Abuse of Power

Abuse of Power.
Obstruction of Congress.

It's Over.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Abuse of Power.
>Obstruction of Congress.
>It's Over.

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5 more years of your screeching to go.

Attached: !cryingloserliberal2019.jpg (589x588, 87K)

Yes on the first two.
Not sure about the third.
Less than 2% chance on the last.

Improper Standing.

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And yet you will cry for another 4 years.

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So are you LARPING the fat lady, singing?

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This can't be happening! he was in charge there!

>5 more years of your screeching to go.

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that's how alphas stand, young man

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why do these facebook group may mays have such terrible resolution? i bet some boomer made this.
fuckin cringe

four more years of crying

It aint libtard. Go cry somewhere else, cuck.

you mean ladies who aren't used to high heels (aka elevator shoes)

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Prove your not a dumb cuck libtard who listens to everything CNN tells you and say something nice about guy

literally perfect posture

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fucker stands like a centaur without its hind legs

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lol...he's using fake shoes to make himself look taller.

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McConnel should be in the front. He's gonna be calling the shots, doing the brunt of the work. I think.

>It aint libtard.

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the combination of fat gut hanging out the front and lift shis with a hidden heel will do that to ya

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Seeking a judicial remedy is not obstruction.
Impeaching someone for taking you to court is as asinine as the rest of the articles.
Guess that's why it's the democrat mascot I guess.
HeeHaw away, it will do you no good

>Abuse of Power.
>Obstruction of Congress.
No. "Treason" is a huge stretch.

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After trumps visit with Russians in the white house, he gave them Top Secret Intel that outed a CIA asett inside Putin's inner circle. The CIA was forced to quickly extract this person and put them into hiding here in the states.


Attached: treason.jpg (576x402, 76K)

Imagine being a buttblasted liberal cucked so much by things out of your control.

Being an emotionally dysregulated gender dysphoric autistically screeching self-loathing libtard bending the knee (and over) for his mentally ill lqbtqp overlords is no way to go through life.
Remember that feeling you had, the night she lost?
That sick feeling of shame and helplessness, like some indefinable part of you had been raped?
That feeling of despair?
That the world had just flipped, turned upside down?
That evil had triumphed over good?


Well, get ready for a second dose come November 2020. Because there will be no impeachment. And no amount of shilling on social media is going to save you faggots.


It's like trump raped your mom, set your fucking house on fire and ripped your nuts from your crotch and is wearing them publicly. That's the level of fucking assblast you people exhibit for him.

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It blows my mind people like you are so retarded

Watch some protests. Dipshit libtards think they'll get Hillary if Trump is impeached.

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>After trumps visit with Russians in the white house, he gave them Top Secret Intel that outed a CIA [asset] inside Putin's inner circle. The CIA was forced to quickly extract this person and put them into hiding here in the states.

The problem with calling this treason is the matter of intent. Trump wasn't consciously trying to undermine our government; he was being a buffoon who wasn't smart enough realize the consequences of his words.

Clearly, someone this incompetent should be removed from the presidency, but I still say the "treason" label doesn't quite fit.

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Linking to a news channel that pushed russiagate for almost 3 years.


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Kanye 2024 with Candace as VP on the GOP ticket.

Let the screeching continue.

>Linking to a news channel that pushed russiagate for almost 3 years.
Makes lots of sense.

Screeching for 5 more years. Your tears are delicious.

is this fucking real lmao


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No. Trumps reelection is going to really make you upset.

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>not denying cuck

I would let mommy Melania do anything to me.

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what the fuck hahahahaha

It's the corset.

got themselves in to a bit of a hole

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If Trump is your definition of alpha then you set the bar so fucking low.

this kids case against the Washington Post was overturned and brought back into the system by the same judge who threw it out in the first place. imagine spending your whole life working towards having the bench in a US court, you get it, you see all the niggers and filth coming through the system for years and years on end, yet you remain a left leaning cuck inside. then get btfo worse than anyone ever has by a 16 year old kid from Kentucky with a jacked up grill and a goofy smile all because he was wearing a red hat and grinning in some con artists face. your entire life's work, all down the drain when the higher ups tell you to put your tail between your legs and overturn your already overturned decision to throw his case out. imagine how that must feel

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here, sharpied in the rest

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"Obstruction of congress"

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how mad are you every single day because of this dude? LMFAO

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He's in love with Trudeau. That leaning-in body language.


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Yup that pretty much sums them up

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you'll get him this time

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>Seeking a judicial remedy is not obstruction.
Not complying to lawful, constitutions authority is.
>Impeaching someone for taking you to court
That is not why he is being impeached.

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Don't like what you hear? Attack the source.
You guys are just so transparent.

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Stormy Daniels described trumps penis as the mushroom character from mario kart. Any pussy he got was either because he paid for it or raped it.

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Uhh what part of co-equal don't you understand?
That is why you take things to the Judicial to get a ruling.

LOL drumpf is finished FTFY

you realize it was all an inquiry, correct? none of what you have seen is even real. it's not even a real thing, and you parrot it daily on Chinese anime boards
time for reality to set in, again. stormy daniels is a professional whore. the week after she made that allegation, she was busted sucking dick in a strip club somewhere in rural Ohio. I'm not even kidding. do you even consider the source of your information? you can fact check this one, dicklet.

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Are you really that stupid?


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Trump is a fucking manlet. He claims to be 6'2 or 6'3"

Here's a picture of him standing next to Comey who's 6'8". Comey is basically a head taller than him. Trump is probably like 5'9" or so.

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Yeahh..Elon Musky..you was all time..

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