums days.
Imagine the feet on that fuckin cutie