is it wrong to sometimes be bothered by my girls past?
Is it wrong to sometimes be bothered by my girls past?
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Brother, just try not to think about it. We've all made dumb mistakes we regret.
If you love her, just be happy she's with you bud.
Its wrong not to be.
Someones got to pick up the trash, and im glad you're doing it and not me
its more so that she let this one guy in college that wasnt even dating her do a ton of stuff, im always asking like oh have you done this before and its always yes with that guy
What's 'A ton of stuff'?
let the guy try anal, 1st one to do shower sex with, some public stuff, "ummm his roomate saw alot" and some other stuff too
does she not let you do that stuff with her?
No. Not wrong. She's a roastie. Don't stay with her unless you're mind-blowing in bed. She will constantly compare you to him. And if she isn't occasionally bringing him up, she will, more and more just to piss you off. Then, she'll cheat on you.
Ask me how I know
Who gives a shit? Dude, you gotta get past that shit. It's your insecurities that are fucking with your head.
I kinda hate women, honestly, but virginity and purity are made up things made to shame women for fucking. Who cares? She was in a 3 way? So what? I dated a girl that got fucked by two guys at the same time, and fucked a guy and girl at the same time in college. She was young and dumb. I've fucked women that I regret wholeheartedly. That doesn't represent who we are as people now. It's just sex man, get past it, you'll be happier.
It's ok when you're young. That's normal from 18-24 or so.
Eventually you're going to grow up and be an adult (25+), and no adults don't concern themselves with things that don't matter.
Don't blame you though. I was the same way when I was younger.
If you don't want to have sex, don't have sex!
Guess it depends on how she views her relationship with that guy now. Woman try stuff and that's alright, however the roommate thing is just plain weird. If she looks back and views that guy fondly though I'd say it's a red flag.
Stop being an insecure faggot... Or I'll come fuck your girl and make her do all the shit that's fucking w you she did bc you aren't man enough to get her to do it too. But seriously, stop being insecure. Chicks find it a huge turn off
Yo if You upset you ain't her "first" in various things you are made naive. Once people are sexually active they try different things, it's just how it works. If You can't get your head around that, find a virgin and get rid of your current girl. But if your current girl has a great personality then you will lose out just because you sheltered as fuck, also stop being a bitch
As long as there wasn't a negro in her past, just get over it!
Fuck man. Thanks for that clip
Naw. My girl blew a bunch of dudes at once in high school and everyone still talks about it. Kinda hot if you ask me. Pic related
I love hearing about my girlfriend’s sexploits. Use it
i told my current gf right out the gate i dont wanna know who or how many people you have been with or what youve done. that shit can fuck with your head. my heart goes out to ya user
I broke off an engagement after finding out during a drinking game that my wife was spit roasted by two niggers in college and that she enjoyed it.
This, insecurity can muddy your perception of a good thing
Good call ending that shot immediately user! Fucking whore, sry you were subjected to that
it's gonna get you into more trouble than it's worth.
does she still talk to him? does she mention him outside of your discussions of "have you done ____ before"? if the answer is YES then that's a red flag and you should be bothered. if the answer is NO then you're letting it fuck with you.
fun fact - i lost a good relationship from insecurities like this. as long as she isn't holding out these experiences with you and she's not still thinking about him, it's unimportant for you to dwell on it. it's going to eat you alive.
Some friends took her side, said I over reacted. Hell I gave her an out but after the whole “I enjoyed it” comment was just like nope. Not going to marry this bitch only to have her push cucking in 3 years. Ending up marrying a nice proper redhead Irish girl.
It's healthy to always have a seed of doubt about women.
Good for you! You made the right call
How do you know?
It depends on what that is. If she blew an entire football team, then that shows bad judgment. If she fucked 100 guys, the same. But if she had a threesome or is lower than, say, 40, then you probably shouldn’t care. But that’s you as a person. It’s not that you’re judging their value as people, it’s just that you don’t want to be with someone who has that in their past. Also - what’s good for the goose is good for the gander... if you did something then you better be okay if she did the same.
>im always asking like oh have you done this
Stop asking pansy-ass shit like this to your gf. It makes you look insecure af.
Just tell her to do something if you want it. Be glad she even has sex with you. If you feel like you aren't satisfying her, then you probably aren't. So accept that and deal with it any way you want. New GF? Be a cuck? Toys? Fuck dude its a woman, not an engineering degree.
I've been dating a girl for a couple months who had an abusive ex who basically did everything with her.
It doesn't bother me that much, but she can be annoying so in that sense it doesn't work well for her either.
In other words if your girl is amazing despite his past then keep it, but if don't get along outside the sex then end it. I might end it but am playing it by ear for now.
