This is so fucking gay. Why the fuck do you need two people...

This is so fucking gay. Why the fuck do you need two people? What happens if the guy at the bottom gets an adrenaline boner?

> adrenaline

keep telling yourself that, batty boy

>tfw no skleleton doubles, mixed or otherwise

Yeah, I don't really understand why this exists

What if they did it while naked lol a friend told me to ask that, it's funny though, right, haha?

Who is in the dominant and submassive position here?

Guy on the bottom is obviously a powerbottom

Wanna try it?

>What happens if the guy at the bottom gets an adrenaline boner?
That's the point you retard. Boner gives one on the top a better grip and control.

sounds like a wild dude!

wtf is that?


so fucking GAY

>white people sports

un atrocidad


you sound like a sore loser

75 (31 gold) out of a possible 129 (44 gold) medals in doubles luge has been won by germans

fucking fags

Ain't even mad you guys are better than us

What's this sport called again?

Yeah, bro let's do double luge. We can go practice every day! Yeah, bro, great plan.

>not gay

ok gayrmany

>adrenaline boner
Don't lie to yourself burger pls.


>going down a thin tube of ice @ 110km/h with nothing but your bro as protection
so many insecure fags ITT

>needing a boy to protect you

How is it possible to not get a boner in this sport?

how else is the guy on top supposed to steer if he doesnt have a joystick to grab on to?

>implying the boner doesn't help stabilize the top

Nigga without the boner the boy on top would fall off

this is why doubles is a mens only event

Shit stabbing on ice.

Then the guy at the top gets an adrenaline penetration

>sub massive

Thats what I tell women my penis size is

How is ice tobogganing a sport lol these 'olympics' are a joke

Fun fact! This event is actually open to women so you could grab a cutie and slide down the ice with your cock buried in her if you want

Reminder they are the /asp/ Olympics and if the shit janitors were worth what they are paid they would have moved all this shit back to /asp/ where it belongs

>1 (one) gold medal

Stinky smelly wop

Any videos of a man/woman combo?

it's not gay if you get paid remember that

The olympics as a whole are sport related so anything related to the Olympics belongs on Sup Forums. Even the threads talking about the sex lives of the athletes stay up

Maybe but it would be rare. Male/male would have more weight so be faster

Imagine the anxiety of being the dude on the bottom going down an ice hill as fast as possible without being able to see where you are going

do not check entry lists

Does the bottom guy do anything at all?


makes me wonder why there are no fatfuck lugers

>hurr durr what if boner :o
The only one gay here is you.

>What happens if the guy at the bottom gets an adrenaline boner?
The guy on top will have a broad smile stamped on his face.

You get the feeling the winter olympics are so desperate for events, they start inventing shit like this just to flesh out the tournament

once you've paid millions for a bobsled track, that nobody will use when the games are over, it makes sense to make up as many different ways of sliding down it as you can
Just so it's slightly less of a waste of money

>ok gayrmany
shut up, sideways gaymany

Is that a new modality? I have saw the Socchi games and can't remember of gay luge.

>it makes sense to make up as many different ways of sliding down it as you can

Human centipede luge when?

That's because 2014 was in Russia, no gays allowed


It's not, women are allowed in mixed doubles. However, all teams decide to field couples of men.

>all teams decide to field couples of men.

sexist, who can I tweet about this bullshit?

wow thats gay

Russia Today

Kinda wanna be on the top just to see how it feels, no homo

Jej the face on the bottom dude

fuck me like them right now

Can always race down one like Jim Clark

How come there are no mixed doubles luge or mixed doubles skeleton? Imagine doing mixed doubles skeleton with Amy Williams

Just a reminder that there aren't men and women events in doubles luge. It's just "doubles luge" without a distinction of gender. There could be dudes with grills over them and yet only men compete.

So to answer your question, yes, it is a gay sport.

How to you think they stay attached so well?

You know the bottom one has to insert his adrenaline pumped dick into the rectum of the guy on top for better synergy and improved steering.

Please someone make the joke again





Double lube

get a fat girl or something

Mixed doubles luge is a thing, just not in the Olympics. The rules for doubles don't actually prohibit mixed (or even two-woman) teams, you just don't see them at this level.

Doubles skeleton (mixed or otherwise) would be tough, though, since skeleton sleds don't have any way to steer other than shifting your weight or dragging your feet (which you don't want to do as it bleeds speed). Luge sleds are steered by applying pressure to the runners with your feet.

It's because two men are generally going to be heavier than a man and a woman, and thus conserve momentum better. A woman could carry ballast, but there's a 10kg limit on that (men are allowed to carry more).

Da benis-in-recdum tandem slide down a moundain :DDD

No way! I wanna be on top. She has to be the one burying her cock into me.

>Why the fuck do you need two people?
The luge people are jealous of the bobsledders, who have more opportunities to get medals.

>you'll never jiggle all over some man's thighs
Why live?

>tfw you called men single skating intolerably gay
>tfw you had no idea how bad things really were

This is the stupidest comment. The Olympic s as a whole is a joke. Making up a bunch of retarded events and calling it a sport. Disgraceful

no one likes fat chicks except niggers and whitetrash though

It's bad enough that apparently an LGBT rights group made a TV ad that showed luge doubles in regard to Sochi with the tagline, "The Olympics have always been just a little bit gay. Let's keep it that way."


having a qt all over your body as a job