Ask a black introvert anything

Ask a black introvert anything.

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Where is the dick pic for proof?

I'm not showing my dick for a while.

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Why are most blacks homosexual and paedophilic?

This doesn't seem very true in the slightest. I'm not gay and definitely not a pedo.

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can we see your bbc

>im not gay
the pictures youre posting disagree



You're literallying posting transgenders/homosexual males that are boyish, this is by definition homosexual. And due to the fact they look neotenous, you are a paedophile in denial.

Sorry, I'm not showing it again for the time being

I'm heteroflexable


Nbnabunny on twitter

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I'm def not visiting that place, 4chans bad enough.

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Did daddy leave you?






Nope, he's still with me

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neck yourself, rape monkey

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Fuck off Sup Forums tard

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Nice 3rd grade science spoof you’ve made there Ricko

Source on that shemale?

you literally cannot disprove it
want more, nigger?

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Nbnabunny on twitter

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Why are niggers so likely to be faggots?
Is it cuz you're so good at lying to yourself?
"Nigger no like men, just penis"

there's literal african tribes that have the younger males suck off the 'elders' because they think their semen gives them strength or whatever

As a nigger, I like white cock

what does this even mean white boi?

Still here

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wow you're assblasted my guy

wow you still can't refute anything i've posted
don't just dismiss it because it's 'racist', homie
here, have another one

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he's right you know

Why are you on this racist shithole of a website? Are you a masochist?

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Hide that STD fag.

Still here

There's good porn here

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It is a fun place.

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Hey again. Also would you let this androgynous lookin woman domme you?

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There are so many places with good porn though. Does the racism ever bother you much or are you really just used to it by now?

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Within a heartbeat

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Woops replied to the wrong post

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T.insecure bi guy

I'm pretty much used to it.

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Do you like final fantasy games? If so, which is your favorite and why? Favorite character and why?

Where is the version of this pic with the face showing?

As long as you never become a token that's alright. I'm pretty much the same way, though I'm Hispanic not black. Did you pick up your love of trans girls and traps here?

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1)I do like final fantasy games a bit
2) ff13 because even though the story was really confusing, I had alot of fun playing through it.
3) my fave character is lightning because I have a thing for strong/dominant women.


I picked up my love for traps on hentai-foundry. I thank Incase for that, and I picked up my love for tgirls after browsing r/tgirls sometime when I was 14.

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I went from hentai to furry shit a bit younger than that, I didn't even know it was freaky at that age. What kind of music are you into?

I'm into alot of genres like, rap, future funk, experimental, etc.

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theres ugly ass white ppl too

and handsome black men

I don't understand the point of racism man

Hey there my lewd introverted dude.
Been a few days now. I'm occupied today, looks like, just wanted to say hi.

Is it difficult to be a part of your community? Considering most black people are extroverted, not all but most

Like a 5-10% of white people are completely trash, they are angry, stupid, and all that they produce is hate towards anything and anyone. Like 90% of niggers are the same, only 10% of them are good people actually.

Sup man, how's it going?

Not really, I suprisingly get adjusted with interacting with black people.

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not just looks hombre
IQ and all that entails
Racism is a made up word used to dismiss facts that would otherwise categorize races as different species
You can look up the Fixation Index, 2 breeds of wolves from North America are set at 0.48 (scale of 0-1, 0 being the exact same and 1 being completely different)
Those wolves are considered different species. Africans and Europeans (yes todays, not ancient) have the same Fixation Index as the wolves. Why aren't we considered different species?
It's racist of course, please open your eyeballs and understand this information at face value, it's not lying to you.

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based, but when 90% of your population is shitty, it's probably best to not have any
It's a lot easier to clean up 10% than it is 90%

How is life as a Nigger?

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Still here btw, just ignoring these racist trolls.

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A random young adult white male is hanging off the edge of a cliff seconds away from falling to his death. He's begging you to pull him up and save his life, but doing so would cause you to suffer an injury requiring amputation of your non dominate hand. Do you save him?

