>thinking Logan was anything else besides pro- immigrantion propaganda
How does it feel to be a sheep?
Thinking Logan was anything else besides pro- immigrantion propaganda
I noticed this too but I didn't mind. Good movie. Would not watch it a 2nd time.
we got distracted by the qt hispanic girl
I thought it was an okay movie, but the obvious pro- immigration and white devil undertones were really distracting and took away from the overall quality. It probably would have been my favorite X- Men movie if not for them.
you guys are really fucked up and stupid
but I think immigration is good... for me ;)
I'm glad I'm not as obsessed with politics as some of the people who browse this site. I wouldn't be able to enjoy anything.
Why do all the bad guys have exactly one robotic arm?
>make movie with people in it
>Sup Forums has to put people in boxes
No normal person saw anything related to race in this movie
>bunch of frat guys driving in the extended limo throwing bottles at the immigrants waiting at the border crossing
If you say so
>Throw bottles at immigrants
But they didn't...
X-Men has always been liberal propaganda. On the nose about everything, I think Kitty has said "Nigger," on several occasions to get her point across. Has she ever said "kike," in the comic?
t. you
Yes I apologise they were shouting USA! USA! and flipping off the immigrants
>x men have always been persecuted
>create corporate child soldiers with mutations
Yeah, what a fucking political message: treat life with an ounce of respect.
>Has she ever said "kike," in the comic?
Probably not since she's a Jew.
I get that, but her "What if he said Nigger instead?" In response to someone using a mutie slur and another person(usually black) telling her to calm down, take it easy, sort of took a back a little. But I get the point.
its not tho
and its a good movie
even if it wasnt, I would still pretend to like it just to spite you alt right pusies form Sup Forums adn /r/the_donald
I forgive you. Don't lie again, even if it's to fit your theories.
>pro immigration
>movie literally starts with cholos stealing rims and shooting logan in the chest
really polishing those rims
>thinking Logan was about anything else besides money
I only noticed it near the end of the film.
Absolutely disgusted by it.
>A bunch of immigrant children running away from a guy named Donald
What did they mean by this?
It's not good for you unless you're on the inside
Magneto >>>>>>>>>> Professor cuck
>alt right pusies form Sup Forums adn /r/the_donald
>Sup Forums and /r/donald alt-right
Wow, I truly wish that was the case.
pro-immigration propaganda > muh holocaust propaganda
>pro-immigration propaganda
>movie opens with Logan slaughtering bad hombres who would shoot your for your wheels
Why did Hugh Jackman take a paycut so the movie could be Rated R?
>bad guy named Donald
>all bad guys are white
>all the kids were beaners
yeah. I liked it but don't be stupid
Really? The fucking Mexican police were bad guys in this. And Mexican gov.
Lol, this is like when SJW see misogyny and racism in everything, fucking whiny delusional cunts.
The movie starts off with Wolverine dismembering 4 Mexican gangbangers who were trying to strip his limo.
I swear, Sup Forumstards are just as retarded as the SJW's they rail against. They see one theme they don't like in a movie, then claim that the movie was ONLY about that theme.
Who watches Logan and thinks, "Wow, all this was was pro-immigration propaganda!"?
r/the_donald uses the same exact rhetoric as SJWs, hilariously enough
>SJWs get butthurt whenever a character is straight, white, or male
>r/the_d gets butthurt whenever a character isn't straight, white or male
>SJWs get butthurt whenever a black person gets killed or dies
>r/the_d gets butthurt whenever a white person gets killed or dies
>SJWs see sexism and racism in everything and act like victims
>r/the_d sees sexism and racism in everything and act like victims
Jokes on you - Im not an American and thus dont empathize with those isdues. Its why this movie is still capekino for me
Most Americans who saw the movie liked it. The vast majority of the people who didn't like the movie, disliked it for reasons other than its "pro-immigration" stance. The people crying about the immigration angle are Sup Forumstards.
>muh minority children with superpowers strangling the life out of le ebil white male capitalist neo-nazi trump supporter so they can illegally cross the border and escape le white male's oppression!
yea you're a fuckin idiot
It's way fucking worse than just that.
>director is a literal Jew
>ends the movie by outright desecrating the cross
I mean Jesus fuck they're not even trying to hide it anymore
The political message is that most of the mutants are niggers and most of the mercenaries hunting down the poor minority children are white. Mangold says that explicitly.
I think you redd*tors just have to admit you're wrong on this one.
