Drawthread: drawing edition
Drawthread: drawing edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Requesting blue haired long tongue girls
Requesting my OC wearing an edgy tshirt
Requesting a comic of this dormouse girl, entirely nude and hypnotized, coerced into getting fucked and eaten alive by a giant snake.
>She's riding the snake's dick cowgirl style, the snake cumming inside her
>The snake is coils up around her legs; its mouth open ready to swallow her head first
>Her head is inside the snake's mouth as the snake continues to swallow her
>The majority of her body is now inside the snake, only her feet are sticking out of his mouth
>The snake now has a bulging belly from where he swallowed her
>Same as last pic, except it's an x-ray view that shows her inside the stomach
>A 2-day later pic showing the snake with a slightly less bulging belly
>A week later pic showing the snake back to normal, no bulging belly, and with her remains shit out
Snake vore references: imgbox.com
Requesting Ichirin Kumoi getting knotted and impregnated by wolf or wolf monster guy
There's nobody even here to draw anything except me
Cool, here's a request then. And remember, fappable deliveries only
Only 3 people and 1 artist
could you lift your leg as high as you can ?
Oh I don't draw for anons anymore
Not me, bud. Try again
Obviously you do. Else you wouldn't be here. You may not take requests, but you draw here for our personal pleasure, for our entertainment
Requesting Hyp getting a big titty anime woman pregnant
Fuck off
>Not me, bud. Try again
Requesting Franz from Fire Emblem tied up, stripped down, and roughed up.
you mispelled attention a few times
i need a new oc
sure, gonna take a bit
Not sure what you're getting at, friendo
Ugh I'm soooooo bored
Wish there were better requests
Fuck off
Requesting these 3 girls from Fairly Odd Parents totally naked and introducing cookie crumbs into their pussies.
Da pussy looks swol
I require lewding
I would like Luna to have anal sex with Clyde.
Ugh, like super lame cringy and boring
I missed the bb lewd last thread, did anybody save it?
Lol omg cringy af
he didn't draw a lewd, he would never do it
draw our fucking requests already
Requesting Gardevoir being applied mascara exactly like the left reference.
I asked popopoka to do it not bb
No u
Fucking avatarfags
and i'm telling you, i would never draw lewds of the poor boy
It was dead and threads 404d before they showed up today
Requesting lewds of Faysalina Valentine
Is your pp in his butt?
You should be grateful to be in our presence, loser
Requests? won't bail like the rest of these tards
Draw a greedy nigger
For your consideration:
And for yours as well:
Money well spent.
And artistic skills well used.
Requesting lewds of Pitou from Hunter x Hunter
Awww yeah he's digging though his leyla folder
And we musn't forget about you either. A request for you, mon petit cherie
Wow a good request.
Not gonna do it.
Aye, do this one then:
"I'd rather be infamous and annoying than irrelevant" - everyone in the drawthread
Why isnt this on the banner instead of the autistic cringe they put on.
Even you as an user decided you had to pipe up and give your two cents, you fit in
>Unironically sperging at requests
Requesting a threeway between K.O (man with the red brand on his head), Fink (Green girl in white), and Dendy (Green girl in yellow).
That looks like something i would redraw solely because Lv 2 is fucking disgusting, even worse than Lv 3 regular furries.
>it literally said everyone in the drawthread
Ok virgin
Hey popo, if you're ok with it, can you please try the manta girl again?
Requesting these two elf twinks fucking just like the Camp Buddy boys in the rightmost pic. The sword elf is fucking the dancer elf.
>"Why yes, I'm a loli vore enthusiast. How could you tell?"
Requesting a drawing of this except saying "finally some good fucking requests"
Requesting a conjoinment of a female anthro Gothitelle and a female anthro Tsareena like in the reference on the left, the torso would be that of Gothitelle and the hips and legs would be the ones of Tsareena. Optional: The body proportions of their fused form to be like the ones in the reference on the right.
Conjoinfag is also a pokefag
Requesting brainlet jotaro kujo
Draw it yourself you lazy "it only counts as 1 character" lookin ass mother fucker
the body was a bit hard to draw, so i made it like that :D
terrible, draw more requests that aren't shit
You forgot one, user:
Requesting Jean grey fucking Young Cable
This one seems harder give me a sec.
Big kek, thanks popo
Popo, may I please see a Japanese school girl unexpectedly sprouting a cute pp?
requesting her reading a book
nonono, he's just sick i'm carrying him to his room :D
sori im workingb on the otgter fsthing abn,d irdr
didnt come out how I wanted it to
h m m m
sori, i just reposted the drawing from earlier, i'm no longer drawing in thread D:
requesting her caressing an user in a lewd way
oh ok, no worries
It still counts, saved!
Ok cool
Getting into animation, give me some good ideas of what/who to change the ball into, nothing too fancy.