Give me your worst insults /b
Give me your worst insults /b
Ya mums ya dad ya cunt
Said in best Aussie accent
You suck
you smell bad
you are the dirt beneath my feet
ok boomer
You’re a fucking degenerate, lowlife piece of shit. The most you could ever hope for is that your parents die before they witness you become the dumpster diver you’ve always been deep down, you deadbeat fucking loser.
Your actual mother switched you for another baby in the hospital.
You’re a horse fucking tornado cock who licks drinking crevis cordial and eating Fallopian tube mushrooms
Everyone who ever loved you was wrong.
I think you’re handsome, OP. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
Go rob a sperm bank you cum guzzling fuckwit.
You make me sick you fucking no good worthless piece of shit, why dont you just go back to wherever slimy fuck hole you came dripping out of.
you're 10
Reddit zoomer
Im afraid that i cant love more than you love yourself
Fucking hell
No u
>Give me your worst insults /b
You're not worth it
I wonder everyday why it had to be specifically you who was born
You are so dull you would fail the turing test