S/fur bread ride with floofy titties and tails continues again

S/fur bread ride with floofy titties and tails continues again.
Because muh floof!

Small colourfull mares from popular TV shows are fine too.

Attached: Elysia.png (500x1100, 804K)

Other urls found in this thread:

e621.net/post?tags=female comic

>feminine body and features
>very hairy
furries please explain why you're aroused by dog face


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Why does it have to be about sex?

I mean I get why this guy is into dog face but what about normal, non-"feral" furries?

I'll just repost this here:
You guys already have a show, popular among the young ones, and heavily saturated with furries.
A certain Hotel for Hazbins

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dog is for cute
sexy bod is for arousal

but mostly for cute

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>especially if certain social media company's VR ventures work out the way they want
Wait what now?

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They're far more beautiful than flat human faces. Humans are what would happen if anthros had all of the beautiful parts removed.

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