It's true. All of it.
The Force Tree rumors were all true.
What does Sup Forums think?
It's true. All of it.
The Force Tree rumors were all true.
What does Sup Forums think?
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Dollars to donuts those bucks promote pederasty.
So did the jedi in the prequels take the books back from the tree to that library in the third movie? Why not just build a base at the tree surely you would get the most power there? Star wars is fucking dumb.
>in the old republic yoda would have instructed luke's boipucci
I wouldn't be surprised if they pulled some dan brown bullshit and said all life/symbols are reference to feminine power
I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay with this.
If the origin of The Force is literally Cain and Mabel, I'm done with Star Wars.
Dark Side - Masculinity
Light Side - Femininity
Grey Side - Trannies.
I was kind of hoping that the reveal would be that there is no dark side or light side, it's just in our nature to be either disciplined with our power or undisciplined with our power and those who lack discipline and restraint will almost always eventually hurt others through their recklessness and greed.
>he expected something remotely clever from these subpar movies
>muh Zohar
Well this shits on the OT more than the prequels.
>Lucas Force: a microscopic organism/particle(?)
>Mouseshit Force: a fucking tree
Jar Jar will rise.
Jar Jar died a destitute street clown in this continuity.
I dont see a problem here, so basically the Jedi get their powers from some sort of connection to nature/universe, like some hippies that do kung fu, that sounds badass.
I dont know maybe im not that big of a fan of the franchise but I dont know what people expect "the force" to be.
s-sorry George
It's b8.
It's yet another selective EU reference, as well as a biblical Tree Of Knowledge one, for the sake of gravitas ("knowledge of good and evil", light and dark).
>there was no worldbuilding in 7 b-because they'll do it in later films...
>8 is them sitting on an island
We'll never know who the fuck first order is will we
Trying to explain the Force in any way ruins it.
kylo, luke and rey
Its not about building worlds anymore. This nihilistic, cynical postmodernist garbage is all about destroying, ending and dark emo shit.
Yes, but we're at a point when we don't even know what the hell they're destroying. Blowing up a planet has no impact if it's an unnamed planet X nobody cares about
>We'll never know who the fuck first order is will we
Are you retarded?
pretty much this
they should scan those books
I am so fucking tired of all this jedi focus.
>midichorians are just a fungus that infected the universe
I like it!
George was a genius
That would be interesting tbqh
dark side - nu-male
eternal empire - true masculinity
I thought they just had really old models of holocrons in the Star Wars universe
>Lucas Force: a microscopic organism/particle(?)
You are now aware that based Abrams has used a retcon to "fix" the Prequels...Master Luke discovers The Force exists at a deeper, spiritual level, and the Prequel-era Jedi were doing it wrong (e.g. midichlorians).
Also, that having so many Jedi fractured the Light side, while the Sith were able to amplify their powers by limiting themselves to two. This explains why Yoda couldn't see a Sith Lord under his nose, while he was much more in touch with The Force after the purge...
>Prequel-era Jedi were doing it wrong
But wait you slow idiot, that exact sentence is one of the things the prequels were about.
You should be happy the New Trilogy is in now vindicating the Prequel apologist's devotion.
Now he just needs to unveil Darth Jar Jar, and they'll look nearly sublime.
>the force was inside us all along
They are ex Imperial military that was adopted by disgruntled anti-Republic aristocrats, one of which is Snoke.
I mean, this shit should have been in the movies, sure. But it's panned out in the books, so it's not like there's no explanation to what TFO is.
Superior version
You looking for cum or something? Posting that pic?
Cause I'll give it to you.
>birthplace of The Force
should be:
>birthplace of The Jedi
how are you gonna give me something you don't even have the tools to make
>normies shit on prequels for ruining the force with midicholrians
>these same fucks will praise the force tree
Force was an organism, people who had the force also had midichlorians which allowed them to sense the force.
Can't wait for all the fake nerds to praise Disney for a Force Tree because Disney-controlled social media and critics told them so.
Force alwayes existed on a deepr level thats why you had force ghosts. Michichlorians just allowed living creatures to connect to the force but they were not the force itself.
I hope the guys who wrote Legend of Korra sue. You just know the light side will be a woman. This is fucking great
If this force tree shit is real Star Wars is dead to me
>luke says the jedi must end
>they destroy the tree
>everyone with the force loses it
>at the very end of the movie a former sith/jedi makes a small object shake
>cut to black
Just like that xmen when magneto gets shot with the syringe cure
>the dead tree scrolls
It's real. It died for me with that boring trailer. It's just the same shit every film
This seems to be what they're working on, which is great imo. The whole "light side/dark side" thing is dumb.
But there was a Dark Force tree in Empire Strikes Back, where Luke meets his evil doppelganger in the form of Darth Vader...
So Kreia was right in fucking up the force?
>read a book
>become a Jedi
Jesus fuckin' fuck... and you brain-dead cocksuckers thought midi-chlorians were lame. Thanks Disney, you've consistently dropped the ball at every step... now, matters are worse!
>hey you know what's popular with girls?
>Harry Potter!
>you know what a HP is based on?
>a book!
>get this: next film we announce that this entire Jedi bullshit is actually based of a bunch of books. We write that shit and we publish it across the next decade.
On the plus side, canon is over & Disney's big-budget fan-fiction is easy to ignore...
