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is this a new meme

Oh good, time for this thread again.

>it's a "hollywood writers are so liberal they can't even imagine an actual republican" episode
Which isn't even surprising given how much the average liberal understands the average conservative, pic related

>>it's a "hollywood writers are so liberal they can't even imagine an actual republican" episode
This is definitely the funniest part of the whole thing. They literally can't even conceive of someone that might honestly not share their views, so even when they're conservatives they make them secret liberals. Aaron Sorkin might be the most neurotic man in the country.

He had me up until he started talking about how America used to be great. When was America ever great? After the revolutionary war when we were committing genocide against the natives and utilizing African Americans as slaves? After WW2 when we, along with the Soviets pushed the human race to the brink of armageddon?

No nation is ever "great". This is the biggest lie we've ever told ourselves as a society. Nations are nothing more than a collection of people and there are no great or small people- just people. People can do great things yes, but they can also do evil things. As nations we tend to do too much of the latter.
And why are Americans so obsessed with being the "greatest"? Why are other nations? It's not a fucking competition. This is life, this is humanity. We should be trying to be the best that we can and if we are, then it doesn't if we're the "greatest" or not. Let's drop the jingoist bullshit and start acting not like Americans or Chinese or Russians but like human beings.

Once again centrists are shown to be the most reasonable.

Never doubt the Grey Jedi - Obi-Wan Kenobi

how does the cuck chastity cage feel?

>America's not great
>But it was AND it can be again
Yeah, fuck you.

Everyone freaks out over that first part. It's the second part you should be mad about.

Did you literally save and repost your own post, you stupid cuck?

0,5 deposited from (((them)))

fuck off

Many Americans know this too, esp in the last 15 years as we've watched so many things go wrong that it is becoming hard to ignore. Endless wars of choice, ballooning deficits, the failure of our health care system (high prices, inhuman and terrible coverage), the illusion of democracy shredded (the plutocratic nature of our government is much more transparent now), blatant election fraud, etc.

Everytime Obama (who I voted for) gives a speech about this being the greatest country in the world I want to puke. He doesn't respect us enough to be honest with us. If a president said 'we have serious problems we need to work on' that would be great. But we never get that. We get baseless platitudes which assume we are too stupid to understand what is going on in the world while the real problems in this country go unsolved year after year.

>But it was AND it can be again
Just where did you think Trump got his slogan from

>Obama (who I voted for)

fucking cuck


Not entirely true! There are lots of things Europe can learn from America. Let me ask the following question: Considering that, in the early 90s, an important part of the Internet was developed in France (at CERN, by an English dude!) then, why have all the greatest business opportunities being appearing in the US (google, facebook, dropbox, amazon, etc. ). Most of these businesses being created by ordinary people… Answer that question and you will find out why America is one of the greatest countries in the world...

(Signed by an european)

I hate this bullshit, I wish I lived in the US while the fuckers already there are whining about it.

>the only people who want to live in your country are third worlders

Okay, as a human being who doesn't care about identity and borders, can we trade homes? I'm sure you'll love it in a 2nd world country.

Frankly, most of you don't deserve it.

the NEA is a loser. Yeah, it accounts for a penny out of our paychecks, but he gets to hit you with it anytime he wants. It doesn't cost money, it costs votes. It costs airtime and column inches. You know why people don't like liberals? Because they lose. If liberals are so fuckin' smart, how come they lose so GODDAM ALWAYS!

Hows that even an argument?

I live in central Europe and anywhere you go is still 1st world country living. Universal healthcare, free education, high taxes, high security, cultured and educated people. Traditional society with some more globalist influences recently in bigger cities.

Now compare that to the US:

>shit education (even when you pay 100k for it)
>shit healthcare (even if you pay 10k insurance a year)
>shit groceries/food/chemicals in everything
>no culture
>no traditions
>police state
>neo-fascist government with retarded hippie/redneck population
>2/3 of population overweight or obese
>dumbest people in the world

The USA is a fucking joke.

And with a straight face, you're going to tell students that America is so starspangled awesome that we're the only ones in the world who have freedom? Canada has freedom, Japan has freedom, the UK, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Australia, BELGIUM has freedom! Two hundred and seven sovereign states in the world, like 180 of them have freedom.

