So I took acid for the first time like over an hour ago. it's properly kicking in now. I left the rave...

So I took acid for the first time like over an hour ago. it's properly kicking in now. I left the rave, im home now all comfy.

How fucked am i?

What movies should I watch

Other urls found in this thread:

Watch Wizards. Or any Ralph Bakshi really. I've seen wizards like 4 or 5 times on acid alone. Including my first time. Super comfy. Enjoy.

You're in for a ride - Remember, it's just a ride.
If I were you I'd go to /wsg/
Last time I did acid I didn't have the attention span to watch anything over 5 minutes in length.
Listen to some good jams.
Please use headphones as people on acid are prone to turning the volume up to 11 and it might bother the people around you.

Watch The Final Programme.

Go out into nature in clothes that suit the weather, unless it's dark, then kick it at home.
Don't worry about finding things to do.

Wizards.. like wizards of oz?? from the 40s?

yeah im good with that stuff, I've done shrooms a good number of times. It just sucks im in a room and not out in the wild in the sun.

yeah im in london, it's 5am, not gonna leave

i watched some tame impala music videos but am still bored/preoccupied

Sounds cliche but Fear and Loathing is amazing while on acid.

watch this and get ready for a great time.

in the mouth of madness

ignore very post but mine

I hope this isn't you meming.

I'm dangerously low on irony right now bros

this playlist fucking blows ugh

so were they aliens or native deepsea life that just evolved?

I was watching this a few days ago and all I could think of was: "I wish I was high on LSD right now"

the movie is great until the aliums make the water snake. the ending sucked too.

ayyy lmaos


fuck man now im just watching Venture Bros

i feel like im wasting this high but i love VBros

sounds like you took a really low dose

mushrooms > acid

done shrooms a bunch, i know what im in for in general

i was told this was a 150 microrgam hit, dunno if that's low or not


hahaha i know better than to watch lynch in this state

pretty low but you never really know and low dosage trips can be more enjoyable sometimes

enjoy !

I couldn't handle any blood/violence on acid, try watching something funny like 21 Jump Street or Pain and Gain.

>150 microrgam hit

That's a pretty decent hit.

>Wizards.. like wizards of oz?? from the 40s?
No, the cartoon from the late 80's. Fromthe folks who brought you Heavy Metal.
I've only ever seen Eraserhead on acid. Its breddy gud.
Fantastic Planet is great, weird french animation and weird sci fi/fantasy premise is good.
Beyond the black rainbow
Waking Life
Pink Floyd's the wall
Clash of the titans
Really anything is prety fun to watch on acid, your brain is just going to run wild with it. I'd say genre films are good, a fantasy or sci fi element is a good hook.

That's a safe dose for a first timer. You won't be going to Disney World on it, though.

Enjoy the trip! Music is a great way to spend it. You feel the energy in your cells.

Oh, and try to have an outside trip next time. Nothing like feeling the sun beaming down on you when you're going down the rabbit hole.

Have fun never feeling completely normal again

yeah man my first time doing shrooms was amazing, out by the lake with my homies. perfect.

some of these things seem impressive

hahahahahah kek

everything is funny now but anything johnny five is a classic. shit ass movie

More like have fun finding yourself again. A return to normalcy is inevitable unless you're genetically predisposed to certain neurotic disorders.

You'll be fine, OP. Enjoy it.

Didn't know tv was into /psyches/.
Thoughts on DMT?

yeah im not worried man. it's late, dark, and im tired, that kinda sucks

I feel like I'm not ready for it. I've done acid, shrooms, and a few other psychedelics, but DMT seems so powerful. I hear you basically surf the cosmos.

Have you seen the director's cut? Most of the third act got cut out for the theatrical release. Explains the alien's motivation, and how they're planning on killing everyone. The mile high tsunami looming over the coastal cities of earth is one of my favorite effects shots ever.
Probably the only DC from cameron that really improves the overall movie.

