Why does my dick look microscopic in this picture but only below average in the next one???

Why does my dick look microscopic in this picture but only below average in the next one???

Also can someone who has a real 7 inch dick post there dick in a side on standing shot so I can see if it's as small as me?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-12-18-06-28-42.jpg (720x682, 202K)

I knew I was small but not that small

Attached: Screenshot_2019-12-18-06-28-18.jpg (720x1280, 499K)

Bump sigh...

Why so insecure? With such a fit body you shouldn't have problems with sex. Your dick matters less during sex than you think. It's all your ego wanting more to brag. Dick looks good and fine.

im about 8'5 but its fine.

Better question -- why are you taking pictures of your dick?

why shouldn't he? to send girls he's fucking I assume. Like most people.

Can you take a photo in the same style as me so I can see if it looks small to?

Because I always thought I was normal then I saw my dick in the mirror and it looked so small

>then I saw my dick in the mirror and it looked so small
It's funny, I'm 7in. and my dick looks bigger to me when I look at it in the mirror. I'd say it must be because of my frame but i'm as skinny as you give or take.

My man strong no homo but can you plz take a profile shot of it if you can?

I really think I meaure my dick wrong or something because it looks way smaller then what I should be apparently (slightly smaller then you)