Satan offers you a secure job murdering washed out sex trafficking victims at a rate of 10k per victim. You do not get to have any sort of sexual contact whatsoever and are to carry out the killings by way of butcher knife stabbing only. You only have to do the killing, no body disposal or anything else. Do you take the job?

You are put into a deathmatch armed with a katana. You get to choose your opponent... a hippo, a buffalo, or a tiger. Which do you choose to fight?

You get to go through life with a humanly smart, loyal, and obeying animal companion. Which animal do you choose and why?

What place was this guy speaking of?

kys nigger faggot

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1) yes I would save him. Because I'd rather lose a limb than for someone to lose their life.
2) I'd absolutely kill sex traffickers if I'd get payed 10k per head to do it. Plus I don't have to clean anything up.
3) a hippo because they seem much easier than the other two
4) a husky because they're the most beautiful dog breed, and they're the closest to wolves so they'd be great at protecting me.

A sketchier Sup Forums.

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Monkey, like a little brother

No, not the sex traffickers... the sex trafficking victims... the women out of their prime not making money anymore... do you take the job stabbing them to death...

1. I step on his fingers and help him get it over with.
2. Victims? How about I stab you for free.
3. Buffloes are docile, and tasty.
4. Another human being. Like this took any brain power.

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What is the name of this sketchy Sup Forums?

Of course I will, I don't want to have sex with the victims of sex trafficking if I rescued them, that's just wrong.

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Hey, I'm the dude who told you to watch Paul Harrel's channel, have you done so? What's your opinion?
Also do you mind gigantic dicks in hentai Futa, what about muscular futas?

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I think it was riotchan or something, I don't want anything to do with it.

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Also all three of those deathmatch animals would fuck you up real bad. Its a losing situation.

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Humans are mmmals sweaty.

Imagine being there at work in a secure building with concrete walls and no windows and a large drain in the floor. In comes a late 20's aged woman bound at the hands and feet. She's looking at you weeping and scared. You have to stab her with a butcher knife over and over again until she's dead. Hearing her screams and wearing her blood. You would do this?

Jews would love you to believe we are merely animals with no special facet to our existence.


No wtf is wrong with you?

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I was just making sure people understood the scenario/question. 10k per killing remember.

Seek help. Leave Sup Forums forever.

Classic infograph polcuck cringe, you're the biggest faggot in a trap thread

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Oh I misread, I thought you meant the suspects. In that case hell no, I'd only kill the guys responsible.

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Ever experienced anything paranormal? Do tell.

I disagree with him, but we are in Sup Forums dude, he fits in perfectly. Also I'm not op.

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I've only had 1 paranormal experience. It was when I was younger and we had this crock pot sitting in between the sink leaning towards the inside, then all of a sudden it fell on the floor. It was one of the weirdest unexplainable things that happened to us.

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I mean doing it for the money is in a dark way understandable.

Why no answer op? At least tell me if you aren't the same introverted black user I suggested it to.

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You aren't spcial.

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My bad, I must've missed it. But yes I've checked his channel out and he seems legit. And I do like huge dick and muscular futas, it's even better if they have both.

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Ive had a light switch literally switch off once. Ive heard footsteps in the hallway when nobody was home. Ive had a doll head turn and face me. Demons exist. They attack those of us who believe in God but are not living a life of God.

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We all are.

I forgot to mention I'm using a different Sup Forums app because clover isn't letting me post, so I'm stuck using this other buggy confusing mess.

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A man of culture who appreciates Mr. Harrel. Cool. I told you he didn't get political btw.

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Give me a genious idea for a product or business that i can start to take to shark tank.

Excellent work, nigga! Did you make it yourself?

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How often do you actually floss your teeth?

Change the captcha to jscript and it works fine under site > Sup Forums > settimgs

holy fuck, even though I am racist, keep your fucking politics out of my wanking material threads

I don't believe in ghost much so I don't worry about any benevolent spirits trying to kill me.

As much as I agree with not telling people to stop talking about politics, it's still refreshing to see someone who tells it like it is without trying to put people with opposing views down.

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Oh now it works, thanks user.
Very rarely.

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