All this coomer/fb/ig/shouldnt share/normie ylyl shit is actually making me want to kill myself more than I already do...

All this coomer/fb/ig/shouldnt share/normie ylyl shit is actually making me want to kill myself more than I already do. Is it so much to ask that a suicidal user with crippling depression get a feels threat? The occasional story threat? Something that isn't normie shit? At least every once in a while?

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why don't you just make one of those threads then

Same Sup Forumsro, it's been really hard trying to stay alive lately.

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care to share what's going on in ur life? Mine isn't great either

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We're having these fucking threads by the fucking hour too.
Either do it or be original, or both.
Just stop being such a raging, dick guzzling bitch.

>how to use filters on Sup Forums.

just kill yourself already what the fuck

I actually remember when Sup Forums was interesting. It was never good, but it was more than just another porn board.

It's a little disappointing, really.

How is user doing tonight?

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You should kill yourself you whiny faggot, no one will miss you.

Sup Forums stopped being interesting around when MLP came out and all of the faggy ass bronies kept spamming their furfaggotry everywhere. Should execute the lot of them.

Please kill yourself on a livestream, OP. You are a faggot.

MLP becoming what it became should have unironically been a massive warning sign about the state of our society. We need to transcend or something.

Even an hero is old meme these days.


But it is illegal to encourage mass shootings and I don't have a VPN now.

It seriously is. I once saw a guy in shorts and clearly had a butt plug tail in coming out of his shorts and fucking cat ears. I was on a public street during the fucking day.

It seems like it has been long a while since there has been a good "I'm going to an hero and live stream it" thread and OP actually mans up and follows through. I really miss those. Just saying, OP.

>wants to kill himself because doesn’t like the content of a website you intentionally go on
Might aswell do it, i’d encourage you but i’m too lazy to paste a YT link so just Look Charles Bukowski and the one that probably has “go all the way” as the video title

Yeah do it OP!

>goes back to jerking off to random Facebook whores fully clothed

You’re not wrong, I still don’t get it at all.

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dont you dare include ylyl in that category

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B2B2b 555???

Wtf This is now a get thread

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Don't you have better things to do than encourage people to do dumb shit like that?

It's illegal because it obviously works when it gets tossed around enough.

Pls 555

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Poopoo peepee

It's funny to think a gif like this can loop for a billion years.

I could actually explain the sociological mechanism, but it would take a shit load of time.

The TL;DR is that when you tell people they're worthless, deprive them of healthy human contact, and call even a basic level of natural human sexuality wrong, you create a perfect storm for this kind of behavior.

They find something that tells them it's okay to exist, develop an unhealthy affection for it, and affection is tied into our sexuality, especially if it's either hyper-stimulated (porn) or repressed for too long (being a NEET or what people call a beta).

Society is fucking itself to death with materialism and people don't even see it, or they do and lose hope.

I'm literally maxed in OSRS and I want to tell you that this and all the other >tfwxD edits the scummy redditors make are utter shit
Kill yourself


Those threads are rare squared. But it does happen. I even tried to flee to /bant or whatever that shits called. It was worse, but in a different way.

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do hero and stream it

Here's your story, op.
>be me, over 30y old
>had to pass several surgical operations from when I was 11 till 18
>fit and 6.5/10, not bad looking, not hamdsome
>match on tinder with this girl 25y old
>start getting along pretty good
>watch In Bruges toghether. One month later we're actually in Bruges. Fall in love
>everything is happy. Life is not easy, but with her at my side all is bearable.
>"you have most amazing eyes I ever seen." "I'm so glad when we wake up in the morning you, and only you are the first thing I see" "never had sex like this ever" "sometimes I cry when I think about when we met"
>months pass, we're starting thinking about moving toghether
>"user, I have to live for 9 months. It's for my university course"
>I understand. "Let's leave each other, so we're both free and we will pass thru this. If we are just what we're like now when you come back and nothing is changed, we could go over that."
>"No user. Stay with me pls, I need you for this. Come visit. Lets spend time toghether. The place where I go is great, we'll have fun and nothing bad will happen"
>"but.. Fine."
>most stupid thing ever said. After 3 months of distant relationship, I get a phone call.
>user I cheated on you I'm sorry
>block/delete/drugs/alcohol/masturbation/grudge/pain/tears, all the average kind of stuff when you get cheated upon
>without her nothing makes sense anymore
>unblock, search for her
>my same reaction apparently, she clinges to me even more
>makes me go thru hell. I make her tell all the truth because without that I could not even try to go on
>it's Inferno. Puked a couple of times. Nothing out of the ordinary, only the most vile and tracherous stuff ever, with me absolutely certain about her being sincere, and she letting this guy fuck her 3 times
>somehow, out of pure suffering, I meet her again. Wanted to see what would have happen, I guess
>we go on for another half of year toghether. >>part 2 soon


You are in charge of making your story threads or suicide threads and whatever you want to improve your quality of Sup Forums.

Instead we get your pathetic waste of a thread.
I can't see you rebounding from this and making a good thread on your own later today.

SO FUCK YOU. Why don't you make a thread on WHY you are able to criticize the content of Sup Forums by telling us when you first found Sup Forums.

I've been here for 13 years.

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>a lot of time is passed now
>we're still toghether, but everything changes.
>I can barely work in order to survive, bodyshape ruined because of drug abuse during the "revelation phase"
>don't care about my own looks anymore
>don't care about my career anymore
>care about her less and less by the day, but sex is still great even if polluted forever
>trust issues have bad refrain over my own family and friends
>people finds me unsufferable
>had to tell my friends what happened because I could not face it by myself
>so I always feel like they look at me from above
>summer comes. I face the ultimate consequence on my health about this, epathic infection (probably drug-related) and trip in France interrupted to hospitalize me
>step off the hospital in september
>she came visiting only once due to study and work, but the day we meet in hospital she looos at me almost in disgust
>can't blame her, I'm all fucked-up, thanks to her.
>october comes
>she leaves me
>"user, I feel time has taken its toll on us. I don't feel anymore, but you'll always be.."
>didnt even finish listening, I won't ever know what she was gonna say
>blocked, canc, this time is forever.
>walked away and only worked and led a healthy life to get back in shape
>current day arrives.
There goes my summer 2017, 2018, 2019. Hope you found it entertaining, and made you realize that if you let a pussy get control of your life, you'll waste more than what you actually live. Nobody will give me these 2 years and a half (along with all I lost in the process) back.
Stay tuned on yourself. Don't trust Anyone. I personally evaluate what my own mother tells to me from the moment I understood what I'm talking about. I question what My Mother tells to me. Nobody is ever actually sincere. Nobody is ever actually sincere. Nobody is ever actually sincere. Nobody is ever actually sincere. Nobody is ever actually sincere. Nobody is ever actually sincere. Nobody is ever actually sincere.