It wasnt THAT bad
Other urls found in this thread:
it was very unmemorable
It's only slightly shittier than the anime.
>watching the first live action remake
just wait till the third, soft reboot. the second reboot/remake is going to be shit.
the plot and dialogue were very average
people that haven't seen it talk about it as though it's as bad as dragonball evolution which isn't the case at all...
"Not that bad" is still bad.
was expecting it to be utter shit
its still has Hollywood fingerprints all over it though
>those stupid oversized holographic ads
>those character breaking melodramatic moments especially near the end
>slo-mo speed-up fighting
>the director being the only one to speak japanese
>really cringe dialogue
all in all a solid 5/10
Everytime I pass this poster I just wanna suck on that big fat tit
Just saw it last night. They turned an interesting film with new concepts for the era in which it was orgiginally made, holding a ton of potential for a live adaptation into JAPANESE ROBOCOP.
The thing that made the Major's character development interesting in the original is that she struggled with her lack of humanity, but in the end took ownership of the thing she hated about herself, deciding to evolve humanity in order to stop clinging to her past. If in this adaptation she had decided to trancend into the network with Kuze, then the message would have stayed complete. This character was contradictory to her original development arc and it just felt a lot weaker to me.
Thant being said
>good action scenes
>spider tank looked okay
>Batou was based as fuck, and we got to see him with his doggos
>Kuze's acting was on point and well suited to the augmentaitons they gave him
>Aramaki was cool
>We got to see Saitou use his sick sniping abilities
>the deep dive scene was well done
I gtive it a 5/10
I give it 8/10
Suicide Squad tier. Or even worse
what went wrong?
The plot "twist" was boring. "Look at me, I'm the bad ceo of company Rotbotica and now I will try to kill everybody and then die". Really?
Scarlett Johanson was not right for the role. Not picking on the whitewashing debate. She just can't do acting in this movie.
see this:
>when people I don't like say mean things and I automatically assume they're from Sup Forums and dismiss anything they say
It's decent.
Funny how now that Thor and SWVIII trailers came out, the disney/marvel shills took a break from shitting on this movie.
GITS 2017 wasn't that bad. But it got 46% on RT. Meanwhile, that shitshow Life got 67% on RT, which is only slightly less than the 71% on RT that the vastly superior Interstellar got.
GITS2017 > Life
it was fucking terrible m80
It was fine. Not perfect, but fine. It had some good bits, and the bad didnt leave a smear on the rest of it from what I saw
I liked the bit about Major's past after its revealed. Different from all the other GitS things? Sure, but each incarnation of GitS has differences from the original, so I can let it slide.
More autisitic people might not be able to accept the film, but Im fine with its existance now that I saw it, whereas previously I downright despised it before giving it a chance.
Its nothing to cheer about, but it was a fine bit of futuristic mumbojumbo action and thats completely okay with me.
It was worse than I thought it would be, a cold pudding of a film. The whole experience was an assault on the senses
What was the point of this movie, for what reason was this movie produced? I honestly don't understand why they would make such a pointless unsubstantial production
I biggest problem of ScarJo is she has very memorable face AND voice. You can never mistake her with somebody else and the more copy pasted roles she takes, the more she is just Scarlett Johansson in cosplay and less the character.
I cant take her seriously anymore. She needs to step away from action and do something different FAST.
no, it wasnt bad, but there was something wrong with it, i cant quite put my finger on it
She didn't try to emulate the character, she was just slightly robotic Scarlett Johanson
>make perfect robot
>put asian girl brain in white girl body
Thats exactly what Im talking about. If it were an unknow actress you would think its perfectly ok, but here you can only see slightly robotic Scarlett.
>She's not an exceptional former military officer
>She's just a kidnapped hippie
>She doesn't even work for Public Security
>Section 9 is now some Corporations private security force
I think she played the role badly regardless if it was her or someone else. She had absolutely none of the presensce of the Major, her body language as much as the terrible dialogue just made her insignificant
It was great right up until SPIDERBOT ENGAGED
I burst out laughing at the fucking shitness of it all.
Now the stupid weebs know how it feels for comic book fans. Fuck you, you japanophile failures.
>Section 9 is now some Corporations private security force
I remember some user saying that a self-regulated police force is something that can only work in Japan or something.
She had already played an alien stuck in Scarlett Johansson's skin fairly well previously. She could've given a similarly decent performance as a normal person trying to come to terms with being forced into this unfamiliar body, but instead she just walks around with her arms all stiff like she's a fucking android in some shitty sci-fi from the 50s.
There are no self-regulated police forces in Japan. In the GiTS universe, Section 9 is responsible to the Home Afffairs Ministry. The entire point of Aramaki's role is his skill to navigate the beaucracy and maniplate the politics in their favour, similar to Japan's own history of internalised highly factionalised state workings
There is no literary value in capeshit to poorly adapt. This was primarily adapted from the ideas and aethetics of Oshii's kinography
>There is no literary value in capeshit to poorly adapt.
Neither is there in manga. You were tricked by movement lines and corny dialogue.
For a moment i thought it was the laughing man icon
When people discuss GiTS, it's not usually with the manga in mind
I liked it a lot. It had action, very persuasive characters, although it copied almost equally the anime movie. 7/10
People love the big-titted blonde Johanssen, and the redhead variety, but not the brunette look. She should play Marilyn Monroe next.
All those sites trying to claim how much better GITS was doing outside of the US, completely ignoring it opened up in most countries at the same time.
It bombed so hard that a Widow movie should be tanked now. ScarJo Widow is far from deserving of a solo flick. Comic Widow, sure, but they through out almost everything of Widow's comic background other than she was a former Russian spy trained in the Red Room. Even comic Widow badly needed a partner to seem interesting which is why Hawkeye, Cap, and the Winter Soldier rotate on who is teamed up with her. Solo movie wouldn't have that benefit because feminazis would go insane that she didn't get a SOLO movie.
She has a shitty raunchy comedy coming. The SNL girls convinced her to do one with them
Someone said there was a Laughing Man cameo in the movie, but I didn't see one.
You triggered nigga? Lol, Edge of Tomorrow was tight.
Is this bait?
Name ONE (1) good thing about it.
I can't find anything. It was mediocre. I wasted only $5 on it and I wouldn't even recommend to watch it for free. Shitposting on Sup Forums is a better use of your time.
How did they mess up the visuals so horribly? Everything's horribly lit and the city looks like a collage of unedited stock photos.
Even if they don't want to make something new, they could've copied the cartoon with a tiny bit more effort and it would've looked 10 times better.
Dumb producers
Awful history
The best thing about Gits 1995 is the creation of a new form of life
In this new one, is JUST muh my shell, muh my soul
Minority Report came out 16 years ago and it arguably looks better.
It was also directed by one of the best directors of all time so it's an unfair comparison.
>implying Japanimation is better
>a cold pudding of a film
fuck off Nabokov
It was an above average film but still bad