Tfw 62% of your medals are gold

>tfw 62% of your medals are gold

Other urls found in this thread:

>when your gold percentage is close to your whiteness percentage

>winter olympics

tfw 56% of your population is white

>when you only get gold at your self-invented "sports" you shilled into the olympics

Sorry teeth whiteness isn't a sport, otherwise you could be there too.


>tfw 0% of OPs world cups are male

>tfw 0% of your medals exist

>tfw 0% of my fucks are given.

whut? The olympics was 2 years ago


>tfw 62% of your meals are trans fats

Got 'eem

Well, they ain't joking now are they?


Blatant 56% joke setup

>tfw 62% of your medals are gold
Almost as high as your obesity rate

is this what goldlets tell themselves?

And yet still has more golds than Mexico's Mexico

Remember my fellow Westeners

how are japan so low, they aren't exactly poor like other



>Americans in charge of geography

Why are Anglos such fat cunts?


I think it's cultural. Japanese diet is mostly rice, vegetales and lean meats (fish, chicken). As healthy as it gets.

they're lactose intolerant

best feel

>Mr Cruz, who had links with a white supremacist group, reportedly commented on YouTube last year that he would be a professional "school shooter."
>white supremacist

Asians tend to have pretty bad health problems even when they're slightly overweight, whereas white people can become fat fucks before their health really starts going to shit.

> white supremacist
> with that mutt colored skin

what has the white power movement come to to be scraping the bottom of the barrel like that

Lifestyle and culture. I'm not sure if it's still practiced but there was a point in time where you could be penalized at your job for being too fat and lose benefits.

you didn't figure it out yet? besides this ''white supremacist group'' he was supposedly tied to and his comments about elliot rodger? guy browsed Sup Forums lmao

tfw the country clearly doesn't care either.

>live in drumpfs america

>get shot



Fuck that double double looks good.

El terror de las Americas en persona dos mio salvanos....

>el goblino...


explain yourself burgers!

>yfw nascar + school shootings pave the way for modern blood sports, real life car combat racing AND anti grav racing in the future

based USA the land of freedom of germanic heritage

nra will lobby against any gun control bill

La Creatura


death rally irl when?

lol @ the fat Arabs

ban evading?

Can't believe how bad muricah is

based in n out

>there are only about 5mil Norwegians
I did not know that

Post the Total Metals standings

>using population and not number of athletes sent

>silver medal syndrome

They're on the most right table..

That's my whole point, if you have 325m people you should be able to find more and better athletes to send but apparently a country with only 5m people can do it better.

>but apparently a country with only 5m people can do it better.
It can when your country freezes over and you use skates as transportation. I've never met a single American speed skater in my entire life.

A country with 10000 inhabitants is more likely to produce better talents than a country with 1000 inhabitants, no matter if they both only get to send 10 each.

Based in n out
>Says the speed skate shill
Kek, sure bud.

200 million never see snow though. Probably not that many more people live here that live in a climate like Norway than Norway does

Holy shit El abominación

oh dios mio! :o

>A country with 10000 inhabitants is more likely to produce better talents than a country with 1000 inhabitants, no matter if they both only get to send 10 each.
The best measure would be by number of participants, but it's impossible to get accurate numbers for those. Eliminating Alaska, the amount of the USA that's covered in snow for more than a few weeks out of the year is exceptionally small. The total number of Americans who went snowboarding or skiing at least once last year is supposedly around 10 million. That's already only 3% of the population, and going once a year doesn't exactly an Olympian make. I'd honestly be surprised if there's more than a few thousand Americans who grow up in a situation where they can consider trying to become a competitive skier.

Dios mío ... madre divina ... todos los santos ... ten piedad de nosotros ...

japs are soyboys due to all the soy and rice they consume

Pro-tip: it doesn't snow in San Jose but they have a hockey team, this thing called air conditioning exists

Pro-tip: Most winter sports are outside. Are you proposing cities build air conditioned mountains so we make more skiers?

As a Florida fag, I'm in support of this.

Dubai has indoor ski resorts why can't we?

>this entire thread

Because they concentrate an entire regions wealth and use slave labor to make a meme city

Dubai is the equivalent of a drug dealer in the hood riding around in a tricked out Escalade


>Not concentrations of Jew York money
>Not meme cities built out of drained swamps and hurricane zones
>Not founded on slavery
You were saying?

You don't have to pay Mexicans a living wage and if they complain you just report them ICE

So it's just like Las Vegas

>non aryan

It wasn't worth the effort.
Maybe there were a couple of sugarcane plantations but that was probably it


mutts BTFO

>over 30%
jesus fucking christ Bubba, lay off the fries

Lol, isn't France like 30-40% Muslim? Have fun having all your women raped.

Unironically Sup Forums. Most people on that board are self hating mutts.

>Lol, isn't France like 30-40% Muslim?
Is this the power of burger education?

Germany worships American cock

post dick and I tell you if you're right or not.

Lol, you want to see my dick? What's wrong with you, Hans?


>North central Florida
Not really Florida

Jesus Christ, man. Get yourself together. What would your father think?

All this yuro salt is going to make the mountain melt

Can I see your penis?

he can take a joke, so I'm not concerned.


Wow, so that's the prestigious German humor I've always heard about? So funny man, maybe you should consider a career in comedy.

Let's see them balls then

thanks for all the positive energy

no, I'm shy :o

Not only is ice skating/hockey a little different than skiing, but those San Jose players all grew up and trained somewhere else. Most American hockey players come from Northern states.