This book shit is like some poisonous marxist nietzschean bullshit, where it destroys the foundation of an ancient religion, and causes the main hero of the old saga to turn into a cowardly, nihilistic, "life doesn't matter" crybaby faggot who has second thoughts about his faith and what it all actually means. This is where Rey comes in, she is the new hope and ignores that cynical old fat man! Womyn power!
I'll show you my tools, you little faggot.
this fucking post.
god damn im laughing to hard. holy shit I need to sleep.
In A New Hope, Obi-Wan explains the Force as "an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds the galaxy together." that ruins it too?
Why the fuck is your fucktard ass posting in a Disney's Star Wars tread?
They are pushing the gray side shit too. It's in the books and cartoon.
Thanks Disney.
The sequels fuck up the character of Luke Skywalker more than the prequels ruined Vader.
The man who refused to give up on his friends, who persevered to deconvert his evil father has now given up on the Jedi and went into fucking hiding.
Seriously, fuck Disney.
Why the fuck would millions of people follow fucking Snoke?
This trash makes 0 sense.
The problem is this is literally all the explanation it ever needed, it does not need a convoluted back story its a fucking tool for the plot.
>force tree
He went into hiding for 30 years.
Han gave up and goes back into being a smuggler.
Empire still exists and is doing great.
New Republic is a bunch of retards.
Yeah, it shits on OT harder than PT and fanfiction.
These movies are going full JJ with their Lost symbolism. Why can't the force just be a fucking mystery?
Hamill lets loose sometimes, but still he has to keep his mouth on a lock.
I'm seriously surprised people just let this one detail slide. It's a big fucking fu to not only Hamill, Luke, but also us. I always knew Harrison Ford was jealous when he found out the OT was not about him, but about Luke. Most likely he only agreed to make TFA because JJ promised Luke would be sidelined.
I'll take the magical tree explanation in a space fantasy movie over midicholrians, a half assed scientific explanation.
He's a rich big guy.
I stopped giving Disney credit as soon as TFA finished. I walked out of the cinema feeling cheated that I just attended the midnight premiere of what is essentially an agenda pushing remake. What a fucking cop out Disney are. Also unsure if it were fake news or not, but the entire
>we're gonna make Star Wars movies until 2030!!
Fucking KILLS me. Give it 5 years and they'll buy out the Lord of the Rings rights and remake them with black/gay lead characters or make a shitty childrens version of the Silmarillion/
You don't know anything about Snoke, so don't you dare presume to judge.
I'd rather see WW3. How can people be so stupid to fall for this shit?
I know I wouldn't follow a cartoon CGI villain.
It doesn't.
Lucas's method was very near the perfect explanation, he just fucked up by making them micro-organisms.
Chinese fantasy does it good:
Chinese fantasy often describes Qi or energy sensing/absorption as a person with a special body, 1 in 10 000 or 1 000 000 and such depending on their literary works.
The Heavenly Energy (the energy of nature that is ever-present, but let's think of it as Dark Matter for shits and giggles) gets absorbed by the special Human, and their body refines it through some meditation/cultivation methods into Spiritual Energy (Qi) which is compatible to be controlled with their body/mind.
The meditation/cultivation is basically ordering the Heavenly energy along certain pathways in the body (meridians) for refinement, so we can sort of define the special trait of the body that it has an organ system which is capable of refining and sensing energy and controlling it.
The organ system isn't exactly material, it is kind of half-material half-energy, and because of it's weird state of being, you can get off by saying nature randomly forms it in some living beings under special conditions at birth, ergo the scarcity. This also opens up a route for why aliens and beasts are capable (any living being).
Now you have the basis for:
1. Why not everyone can be a force user.
2. Why it is scarce.
3. Why it always happens, ergo the Jedi/Sith will never truly die out.
4. Establishes a power system through cultivation methods.
5. Establishes a power system through quantity/speed of absorption and refinement.
6. Explains why it is ever-present.
It's basically elaborate psy powers except you use the energy around you as a medium to control and do crazy shit.
You can even produce lightning and fire and shit by having the energy influence the material particles around you in the way physics deems valid (friction producing methods and creating a "homing-line" with your Qi for electricity or fire manifest in that direction).
he on agreed because he'd finally be killed off and to prevent them from rebooting Indiana Jones without him
He's not CGI in the world of the movie, to the characters of Star Wars he's a deformed extraterrestrial.
those better be fucking holocrons
oh? So the Force is really the Flood?
A mystical tree discovered by a brother and sister long ago was the origin place of The Force. The sister would go on to found the Jedi Order. Eventually she is killed by her brother who has fallen to the dark side. Each sibling represents the dark and the light side of the force. The female sibling also prophecised that she would return one day as The One. The Sith tricked the Jedi into thinking Anakin was The One, which led to The Clone Wars and the destruction of almost all Jedi. The implication here is that Rey is definitely The One.
They stole a plot from the Clone Wars cartoon?
It's from the poster not the cross ya dongus
the forced ree?
This is ass you guys
>le source of life/power as a fucking tree
how original
I'll pass judgement when I see the movie
I'm actually going to burn every Star Wars thing I owned as a child if fucking REY is the "One"
Avatar tie-in when?
>woman starts the Jedi order after male aggressor
MGTOW drumpftards will be fuming at this if it happens, lmao
Midiclorians are NOT the force ffs
>the one
The original "The One" fucked up as all women do, and her fuckup lead to the golden age of the Sith.
The current "The One" is an even dumber retard who will of course fuck up,
and that means another golden age of the Sith is at hand.
With the amount of temples, artifacts, and graves of the Sith that are constantly calling for successors, it's inevitable.