So you wouldn’t care that your girlfriend took 30 loads of cum on her face at once? Or that she sucked off a guy for $20? Or has genital warts?
Who gives a shit? Women are objects.
I can only congratulate you standing up for yourself and leaving that degenerate
Stop posting this thread you insecure cuck
That"s me. A whole fraternity ran a train on my pussy once. But I'm a good woman now, happyly married. What's the problem?
Good for you man, she was disrespectful and thats a big red flag
Would you wear a tshirt that your friend gave you that he used as his cumrag for 5 months but he washed it?
All of those are really normal. There's nothing exceptional about having done those things. If you're going to be worried, at least be worried about something that isn't common.
Dude, don't worry about. Bitch told me one time that she had only slept with 3 different guys but come to find out she had sucked 37 dicks. Lying whores. All of them.
This dudes a virgin don't listen to him
This dude is also a virgin
The omega dub-dub-trips of seething and projection. Chad disapproves.
>is it wrong to sometimes be bothered by my girls past?
No. Its normal.
Women used to understand that sleeping around reduced their long-term value to men.
Now in the age of grrrl power this knowledge has been lost even though girls "slut-shame" other women all the time for a social advantage.
What you're feeling is normal and healthy. It's likely to be amplified if you courted her like a gentleman then found out she has been a sloot for others.
I don't know how to get over your disappoint in her.
This sounds like a modern day success story to me, good on you bro
Moron be happy she's telling you the truth... 99.9% of girls would just lie to you and pretend they are innocent. You wouldn't know any fucking different monkey.
nah, not really. you ever fucked anyone before your girl?
And only fucking pussies are so insecure they are possessive of their chics. Be a man and have some confidence you little bitch.
what this fag said
nice dubs btw
Dubs don't lie
Thanks bro’s
Women are stupid and they make stupid decisions that they think they'll never be held accountable for. Hold them accountable for their dumb shit.
just wanted a pat on the back, faggot?
Need similar advice Sup Forumsros, my gf has a history with some chad on the football team
>Roadhead and shit like that
Should I forget her past?
That’s it. Fuck off faggot.
Lol virgin detected.... Haha
At the same time?!
This you cunt
Thanks Sup Forumsrother
It’s not wrong if she fucked niggers. That’s a deal breaker.
Fuck these beta young pussies that call themselves men make it so easy for real men to get laid. Thanks for being the Low T little bitches you are bi bois! Hahahah
Been with my wife for 15 years, married for almost 10 of them. She did some kind of slutty shit in high school, I fucked around at that age too but not as much. It used to drive me insane with jealousy but now I think it's kind of hot. I suggest kinky pseudo open relationship type shit with her now and she's not into it, and is now jealous when she thinks other women are attracted to me. It's like our mentalities have switched places. Nature is a cruel bitch. Anyway, don't let it get to you bro, if she wants you and only you then she will prove it over and over. If she's got her head on a swivel giving you a fraction of her affection then let her go and move on.
Be a man, enjoy the experience she has and teach her some new things. You would never fucking know if she was lieing anyway Sup Forumsro. Get married to her and you'll be sharing her and enjoying her kinky side. Worst thing I guy can do is marry a self conscious, inexperienced, virgin.... That shit is no fun after a year or less.
If you're marriage-minded, yes. Studies show the more partners she's had, the higher the divorce rate.
No I just wanted my fiancé to has some level of self respect. That’s all I wanted.
How’s life with your anime sex doll?
i threw away my pocket pussy many years ago...
it's hard to trust someone. you have to understand that she could chose to be somewhere else if she wanted to, but she wants to be with you. i have a past, and so does my ladyfriend; it all gets better with time.
Shit fucks with my head OP. With my first serious gf now and she shared too much too early on and at first I didnt care but every once in a while it really gets to me and I wanna break up with her sometimes just because I cant get that shit out of my head.
Boy did you Dodge a bullet. Coal burning aside, that's fucked up
In a row is what you were looking for
I was extremely insecure with my first gf, and she had fucked only one guy before me (i was a virgin before her). This played a minor role in our break up.
When maturity comes, you just stop caring about that, with or without her. Sex is a normal thing, society overrates it. With time, you'll get over it.
I was surprised at the backlash my family especially but my mom hated her from the get go. After many conversations of explaining what an engagement period is fucking for, I was able to move on. I’m happy now and to me that’s all that matters. So yeah I’m not proud how I reacted but I would have done the same had it been spics or zipper heads. All in all it was definitely for the better. Don’t marry sluts bro’s; that quite girl in the corner that has respect and in turn respects you is definitely the way to go.