What the fuck was this Peter Pan, Captain Hook shit? This film goes from Mad Max 2 to Mad Max 3 faster than you can say "giant CGI shark monster".
What the fuck was this Peter Pan, Captain Hook shit...
this film was great. shame it bombed
I unironically cried during this movie
there was a shark monster in it?
i might watch it now
What's the difference between MM2 and MM3?
More annoying children
less grit and kids
2 is gritty, 3 is a family film with child roles
Water World goes from edgy "marry our underage daughter to keep the species going" shit and danger of rape to Peter Pan kids' adventure cartoon shit
>not liking waterworld
You must be fun at parties.
It's no The Postman, that's it's problem
It's not worth watching imo. There's a couple huge action sequences that are fantastic, you can really tell it cost a lot to make, and the main villain is really fun in a cartoony way - but most of the characters are annoying and it tries too hard with sappy emotions
the loli was a qt
End yourself
MM2 was a great influential action-movie
MM3 was like a cheap family-friendly knockoff
God I can't believe I sat through that blue collar propaganda.
what? you don't like her?
>trading junk to get some cunny
Dude its the best movie ever made.
If you cant except that than you're fucking retarded.
Yeah the cunny was my first crush when I was 8 or whatever
postman is 4/10
waterworld is 8/10
Is the director's cut somewhat better?
I thing we europoors never got it
I've watched this movie several times, and I've only just realized that Jack Black is the seaplane pilot
>Kevin Costner was put up, at a cost of $4,500 a night, in an oceanfront villa with a butler, chef, and his own private swimming pool. In contrast, crew members were forced to live in uninsulated condominiums that were subject to temperature swings of up to 50 degrees. This inequity of accommodations contributed to on-set hostility and low morale.
>Kevin Costner demanded the VFX crew hide his receding hairline digitally, which was not a cheap feat in 1995.
>The studio didn't spend any money researching weather patterns off Hawaii's Kona coast, where the film was shot. If they had, they would have learned that the area was subject to 45 mph winds, which constantly blew the set out of position and ruined shots.
>The entire slaver faction was written out when the set was destroyed.
>Neither the 1,000 metric ton floating set nor any of the 30 boats used by the cast and crew had bathrooms. Filming had to stop so people could be ferried to portable toilets on a barge anchored near the shore.
>Joss Whedon flew out to the set to do last minute rewrites on the script. He later described it as "seven weeks of hell".
Oh this one is the most reassuring:
>If the icecaps melted, the oceans would only rise a few hundred feet; not enough to flood civilization into a floating oblivion.
>The entire slaver faction was written out when the set was destroyed
I really wonder how they were going to be worked in. The idea he keeps the kid and woman alive as they're valuable to slavers is pretty interesting. It redeems the character and a bit and it is hinted at still in the movie. I just wonder how it was all to play out.