>can't watch the Olympics because our public broadcaster didn't buy the rights
>can't watch the Olympics because our public broadcaster didn't buy the rights
The budget for that was allocated to helping refugees find Swedish girlfriends
They did the same exact thing here. Literal third most watched channel bought it. Commercials all the time. Fucking capitalist dogs. I hope NRK will get it back
trust a burger to needlessly interject politics into everything
That's not true. They don't wanna inject real political action into the guns that kill hundreds of school kids
I sure do. Not being able to carry my pistol on campus is unacceptable.
>can you watch the olympics on TV
>Sweden No
>Record buys the rights to show the Winter Olympics
>proceeds to do a pretty good coverage for free TV
>Globo bought back the rights to the Winter Olympics
>proceeds to not show shit
T-thanks, Globo
weren't they too busy showing the parade anyway?
>go on BBC to watch a replay of something
>get spoiled straight away
Honestly fuck this retarded schedule.
Wtf does a month's dplay subscription cost, 79kr? How poor are you?
I'm a NEET
>paying for dplay
Wish Viasat would've bought this shit. At least Viaplay doesn't crash every ten minutes.
>public money spent for niggers and arabs instead for celebrating sports and its national pride
how progressive and enlighted
Principles bro
no eurosport in Swedistan?
>tfw can choose between two Eurosport channels, the Dutch state broadcaster, the Belgian and German channel for the olympics
don't you get govbux? how many govbux a month do you get being a NEET?
Eurosport is not a free channel
try live stream nhk
Some people in Germany neither, also you have to pay here if you want to see private channels in hd
>golden age of the pirate stream
heh nothing personnel kid
>American banter
Always weak af
makes me sick
they probably get tax cuts for broadcasting it too
i don't have a TV so I had to buy a monthly subscription
joke's on them though, after my free first month my card is expired
>Public broadcaster
>tax cuts
Public broadcasters don’t pay taxes dummy. It’s inthe name, “public”, you see.
it's a private corporation, the Discovery Network.
Though our public broadcaster does pay taxes even though it receives funding from the government. In the same way, neetbux are taxed.
You don't get a month free trial?
How's your bull
>Americans obsessed with cuckolding and refugees
nothing new here, it's like one of the most watched category in your country. Sad! Swedes are better than you.
I thought Yuropoors got everything for free
they pay your rent and give you existential minimum its like 6000 sek ( like 800 dollars )
>le american Sup Forumsedditor fais
How do you become a Swedish leech?
Shouldn't have wasted that money on migrants
just need to say, you have no parents to help you and that you have no place to live alt, need to say that your parents want rent from you or they will kick you out.
Privatize NRK
>what are streams
>cbc gets rights to the olympics
>allows the two bigger sport networks to show events as well
>also have fantastic streams
One of the few good things CBC uses my tax dollars on
literally came here to post this
why are people so stupid on the internet in >current year that they can't find reliable streams
Do they never cut you off?
This. We do it right. And hours and hours of live coverage with much highlights.
Does this makeup for the fact Canada is a shithole
""""""""""""""best""""""""""""""" countries in the world
At least it's not a shoothole.
can i illegally immigrate there and permasquat and still get neetbux
not if u dont find a job... :)
>all these triggered yuropoors
You did good, kid
BBC has been suprisingly good this year, all the things getting filmed you can stream and they havent really forced in any backstory or sjw bullshit like they often do
Once again...
America - 1
Yurocuckaloos - 0
Stay fresh, Ameribro.
you have to be 18 to post on this site
Embarrassing, tbqh. Stop trying so hard to fit in.
Triggered Euros everywhere lel
Good post senpai don’t listen to those buttmad foreign cucks
>mfw my cellphone subscriber bought the rights
>I get full free streaming through a cellphone app which I connect to my TV
Comfy as fuck
Holy shit your country is literally as bad as even jokes it is. No wonder the EU is falling apart and you're being overrun by Muslims.
Kekt and rekt
>55% 'white'
Here Discovery only bought the rights for our men's hockey team's matches because they're obviously the most watched event of the games. Their production is an absolute joke, forcing cringy comedians on the screen and appealing to the lowest common denominator. Pirate streams it is boys.
Does any European country broadcast the Olympics outside (((Eurosport)))?
sweden is barely even european
they go to italy or something and say they are finally going to europe
SporTV has two channels more or less showing every event live, but if you don't have it, I think globo only shows the Olympics during that 0am to 5am timeslot because they have nothing better to show there anyway.
we have NBC which is pure ass on TV.
A commercial every 5 minutes, a commercial DURING an event (especially during a long event like biathlon), and they cut away from events when an American is not participating in that minute. For example during snowboarding they showed Shaun White and then 15 minutes of random stories, then casually went back to snowboarding, while we all missed the japanese and australian runs. They also won't show a live event like Mogul or anything where an American is not dominating. I wanted to watch Hockey last night and they spent the night talking about Michaela Shiffrin going down a hill for 2 minutes. Just fuck off NBC.
Their online coverage is fine though since we can select to watch the live events uninterrupted.
Is it at least free?
hmm how do I pirate 4K/1080p replays from stream though
Wow, Sweden sounds like NEET paradise.
It is. They made it too essy for their white males to becoming lanky shutins and give up on society, so now rapefugees are filling their place.
Fuck the Samsung S8, the keyboard letters are too small.
You know it’s true because they are getting so ass devastated by this post.
This is why you lost to emus
>Supporting MTG
MTG is literally everything that is wrong with television.
You need a cable subscription. But the online live feed is so comfy since it barely pass commercials and most importantly few/none commentary
you wrotte it like idiot but social care is taxes drain especially seeing how much germany pays for all they need so in the end you might have a little bit of truth
Absolutely horrendous banter. Kill yourself, inbred Sup Forumstard.
Based 'pede
>you wrote it like idiot
Is this some kind of meta trolling?
what happend to zdf and das erste? i always switch the receiver to astra in the period of world cup to watch it for free
I bet this swedish soyboy buys videogames and goes to the cinema instead of pirating too, no wonder sw*dish women prefer big african MAN vs sw*dish pseudo-boy
good post
The ideal trap/tranny
And yet you can't even go to school without being killed
It's a disgrace. It's a f*cking disgrace
TV5 HD also stopped working on my tv. I feel that they stopped it as people wouldn't pay to watch the matches in HD on Eurosport
All the yuro/leftshits kneejerk "muh/pol/" at this comment but won't look at Sweden's budget and realize it's probably not far from the truth
That's because the Olympics are for women sweetie. You're watching women's programming. NBC doesn't give a fuck what you think.
Do you watch The View and get mad at the lack of bro culture on the show too?
this is great
>not having cable so you can get the NBC cable channels on TV
>not having access to the stream with very little commercial interruption.
Go be a poorfag somewhere else. I actually had to live with the shit offering that was Vancouver 2010 and this is an improvement from that. NBC on regular TV is serving people who aren't internet savvy and like the fluff pieces (which Boomer men and women like).
Only real fault that the steams are like 5-10 seconds too slow but might be unavoidable.
So fr*cking epic!!
American rangeban when
> this conversation was held in Swedish because Finns are forced to learn it
watch CBC like everyone else, ffs
"gun" and "university" just don't g together for me, somehow.
you must be watching another bbc because the coverage has been shit