Be me

>be me
>6 y/o poorfag
>have to go to shitty public school
>don't know anyone
>meet black kid
>best friend
>play everyday
>go to his house because mine is shitty and i don't want him to know i'm poor
>go to his house really often
>one day a girl comes to his house
>she's his neighbor
>she's gorgeous
>even for a 6 y/o mind she's the most beautiful thing ever
>tell her one day
>she says she likes me too
>start going to her house
>we don't go to same class so i get sad while on school
>she makes me happy
>she figures out i'm poor
>i'm scared
>she doesn't care
>one day i go to her house again
>she says that we will go to a secret place
>nice place
>really well built actually
>she tells me she wants to kiss me
>i tell her i want to kiss her too
>stay there and hang out
>we talk a lot
>we would occasionally kiss
>great time
>go to her house
>my mother is there
>oh no
>"Where have you been user? We've been looking for both for hours"
>we didn't notice that 5 hours had passed
>we tell them the truth
>we tell them we kissed and that we like each other
>they say is not that simple, that we are too young
>her parents forbid her to see me again
>next year
>meet guy whose mother died
>best friends instantly
>eventually forget about girl

Attached: wholesome pepe.png (390x389, 181K)

Go on.

>12 years later
>be me
>18 y/o middleclass fag
>literally 6 hours ago
>trying to sleep
>can't sleep
>good times make people happy
>happy = relaxed
>relaxed = sleep
>masterplan engaged
>try to think on good times
>look for memories
>oh shit no
>look for other memories
>dig deep down in my mind
>a face starts to form
>could it be?
>it's her
>try to remember name
>not relaxed at all
>i have to find her
>start my personal crusade
>jump off the bed
>turn the pc
>go to old facebook
>try to find any clue
>a name caughts my atention
>this name... it's hers
>go to the profile
>photos show a bimbo with duck face in every photo
>oh no
>wait this doesn't even look like her
>look deeper
>finally found some profile with the SAME NAME
>this has to be her
>go to old photos
>oldest photo from 2010 aprox.

What do Sup Forums?
I love her just by seeing her face, i want to talk to herm she looks even more beautiful now.
I feel like a fucking creep but i want to talk to her so bad, she was an amazing person, i want to be his friend
She lives in the same city as me, but she goes to private colleges and shit.
Should i man up and just talk to her?

Jesus fuck i feel more like a creep now that i'm telling some random greasy bastards some story about a girl i met 12 years ago... do you think it would creep her out if i talk to her?

just do it and don't be weird and most importantly don't expect anything from her

but, HOW!??!?!, i have zero experience talking to girls in a "approaching" manner, i tend to be really extrovert with female friends, but i don't think just popping out and saying "HEY HELLO IT'S ME, THE GUY YOU WENT TO SCHOOL WITH FOR ONE YEAR TWELVE YEARS AGO" would work

Yes most definitely. How do you even know she was a wonderful person? You were literally six. Just because another little kid didn’t disrespect you because of your family’s economic state? She was a kid who didn’t know what poverty was herself, incapable of looking down on it.

How are you in love with someone that you don’t know?
>inb4 I do know her
No you don’t, you knew six year old her. She’s no doubt a different person entirely now. Your life isn’t some stupid slice of life anime where the MC reunites with childhood crush and you bone.

OP I love ya bud, but the path you want to go down will ultimately bring you pain. So just get the hell off Sup Forums and become a better person who’s not so autistic. That’s how you’ll find love eventually.

You may be right, maybe i'm just being blinded by the fact that she brought light in a dark moment. Yeah, she's probably a totally different person by now, just like me really. I just, felt so great by just finding her. I will take your advice for now, maybe i will just add her some time and just let see what happens, she has friends in common from school, so that's that.

Dear god the plebbitfag cancer reaks from this post