If you look at liberal psychology (as in, actual studies) they tend to feel a lot stronger about politics than conservatives, to the point that their political identity is if not central, almost so, to them. This can also be seen by the fact that liberal are more likely to stop being friends with people who disagree with them politically and things like that.
So if you add that to the fact that liberals tend to think their politics have a strong moral basis, it's not strange for them to think you can't really be a good person without being liberal, if you are, you're misguided or something.
So when they write a character, who is not a piece of shit (morally, not in terms of writing quality) who happens to be a republican, they can't help but make him as liberal as possible.

is this copypasta?

This is weird, his military spending claim implies that Russia or China is a US ally....is this set in a fictional universe or something, like an alternate historical timeline? He says the US leads the world in the percentage of people who believe in angels, surely the Vatican, Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc. have a higher percentage?

He ranks the US in "science" without giving any type of evidence to back that claim up. How is he measuring that? Nobel Prizes (which the US leads the world in)? Peer-reviewed science publishing (again, US leads the world)? Then he says "we lead the world in only three categories", which isn't true at all, the US leads the world in many other categories (olympic medals, GDP, number of immigrants, nobel prizes, etc.). I get the point that this speech is trying to make, but isn't it possible to make that point without lying?

And yeah, you... sorority girl. Just in case you accidentally wander into a voting booth one day, there are some things you should know, and one of them is: There is absolutely no evidence to support the statement that we're the greatest country in the world. We're seventh in literacy, twenty-seventh in math, twenty-second in science, forty-ninth in life expectancy, 178th in infant mortality, third in median household income, number four in labor force, and number four in exports. We lead the world in only three categories: number of incarcerated citizens per capita, number of adults who believe angels are real, and defense spending, where we spend more than the next twenty-six countries combined, twenty-five of whom are allies. None of this is the fault of a 20-year-old college student, but you, nonetheless, are without a doubt a member of the WORST-period-GENERATION-period-EVER-period, so when you ask what makes us the greatest country in the world, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about! Yosemite?

We sure used to be. We stood up for what was right. We fought for moral reasons, we passed laws, struck down laws for moral reasons. We waged wars on poverty, not poor people. We sacrificed, we cared about our neighbors, we put our money where our mouths were, and we never beat our chest. We built great big things, made ungodly technological advances, explored the universe, cured diseases, and we cultivated the world's greatest artists and the world's greatest economy. We reached for the stars, acted like men. We aspired to intelligence; we didn't belittle it; it didn't make us feel inferior. We didn't identify ourselves by who we voted for in the last election, and we didn't scare so easy. We were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed. By great men, men who were revered. The first step in solving any problem is recognizing there is one. America is not the greatest country in the world anymore.

>twenty-seventh in math, twenty-second in science

What is he using to measure this?

>We lead the world in only three categories

That's a lie.

>where we spend more than the next twenty-six countries combined, twenty-five of whom are allies

So out of Russia, China, and Iran, which of those two are allies?

Funny how a straight up Sup Forums thread is always allowed here, the only thing you have to do is make the OP post look somewhat Sup Forums related and that's it.

>Universal healthcare, free education, high taxes
>brainwashed idiots actually think these are good things


>brainwashed idiots think America's healthcare system is a free market


>brainwashed idiots don't realize Switzerland had LOW taxes, and privatized healthcare and education and they have the highest living standards on earth

get out cumskin, this is our land

>High taxes
You also forgot the massive influx of (((refugees))) you "progressives" are taking in. It's gonna be glorious to see Europe become the thing they paint Americans as.

Why are yuropoors so envious?

We have 40 million Mexicans living here....glass houses and stones.

60% white says what?

>spends more on military than the next 25 countries COMBINED
>no free healthcare
>cities such as LA are vehicle-driven because of lobbyist in the early 1900s
>police corruption
>hiring ppl with low intelligence as police officers because those with high intelligence wont stay for long
>the water in Flint is still not fixed
>mandatory tipping in place of higher wages
>super obese ppl
>start wars for the rich
>elect someone who is famous for being a reality tv star as the president of the most powerful country in the world

how do you unfuck this?

>committing genocide against the natives
This didn't even happen though.

Well, we don't say "Haram", at least.

Build a time machine to go back in the past to castrate your dad

leave your country one time and you'll see

even if you just go to mexico

>>no free healthcare
You fucking idiot.
America needs to privatize and deregulate their healthcare system, that's the problem.

Switzerland has no free healthcare, are you saying they're bad?

I thought you didn't believe in land ownership :^)

Why can't we just kill all leftists?

Why don't you guys just make a thread and argue indefinitely about political issues on Sup Forums?

Why here? What's the point?

>no free healthcare
There is no such thing as free healthcare

>cities such as LA are vehicle-driven because of lobbyist in the early 1900s
You think people in LA wouldn't have cars if it wasn't for lobbyists?