Looks more like a reddit refugee who's home board is Sup Forums
That doesn't look like an argument to me. Looks like you're wrong (again).
I'm not going to argue with a reddit refugee. Read above you nu-male right wing sjw. Keep crying like the helpless bitch you are
>The political message is that most of the mutants are niggers
shouldn't you be happy about that?
I want my sperm to immigrate to Dafne's womb.
So you admit that the movie is SJW anti-white propaganda? thanks
X-Men have always been a metaphor for persecuted groups
That all Donalds are evil, which is true
>Desecrating the cross
What do you mean?
how does it feel to be a NEET Sup Forumstard who will die a virgin without a single person attending his funeral?
>I wouldn't be able to enjoy anything.
Welcome to Sup Forums.
>this assmad
White lives are better because look at this infographic.
>so beta he can't muster a proper comeback after being BTFO
Why are stormblrbeasts such pussy ass bitches?
>furiously types up entire paragraphs over an internet disagreement
>"n-nice c-comeback dude! lol!"
>furiously types up entire paragraphs
You also can't count. Sad!
I was liking it till the little girl started chimping out in spanish,
This part was so fucking stupid.
Ruined the more for me.
Agreed, all the child actors at the end of the movie were cringe-worthy
Maybe Sup Forums has ruined my brain but these guys brought the movie down a lot for me. Movie went from Wolverines final chapter to multicultural super kids.
>Movie went from Wolverines final chapter to multicultural super kids
Welcome to the x-men.
What the fuck are you retards arguing about half the time. Are you familiar with the series? When the fuck weren't the X-men a melting pot of different races and nationalities? How do you even manage to pretend to be an X-men fan and not notice the inherent multiculturalism and anti-segregation message behind it?
You stupid shits are an embarrassment.
>How do you even manage to pretend to be an X-men fan
Who did that? Are you just making shit up again?
No, I actually felt for Logan's and Xavier's death, and that Laura loved Logan.
You're a Sup Forumsedditor if you gave a shit about borders.
Well guess what, they're trying to leave, so fuck off.
>Sup Forumsedditor
racism isn't allowed on redd*t. you should go there if Sup Forums bothers you so much.
>censoring it so you don't get banned
fucking faggot Sup Forumsacks
I wanna talk about film, not some Border bullshit.
You can either go back to Sup Forums or join back with reddit.
We're talking about the theme of the film 'Logan'. See and then proceed to kys.
>X-men has always been an allegory for homosexuals being persecuted
>now Mangold uses the X-men as a backdrop for another he perceives as being persecuted, immigrants, is out of character for the series
So litterally like it's always been?
Hating Logan might as well mean you hate all other X-men movies...
>Hating Logan might as well mean you hate all other X-men movies
Nobody said they hated it. All that was said was that the SJW undertones existed you fuckin spergs. You redd*tors are honestly like bronies, constantly ruining threads with your incessant faggotry.
>tfw too happy to enjoy Logan
>the SJW undertones existed you fuckin spergs.
Which I'm saying they always... Why be upset only at Logan for parading them around?...
Ill lay this down for you one time. Ask again and ill cold shoulder your pathetic ass.
If you want to put 'red pills' in your movie and still have a job next week then you have to bury them in 'blue pills'.
Now grow the fuck up and stop being such a fucking pissbabby.
fucking feminists god dammit
You're digressing, fuckwit.
>Why be upset only at Logan for parading them around?
Are you retarded? Logan is the subject of the thread. I swear, leftism rots peoples' brains.
Let's say for example that I didn't like the musical scores in Logan. What kind of disconnected imbecile would barge into the thread and shit up half the posts with "go back to Sup Forums!" and "other x-men films had lacklusters scores also! why don't you criticize them?!"
The SJW anti-white theme clearly exists in the movie. If you can't admit that, you have psychological problems.
> movie opens with psychopatic beaners trying to kill Logan because he interrupted their theft
You're inserting total fantasies into your descriptions of people in order to make your arguments work. Ask yourself why it's so important to you that nobody on Sup Forums has a problem with cuck propaganda.
>You're inserting total fantasies into your descriptions of people
I'm not. If you're not a fan of these characters, where is all this outrage coming from? Did you not notice this was an x-men story?
>h-how can you call yourself an x-men fan if you didn't like every little detail of the film!?
you cucks are sad
Ive never watched a xman movie but I remember mostly white people, brown girl, and a couple blue guys.
