What have you achieved in 2019?

What have you achieved in 2019?

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No dying from cancer

These dubs

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Fuck,i am useless

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Full erection

That is quit imressive annon

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I turned a 5K a year business into a 30K a year business. I still feel like a failure.

I stopped being a good goy and no longer take the pills.
Lost 80 lbs in 4 months.

Did well in school but that’s about it. I need a job fuck

I produced some really good-looking turds

Moved into my own place, started a stable full time job, lost some weight, got my mental health started on the right track and recently found someone I genuinely like, and things are going well with her.

All things considered, I'm going into 2020 with a good start. For the first time in my adult life I feel like things are going well for me

Earned half of the money for a cool new car.
Started to work for a new company.
Established my position at work.
Dealt with anxiety/neurosis.

A yeah, thank you for the reminder.
Also, stopped taking antidepressants.

>Moved into my own place
This is my goal for 2020.
Not decided whether to buy or rent though.

Got a nice job as a forklift operator and I lost my virginity. Pretty proud of what I've done tbh

I quit my job that I hated and have been enjoying the sweet life of welfare the last few months. The boredom has not even started to cripple me yet. I'll look for something after Christmas....

finally left a 13-year abusive relationship
got back into working
came out to my family and friends
built a support network including establishing a closer relationship with my brothers
learned to live on my own for the first time in my life, at age 31.
sold some of my art
started writing again for the first time since my writing buddy hanged himself 5 years ago
got into therapy

It's been a big year. I am so fucking tired. Now I have to try and navigate custody over christmas with the grade a cuntrag i married out of obligation MFW

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Depends where you live, but if you're in a developed country, yes, that's not worth your time. I barely try with my business (I mean I work, but not like some nuts) and I'll hit probs 300k net profit this year, after 180k last year. Take your learnings, start again on something more profitable

Murder charge thrown out
Got new job.
Got old job back.

Lost my v card

Not killed my self

What kind of business do you run?

Selling glucose syrup on a professional level

Moved across the US and started over. Had a second child with my wife. Earned a significant promotion at work.

I have sold my cumrag for 20 bucks on marketplace. Felt like a winner but am worried they do a DNA test which will cause me legal trouble.

Should i be worried?

Finally achieved financial independence selling my music online. I can't even fathom going back to 9-5 job.

Found the woman of my dreams then married her then got diagnosed with cancer three months later my mom died of a drug overdose and we lost our baby to miscarriage because life can be a total dick sometimes.

I entered the local bdsm community, met my submissive, learned a ton about rope bondage, did my first suspensions and got married. All in all a pretty successfull year.

I made $500 selling in game currency on ebay. That's about it tbh

Thats bad user. Focus on the cancer what cancer you got? You know some type of cancer are fatal. Go seek treatment and hunger yourself to the extreme since cancer needs sugar and energy to grow. Starve the cancer away. You can do it

Testicular. Yeah I just finished salvage chemo been fighting a year now. If I’d not found my wife when I did I’d of definitely an heroed by now.

You should probably an hero anyways. Just think of the emotional hell you've drug her down into with you. I just hope your finances/insurance can cover everything.

Nah, depends on the prognosis of the cancer. If chemo goes well then he doesnt have to kill himself. There will be a whole new life after all that. All it matters now if the cancer is shrinking or growing

Proposed to the love of my life, finally got out of previous toxic roommate situation and got our own place, and we close on a new house in a couple weeks. Finally started a music project I’ve been working on for years. Almost done with it, maybe another week’s worth of studio time. Got two extremely affectionate cats. My dad and I are selling an investment property worth 200k, and working on what to invest that money in now.

I tell you guys, last year I couldn’t have said so many positive things about my life. This year was good. I hope the same to everyone else.

This. I’m not depressed as one might think and neither is she. But if I was still some incel with no support structure it’d be a different story. If anything all this shits brought us closer.

My highlight of 19 was at marketplace when i sold my cumrag for a gtx radeon GPU and cashed in big. Just feel bit anxious about a possible DNA test which could lead to me

nothing to be honest. 2020 goal is to lose virginity. going to university will probably help that and i have 9 months to lose weight although i'm not super fast and gain muscle

Next to nothing, goal for 2020 is to lose some weight because I'm about 140 pounds at just under 6 feet, and I want to look more feminine being a fag and all

Left my girlfriend of 3 years

Continued not being a chink or a nigger.


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I’ve been trapped by god in a small town on probation for being black for the whole year.It’s everyone else’s fault.

You came out then got close to your brother. So you're sexually abusing your brother. You're sick

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You've been black for a whole year? impressive.

Pathetic boomer is pathetic.

Are you the black guy in a white town bored and lost?

diamond rank in apex legends
get on my level noobs


well thanks for reminding me

Yep. Black, on probation,trapped by god, and in a small town. Been an eventful year.

Almost lost my virginity with 36. I was closer than ever before. I think in 2020 i can advance on that and maybe get to touch a females skin for a memorable amount of time which will be stored for a long time in my brain. Downside of 2019 was me fell for a marketplace scam which i ordered a new used graphics card but instead got a weird crusty sock.

Raising a child as a family.
Legend on Hearthstone.
Made friends outside of my gaming or work circle.
Fucked your mom

Bought a fast, new car.
Got a big stronger from lifting weights more frequent.
Paid my house mortgage down by a lot.
Coomed largely and regularly.

Just ended up not really being good for each other and couldn't really continue. Different stages of our life all that kinda shit.
Hardest thing I've had to do.

im fucking my colleague secretly in forrest near our work ..shes married