>mandatory tipping in place of higher wages
Tipping is optional and it's really only for waiters/waitresses.

>police corruption
Relative to most of the world the police aren't corrupt at all.

>hiring ppl with low intelligence as police officers because those with high intelligence wont stay for long
People with high intelligence usually don't want to become police officers.

>start wars for the rich
That's the case everywhere in the world.

>a scene from a tv show isn't Sup Forums related

pure libertarian ideology. he understands post colonial influence, but also does not understand it. half baked political swabble made up in the mind

>If you look at liberal psychology (as in, actual studies) they tend to feel a lot stronger about politics than conservatives

It's because even the most vulgar on the American right seem to have the remnants of some Protestant Christianity in their ranks, which constantly emphasises the individual conscience as over and above the social conscience, and instills into people a basic aversion to thinking that most problems can be solved via politics, and as such tends to avoid what is essentially becoming idolatry among Western populations with regards to how much they look up to their political leaders to solve their nation's problems.

It's the same guy making the same thread over and over again. He doesn't even need to put anything in the OP, just link to the video and a giant political debate starts.

Sports are on tv, should we start posting highlights from the Champions League here?

Don't like barging in on retarded arguments like this, but technological innovation is centred in areas that not only have the political and economic stability of the US and EU, but also have a large population and enjoy the various economies of scale that this brings.

Due to how Europe is divided into small to medium nation states, there are very few universities in Europe that can compete with the largest and wealthiest universities in the US, in which there is obviously an enormous population that can better organise the funding of its top institutions. The education you receive in the top European and American universities is more or less the same, but the top American universities have the edge in attracting the absolute best academics in certain fields because of the economies of scale that places like England and Germany can only just about replicate.

>There is no such thing as free healthcare

Free at the point of use is what he means.

you say "yo pham" and "hola hombre" instead.

This isn't sports. It's literally a fucking HBO tv show. You might as well complain about how any horror movie thread belongs on /x/

It's literally a politics thread, every time. Nobody ever discusses the show and that clearly isn't the point of the thread either.

No one here is discussing the show, and don't pretend like OP wanted someone to discuss the show.

It's the same as making a thread with a picture of Michael Haneke and a text like THE WESTERN WORLD IS EVIL, you know that the discussion will be 100% about the political issues and nothing else.
Just go to Sup Forums please

Holy fuck, that is a comment I made from a few days ago. It was on /lit/, wasn't it?

>American universities have the edge in attracting the absolute best academics in certain fields because of the economies of scale that places like England and Germany can only just about replicate.

This sentence is a bit embarrassing and I should have changed the wording at the time.

>it's literally a politics thread
no, it's a thread about a highly political drama series. There's no argument to be had here so I'm going to stop replying to your shit now. ok?

It's a thread about politics. You can pretend you made this thread to talk about the show if you want, but we all know that's bullshit.

On the contrary almost every post above yours is discussing how poorly written the characters and dialogue are written so you're wrong. Again, there's no argument to be had here. It's a tv show and this is Sup Forums. Until there's /hbo/ or something like that this belongs on Sup Forums. Sorry

Point me to just one post here that actually talks about the TV show.
I am sure that 90% of the people here don't even know the name of the series, let alone that they watch it

>spend 60% on social security and medicare
>"haha why don't americans just give everybody free healthcare :)))"

America ..the country..is a tragedy. A Truly brilliant system set up by some amazingly forward looking people..only to become the worlds most disgustingly phony Nation. Our "Culture" is now one of almost..pure..hypocrisy, arrogance, denial, rationalization and rage. Revenge and Resentment are the only real "Sentiments" and a level of literally "Psychotic" denial now exists as a default setting. The Liberal and Conservative "Brands",(which is all they are at the "National" level) between the two of them, generate only a more nightmarish future on a daily basis. The Conservative brand seeks corporate fascism..the Liberal Brand..seeks bureaucratic fascism (I believe the "Left" lost this last one partly because they've supplanted the "Right" as the party trying hardest to Dictate Thought and Behavior..which USED to be the sole realm of the Evangelical "Right"). Obama (whom I voted for once and then for the first time "left an oval 'blank'" in 2012, as there was no one to vote for) is a pathological liar and war criminal (who, btw, IS going to approve [by action or "Calculated inaction"] Keystone XL) well..Obama..what more can one say..recent 'solution'? "Let's CONTINUE the militarization of the 'police' but we'll ADD mass surveillance.." no one wants to admit..Obama just had a another beer with the 'police'..and who cares about the 4th or 5th amendment..EVERYTHING you say can now be used against you..maybe police will now have to "Wear" the miranda warning..eh? Nope..America is done. Its over. It really doesn't matter anyway though..we're AT 500ppm..start your denial and rationalization mechanism now..its so damned sad. It really is. Cryin' Shame!