Watch this shit:

Now! Live my dream.

Put this on good speakers and zone out for 20 mins mane, it's beautiful

what is this shit

now im getting a lot of disparate recommendations. I appreciate all of these but keep in mind my mental state here fellas.

this is nightmare fuel wtf

I gotchu OP. Look up "Spirit Bird" by Xavier Rudd.

He thinks loosing your ego is finding yourself

One of the best movie experiences I had on acid was Hang 'em high with clint eastwood.
I picked up on this whole thing about how he did die out there, but became an angel of justice and retribution and hunts down those that ruined his life.
The fucking horns in the town were like the arch angels trumpet that sounds at judgement day. My neck got sore as fuck every time they hanged a dude.

>I've done acid, shrooms, and a few other psychedelics

You're most definitely ready for some good ole' transdimensional travelling.
Seriously, it is by far the weirdest, most beautiful mind blowing trip I've ever experienced. No other substance comes remotely close to what DMT provides.

zardoz desu

just don't cut your dick off because the kino tells you it's evil

>Not putting a random movie on mute and playing random tunes over it

It still becomes normalized. You'll always have a baseline outside of pathological reasons.

But yeah, psychedelics can for sure help you become a better person.

Watch Third Eye by Tool. Just took 2 blots myself. Presently Watching 2001 S0. Have a good trip.

is the best for any drugs

It's 1 AM Sup Forums

Should I smoke a bowl or two and chill out for a few hours or just go to bed? It's Friday, and I haven't smoked in a while (Been about a month, I think).

Late night smoking is always excellent, but it does have its downsides. I'll probably wake up tomorrow tired as fuck the whole day... but there is a strange satisfaction and comfy feels that comes from a late night smoke session. I'd be tempted to push it back later, but I'd probably just pass out.

Not in my experience.

Hallucinagens just make me want to hurt people.
They make me paranoid and scared for my sanity.

Come on guys, serious suggestions only

wtf man

thanks bro this is great so far

whenever i sleep high, i wake up so comfy

I have the opposite reaction. If I actually fall asleep while high I feel like shit the next morning. However, if I smoke and then if I sober up after a few hours my sleep becomes super comfy.

i think i need to be more high for this

>>Not putting a random movie on mute and playing random tunes over it

So far im just watching gifs and listening to random music

Yea I know
I'm fucked.

There's a few other people I know that get that way on Hallucinagens as well.

People get scared around me as well if they're on acid or someother Hallucinagens drug's.

I've been asked politely many times to leave for the night by friends so everyone can calm down lmao.

those trips don't lie

just chill on Sup Forums i guess

Just shut your fucking fingers up and watch it.

I'd be more worried about all those spiders in your room than films if I was you OP.

it's just like being stoned, nothing that crazy so far.

fuck man i know all about the solar system, i was a fkn nerd as a kid. i know all about this shit, if I have to heard DEADLY SULFURIC ACID CLOUDS of venus again, ill fucking flip

Disregard the smaller bodies. When it starts getting into magnetars, black holes, and quasars (redundant... I know), it gets sexy.

Always wanted to load this up on a big screen with a heavy base sound system while tripping on LSD or psilo. But it looks like the only chance I'm going to have with psilo is getting it from an older cougar that is probably going to just take advantage of me while I'm on it.

fuck.... still highn



Woman BTFO

The Neon Demon
Prince of Egypt
Moonrise Kingdom

bro watch this trust me

End of Evangelion but skip to when the impact is happening


Go watch Pixar movies. You'll find a deeper meaning. And they are sure not to give you a bad trip.

man im still here

watched a bunch of random videos, i dunno.. weak

Watch this

>tfw I have been promised shroom/acid from 4 different people
>in 4 years
>never got anything

Jacob's Ladder if you wanna fuck yourself up mentally.

I watched Blue Velvet while tripping hard on acid. Holy shit was that a ride.

just find yer own then