Why is it that a majority of tall actors are shit?
Why is it that a majority of tall actors are shit?
Tall people don't have emotions
The kikes are intimidated by their superiority and it makes their careers awkward. Your picture also does a bad job of illustrating your point.
This made me feel kind of better. I don't like being tall. It's tougher to get into frames and you can't really play dweeby characters.
Im 6,2 bitches love tall faggots because they know we have long skinny pencil dicks, you're welcome.
Because James Cromwell makes up for all of them.
Try theater then
They never had to formulate a personality because automatically like them for being tall.
Tall people a shit.
Manlet rage isn't the only emotion
Bill Murray is not fucking 6'2"
Also is Cromwell really that tall?
Just looked it up. What the fuck? He doesn't look that tall.
perfect height for the perfect man uwu~
>t.manlet makes an excuse to make tall people look bad
>turn out his excuse is evolutionary,just like tallness
thank for accepting your inferiority.
You should've eaten your veggies like your momma told you, manlets
>he thinks height is dietary and not genetic
top kek
I'm 6'0 too :3
I didn't realize half of these guys were this fucking tall.
This image is a veritable who's who of greatness.
6'0 is the perfect height.
Ooooookay, where to start,
>Tim Robbins
>Liam Neeson
>Jeff Goldblum
>Bill Murray
>Hugh Jackman
>Jim Carrey
They are good actors. What was your point again?
>he think you can not correlate diet and bone growth
why you think Asians are taller then before,you think all the short people was Holocausted or some shit?
I'm actually just getting into theatre, thank you.
What if you're 5'11" and a half but look 6' with shoes on?
there's alotta lying going on in that chart.
>Jim Carrey
>good actor
Fuck out of here retard.
look at these shit tier personalities
I imagine you're just as much of an insufferable faggot irl as you on the internets
>being this mad that in today society relationship are no longer personal and sustainable for long periods with loyalty,so the are abrupt and for short periods of interaction and loyalty thank corpertion manlets.
>not needing to be tall to see other people in crowded tuna cities called metropolises
>tfw 6'2" and I'm the one who wrote this
There's only one emotion worth living for, and its the one you get from successfully rustling jimmies.
I don't really give a fuck anymore.
I wish we would just speed it up so we can drop all of this bullshit as if people actually care about each other and can kill each other hunger games style.
King of the manlets.
It's the shortest you can be while still being tall and it's great.
>when you realize this dumb fucking meme is being perpetrated by homosexuals
Fucking die of AIDS already /fit/
what is up with the manlet's tits?
KOM is actually 6'2. Nice try, manlet. Lurk moar.