This all wouldn't have happened if they just gave those teens some porn mags, some kush and maybe later condoms

This all wouldn't have happened if they just gave those teens some porn mags, some kush and maybe later condoms.

Other urls found in this thread:

They're Japanese, so too repressed to fuck. What Nerv needed to do was hire a therapist

Deadsearolls predicted what will happen, so it would have happened anyway
This pic is accurate

Looks like you missed the point of the show idiot

Asuka was teasing Shinji to fuck her the whole time, Shinji was just so beta that he never capitalized on it.

Deep emotional problems and traumas don't disappear with the use of porn, user. It can even worsen the situation.

But yeah they needed to fuck


Has anyone ever made an Eva thread bingo?

>waifu wars
>when should I watch EoE
>anime can't be intellectual
>Rebuild is a sequel
>muh tropes


Shinji definitely needed to get laid

Kaworu should have give him the succ

well op has a point with the DUDEWEEDLMAO then cuz weed makes me super horny and shameless



>Writers decide to end the show with a character study with only 4 episodes left
>Quick make this girl who only had sex with her longtime boyfriend a pedo cockwhore
>Quick make the other girl fuck her dead mom's boyfriend

The ending would have been better if they gave any clues about these before the ending

The collective will of Yui and the writers of the Dead Sea Scrolls couldn't be ignored. And besides from a purely rationalist point of view what happened is good.

Technically she's not a paedo tho, Shinji had clearly hit puberty

Go to bed Milo


>pedo cockwhore
If you think the kiss in EoE was supposed to be a pedo thing then you didn't get the point

i dont watch anime shit, but what are these things they show in all the screencaps, they look cool
why are they leaning back like that? is this a dream sequence?

the whole point of the series is that humans have this problem of setting barriers between themselves and others not allowing to get close to others or being afraid.

"hedgehog problem"

Hidieko Anno solution to this is that we should all fuck and merge together in a orgasmic organge primordial soup goo. That way we will never be alone.

They're doing an impression of Negan from the Walking Dead

There's also the scene where she admits she craves cock 24/7.

And that scene where she offers to fuck shinji because she doesn't know how to cheer him up.

And that scene where she admits she would have fucked shinji if he was interested.

The kiss wasn't a pedo thing, the point was that it wasn't and she chose not to be a slut in her last moments (while still being a slut, but I guess like a benevolent slut instead of a selfish one)

They're cosplaying giantdad

Take my advice , it will be the best thing you ever do today.

>Watch Evangelion tv series (ep1-26):

then go watch one of the greatest films ever made (not just anime but inc live action):

>thank me later

Most real brain meme I've seen yet tbqh

She's a woman tho, of course she craves cock 24/7

im not watching this shit. just tell me what they are god damnit. why do none of you weeb faggots give me a straight answer

Really though it's one of those shows that you have to suffer through the first 10 episodes or so before they start making the show what it's famous for. Before that it's a pretty standard mech harem show, if not slightly more violent than usual

because you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.

It's blatantly obvious what they're doing even if you haven't watched the show but you're too stupid to figure it out

Okay then at least just watch the film you reddit fag.

If you call yourself a serious film enthusiast then you have to watch it. The film is not some weeb shit.

I hate anime just as much as you but this transcends the genre

I'm gonna give you my fist up your asshole if you keep up with that jibba jabba.

Just kidding. It's the mass produced Eva series. When Shinji rejected Instrumentality, and Unit-01 ripped its way out of Lilith, they "died" and I guess turned to stone or something. That's the position they were in when it happened. It honestly won't make a lot of sense if you don't watch it.

The Dead Sea Scrolls didn't "predict" what would happen, they weren't a prophecy. They were alien instruction manuals for the Seeds of Life that described how "Impacts" worked and what types of life could arise as part of an Impact, as well as the use of the Lance(s) of Longinus, etc.

The Scrolls didn't state that the events of NGE had to happen, only that if Adam was"triggered" into an impact, various Angel-type life forms would be created and etc.

Source: NGE game ending "rewards" written in cooperation with Anno & team and confirmed as canon by Anno. Partly backed up by promotional materials issued in booklet form for NGE death & rebirth screening


giant mechanical robots made out of the kids dead mothers, lying on a sea of melted primordial orange tang of humanity that has merged into one

humanity made big robots to fight aliens
government made big robots to fight humanity's robots and make "end of the world" shitty shitty happen

> It's the mass produced Eva series
so they are mechs, ok.
>When Shinji rejected Instrumentality and Unit-01 ripped its way out of Lilith, they "died" and I guess turned to stone or something. That's the position they were in when it happened
I have no idea what any of this means but thanks for explaining. and all the red stuff is the blood from the giant they killed im assuming


>Hire a therapist

The entire NERV budget would have been blown on that because everyone was mentally damaged.

>and all the red stuff is the blood from the giant they killed im assuming

The red stuff is all of humanity that has lost all individual physical form and merged into a singular consciousness after a forced evolution called instrumentality.

so how come those two aren't part of the goop?

Episode 25-26

Shinji rejects instrumentality. i.e if you have the will and want you can come out of the goo, you can.


Asuka was disgusted with Shinji because he didn't fuck her while he masturbated over her in a hospital bed.

Shinji decides that the hivemind isn't the real world, because his experiences with others are what makes the world real.

Is it bad that I like the shitty mech harem episodes more than the later stuff?

They had a pretty much unlimited budget though, I mean they built their own fucking city, loads of experiemntal weapons etc

oh thats pretty cool. so the goop is basically like heaven/constant pleasure sort of thing right?
i think i understand now

yep thats the gist of it

All this show is to me is how the fate of the world is being decided by some beta nobody who is only important because of connections.

Not constant pleasure, no. More like nothingness; no consciousness whatsoever.

At first the protagonist is tempted by it, because it means cutting out all of life's negative experiences, but then rejects it because it also means missing out on the good stuff. I've never thought of it that way but I guess you could see it as a metaphor for anti-depressants (leveling out your emotions so you don't feel highs or lows), the creator was struggling with depression during making the show and was quite open about the plot being inspired by that

>Manchildren hate 25-26 because of the positive ending how Shinji starts living life and being himself

>Manchildren love the movie's ending because how cynical it is.

Every thread, kek.

>People waste their time trying to understand Evangelion when they could spend their time trying to understand the Simpsons

Mass produced evas

you see them doing weird shit when Third Impact happens and they die off afterwards

Explain this image


Yes you pleb
>>Sup Forums


Would you tang it up Sup Forums?

The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where feed and seed both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Fuck and Suck".

Fuck no. I like shagging too much

I like this daring new thesis I'm seeing...

also the reason why Shinji sees "Rei" randomly at the start of the series is because "Rei" becomes a god during the events of End of Evangelion. As a being in a state of godhood she exists simultaneously throughout time from that point in one time that it happens, it's both retroactive and proactive through time, like quantum state or something.

NGE is as much anime as anything else. Even the genre is native to anime. It doesn't "transcend" anything.

Being ugly is an entire world of suffering that normals will never understand

I'm getting sick of this OP image desu
Can't we have an interesting one if you insist on making these threads every day?


>>Rebuild is a sequel
this isnt even debatable. the second and third rebuilds are major departures from the series

The question is whether these departures are still technically part of the continuity of the original series and EOE


Only Rei is a clone of tons of clones. If she gets tired of your shit, just trade her in for a new one. It is almost like a time warp so you can try new things. The other two you can't reset and have to deal with their fucking bullshit.

Finally someone has acknowledged this. Pedofags need to burn.