But that doesnt matter because the kids were shitty actors, ugly to look at, as uninteresting as possible and had way to much screen time.
>Logan is the subject of the thread.
Yup, a thread which cajoles the idea that this is the first ever instance of the X-men movies toying with themes of persecution, and being wielded as backdrops for social commentary, which it isn't it. The very premise for this thread happens to be retarded.
Jokes on you, I'm voting Fillon next monday.
>The SJW anti-white theme clearly exists in the movie.
In a movie which portrays the heroic protagonist as being of Caucasian ethnicity, as well as his trusted sidekick, and his daughter...?
All the movie did was ponder on how relations between the US and Mexico might come to transpire in the following decades, with the US economically pupetting Mexico, and Canada being a haven to mutants (which the US would probably attempt to eradicate in a scenario whereby they existed).
So much for anti-white propaganda.
is there anything that wasn't the jews, Sup Forums?
also, reflecting the author's views makes art somehow wrong? retard.
donald pierce has been around since the 80s m8
You're wrong, OP.
It was also heavily anti-GMO
>bad guy named Donald
Just like the comics
>>all bad guys are white
So are the lead heroes
>>all the kids were beaners
They're in mexico because the fucked up experiments they went through weren't legal in the U.S, hardly a glowing view of Mexico.
>Yup, a thread which cajoles the idea that this is the first ever instance of the X-men movies toying with themes of persecution, and being wielded as backdrops for social commentary, which it isn't it.
So you admit that Logan contains SJW themes and could reasonably be considered cuck propaganda? Great.
>of Caucasian ethnicity, as well as his trusted sidekick, and his daughter
She's clearly a spic, Pierrehmed.
>All the movie did was ponder on how relations between the US and Mexico might come to transpire in the following decades
It also portrayed most of the villains as white males with southern drawls, and most of the protagonists as innocent minority children with superpowers just trying to illegally cross a border to escape le ebil Trump-voting white male's oppression.
If you're honestly trying to claim that there's no cuck propaganda element to the movie, you're just delusional, or pretending to be retarded.
They put a cross down to mark Wolverine's grave, then pulled it up and out it back down as an X, since he was the last of the X-Men
>cuck has gone from meaning a man being unknowingly cheated upon by his spouse to labelling people trying to be clever (which I agree it isn't) and make social commentary of their times
>british-spanish cupcake
>"omg what a spic"
What are you even trying to articulate here?
>white males with southern drawls,
Well wasn't the film kicked off with Logan being a limousine driver touring around the southern states? Wouldn't government agents that'd be dispatched happen to also hail from the region, and betray themselves by their accents? Is there really a conspiracy against the South, as you put it?
>minority children with superpowers
Well they were bred with Mexican surrogate mothers.... Why wouldn't they bear a foreign appearance?
>ebil Trump-voting white male's oppression.
The movie strives to feature what it thinks could work as a dystopia in the US, which means corporations invading everything and social policies against one persecuted part of the population (mutants).
Trump doesn't care for empowering corporations, and neither for denigrating against legal minorities. So why are you drawing this form you tard?
Le 62% face lmao.
You're intentionally being retarded and pedantic. You literally admitted that the movie has cuck propaganda, and you tried to rationalize it by saying 'well all the X-men movies contain cuck propaganda!'. I don't feel like arguing with a retarded muslim from a third-world country anymore when I already won the argument 30 minutes ago.
>I already won the argument 30 minutes ago.
>litterally all your arguments have been "whoah it's anti-white, and like hates on Trump dude", and then deny me any answer about my arguments just summing everything up as "dood i win"
Hold it right there buddy!
Yeah, well, you're jewish and probably gay too.
So there.
Are we on fucking reddit?
My argument was that the movie contains cuck propaganda. Your counter-arguments were shit like 'dude she's not a spic, she's half spanish!'. You're a retard, bucko. I won the argument a long time ago.
>cuck propaganda.
Explain "cuck propaganda" to me the, and maybe I'll acquiesce, but anything that comes close to "wahh they put brown people in mah movie" in reverse-SJW tier though.
He's pulling your leg brother
He's yanking your chain
He's being retarded on purpose
Fuck Drumft and fuck white people.
I almost thought during the black farm scene where Logan and the nigger were talking one on one, he was going to say something like "I emphasize with you mutants, my people were slaves and not accepted by society just like you".
It's so hard these days sifting through who's retarded, and who's baiting. I yearn for simpler days really.