What snack does Sup Forums eat while watching kino?
picis a flick in the food world I hope you do not fall for such jew flick like McDonald's and burger king. So Sup Forums do you make your own kino burgers,and pizza?
What snack does Sup Forums eat while watching kino?
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I like those Rodeo burgers from BK though. Although the kino version is obviously the the western burger from CJ's. Still if I"m watching a flick, I don't see why a flickburger isn't appropriate. They are a dollar after all.
No fast-food flick is better then your own kino, you are just getting jewed cause you cannot take 5minutes to make your own burger
Fuck you, I hate cleaning up the mess
what kinda mess would you make are you an ape?
>can't get through a two hour movie without a meal
you fat fucks need to stop
Do all Americans eat their pizza like this?
A light snack
The dishes, dumbfuck
>light snack to sets of fires and sodas
you being jew'd
that a 10 dollar pizza
> i make a huge mess in 1 skillet,1 bowl, 1 spoon, and a knife.
>he thinks that's real
this is how you know the stupid stinky yuropoors are up
>I am not a fatass you just a euro poor
please nigger inst like 20 pc at burgerking for 1.50?
It's less of a hassle to get fast food though, unless you're a jew, I suppose, and you REALLY need that one dollar.
>please nigger inst like 20 pc at burgerking for 1.50?
typical yuropoor, having a fat fingered stroke on his keyboard because someone noticed the obvious stupidity associated with his homeland
lrn2english bruh lmao
>one dollar will get you 5+ meals of higher quality
>you must be a jew for not giving McDonald's your money
t.fast-food shill
What a fag
>whole rack 5 bucks
>10lb potatos 1 buck
>sauce 1 buck
I mean this one I can kinda see cause takes like 1-2 hour to make so depending on your wage why make your own...
i'm really just happy with a huge pile of various pepper poppers
Poke chops