Grade her acting
Grade her acting
What I'm trying to say is she's overacting.
>caring about mary sue
she has nice dick sucking lips and I want to cum on her forhead. I'll watch it /10
nah, 2/30.
3/30 is just 1/10
2/30 is just 1/15
You're just a stupid fag who didn't get the joke.
so fucking ugly. disgusting taste.
why doesnt she just get a jaw and teeth reduction like olivia munn did?
can someone shop a blacked nigger behind her as if she was fucked doggystyle?
CGI Entry/10
She's fucking ugly and kinda cute at the same time. How does she do that?
Daisy Ridley > Felicity Jones
Why does Sup Forums like BLACKED but hate black people
she looks like a fucking alien
Was she just slapping the ground or was it supposed to look like she had fallen?
Are the leaks true though.
set photos leaked of the tree, couldnt someone have just made up "leaks" about the tree set photo and origins of the force.
Sup Forums hates black people and Sup Forums hates BLACKED. That's why Sup Forums posts BLACKED. To get Sup Forums to hate black people.
You're reading into it a bit too deep
Some people just fucking really enjoy shitposting.
Source: Brap posting. I have no other way of explaining that besides a deep affinity for dragging down board quality.
She was better in suicide squad
That's the same sweaty face she makes when a big black cock is a bit too big for her ass, but he still rams it in.
Why do you guys talk about black cocks so much
Who cares/ten
They are copying empire.
>Yoda trains luke
>Luke trains Sweaty
>Luke goes off to the fight vader
>Sweaty goes off to fight the bad guy
Why didn't JJ direct her better? Why did she have to do this smiling facial expression?
God she's terrible. Absolutely terrible.
Oh well at least she has some personality unlike that chick from the rogue one.
What did she mean by this ?
Most of the shots in the trailer (especially the close ups) look completely different from the rest of the SW films.
Steve Yedlin is the cinematographer and he never worked on anything as big as this so he might just bring something new to this boring studio cash in.
Though he worked on San Andreas so it might be atrocious lmao
nah the cineamtography mirrors the other movies
I just hope we won't have any of those JJ Abrams quick camera zoom ins that were terrible during the Falcon Jakku chase in TFA
I think what makes them different is that this movie and TFA used a lot more camera close ups compared to Lucas' movies. Lucas' movies were filmed more like a "stage play" while these 2 have that Hollywood vibe but still already TLS cinematography is looking a lot better than the stuff in TFA
The guy has worked on almost 20 films. Picking San Andreas of all those says a lot more about you than it does his work.
She is the Sup Forums equivalent of that autistic girl from Mass Effect
The other 20 films are not anything to be especially proud about either (except Looper and Brick), it's mostly small budget comedy/drama
The facapp meme is dumb and already old
"tfw the tree IS the last jedi
we jedi master groot treebeard nao
cant believe they ripped of gorge lucas like this
seriously wtf
Hella epic bra...
She's kind of smitten
that's why she's smiling you sociopaths
But seeing TFA, she's already better than nearly 100% od the Jedi, includiny Luke.
I sincerely hope you're just baiting.
There are countless of these "silhouette against a far landscape" shots in films.
To think that Lucas has done it first is retarded.
look at the pic an tell me its not ripped of
then find me that exact shot in prevs movie
ill wait
John is very attractive for a black man, even my sister thought he was sexy, no surprise Rey thought so too.
if this would have been the original story of star wars it would have never been as successful as it is now
Is she taking a shit?
Is she getting assfucked by the force?
Whats going on here?
Out of 10 I'd give her 1.
She is ovulating at the thought of being filled with prime African seed.
Damn my tiny white dick is harder than ever
hi steve
>She is ovulating
Was expecting the porn director version
>Main character laying down
>Establishing shot of an island
>Silhouette shot implying desire for adventure
They may as well be the exact same movie user. I guess Starwars is just copying a movie that hasn't been released. Ofc Synder has nothing but the highest standards for originality, which is why he does 1:1 adaptations.
Its not like Hollywood is utterly devoid of creativity and just retelling the same stories the same ways over and over.
>The three 3's don't lie
Disney plagiarized DC
Flat disgusting body. Fucking gross looking slag chav. Why is she so sexy bros?
she hams it up something fierce but she's not Herschlag so fine
Is that a girl? I can't tell because it has no tits.
to be fair it's not a bad idea to steal lines from gadot.
i mean she can't act and she looks like skeletor. The for her to still be relevant in Hollywood means she's doing something right.
why do you think disney developed that company that created facial expressions on actors she cant act for shit , only whens she taking an actual shit
I've seen trannies with more feminine bodies than that.
I wish I knew photoshop. She'd be holding "How to Act for Dummies"
love you user
Its like what my dad used to say about our english bulldog. She is so homely she is cute.
why am i not surprised they would turn SW into a female power fantasy
That's a teenage boy with fake teeth.
Would like to see your faces when you see all your fears alive in the jedi cave.
Are Midichlorians actually Bogdabots?
Daisy confirmed B R E E D E R?
no way fag
by being a girl
all that girls have to do to be "cute" or fuckable is not be fat and have a healthy skin
thats some LOST tier shit
>Force Source
In fact you only see trannies
>fucking you from behind
At least Rian love and admires prequels, unlike Jew-Jew.
He never did 1:1 adaptations actually, even Watchmen or 300. Not to mention completely different from original Dawn of the Dead remake, completely original Sucker Punch and 300 2 (which he wrote script to both).
Even Batman v Superman though stealing some shots from DKR, portays (actually first ever) Superman as a good guy in title battle.
Also what's up with Snyder here? He only wrote story for WW, everything else is Jenkins.