You do know that most of europe has negligible amounts of muslims, right?

the real answer is because niggers

Protip: Muslim population grows exponentially

the 4th post itt is a critique of the show's writing.

so wrong again.

If you don't like the thread you don't have to enter it.

You'd be spending a lot less with a single player system.
As of now, healtcare spending per capita (private + public) in the US is the highest in the world. And public spending per capita is still higher than a lot of european countries with far more accessible healthcare systems.

It's a thread about a tv show. You can bitch and complain about the other posters itt who you think are going off topic but we all know that's a stupid fucking complaint

protip: no it doesn't, the arab world is close to european fertility rates at this point.

>the 4th post itt is a critique of the show's writing.

No, it's about politics.

Not sure what you're getting at. The argument is that the money the American taxpayer contributes towards healthcare could be used up in a system that endeavours to give access to healthcare to all on the basis of how sick they are as opposed to how good their insurance cover is.

I really don't think that there is such a thing as the "greatest" country in the world.
Every country has flaws, I'm from the UK and I do feel that we are not the "greatest" country in the world, we have our good points and we have our bad points. But that doesn't stop you from feeling pride from your heritage, feeling proud of your country. The UK has flaws, big flaws, but I honestly do feel proud to be British.
So yeah America, accept that you have flaws, that you may not be perfect or the greatest, but you can definitely still feel proud

The United States has more illegal Mexicans than most countries in the EU have citizens.

yes, it is. He's saying the writing sucks. The irony here is that your posts are the ones that are off topic and non-tv related and you're the one derailing the thread.

How about asking for ID before giving out government welfare?

>He's saying the writing sucks.

He saying hollywood writers are so liberal that they can't imagine an actual republican. Hardly the same thing.

>The irony here is that your posts are the ones that are off topic and non-tv related and you're the one derailing the thread.

What are you talking about? This whole thread has been nothing but politics. The only thing getting derailed is a Sup Forums discussion.

Being filled with lots of greedy and unscrupulous people does not make a country great

That post is mine and it's mainly about writing. Politics, in fact political psychology, is just one of the probable causes of shitty writing of that sort, it's just an explanation I presented.

>tends to avoid what is essentially becoming idolatry among Western populations with regards to how much they look up to their political leaders to solve their nation's problems

And that's why they never throw unquestioning sycophantic support behind buffoonish leadership figures. Oh, wait, just forget the last 30-odd years never happened.

Its fucking disgusting how much mental gymnastics you Whites will resort to in justifying the genocide of our people you stole of their lands. And don't start with me on your "Manifest Destiny", AS IF an alien race with superior technology comes in, invades North America or Europe and takes the land and you'll be fucking okay with it? Face it, when it comes to getting land, YOU ARE THE JEWS.

FUCK YOU. You Whites disgusts me. And you even have the gall to celebrateThanksgiving as an insult to my people.

>Yes goyim just ignore the muslim horde, you're not a bigot are you?

It's not the white people's fault that 95% of the natives dropped dead of diseases. It's not like they had a smallpox cure that they just refused to share.

>The Mongols were White
>The Ottomans were White
>The Umayyads were White
>The Japanese were White
>The Persians were White (actually kinda)


No, I said we're in a far better situation than America, I didn't say we're well off.

>Free at the point of use is what he means.
Only basic health services and immediate treatment of life-threatening conditions are "free at the point of use" in Finland, which ought to be viewed - along with sweden, norway and denmark - as the typical example of socialized healthcare. Quality healthcare for persons in any other situation is provided by private health clinics, which receive their fees from insurance companies contracted by ordinary citizens. We pay double: in addition to a gigantic flat tax for collectively financed healthcare, private insurance is essential.

Furthermore, I highly doubt that he meant what you thought he meant, since insurance-based healthcare is simultaneously "free at the point of use" and of a higher quality than the state-driven, money-burning, half-assed bureaucratic nightmare known as "universal healthcare".

Maybe don't suck at war next time someone invades you. That's what the rest of us had to do not to get massacred.


About that ....

Finnish total health expenditure per capita in US dollars (PPP)
American, same thing

>something that maybe happened in 1763
user, that 95% was already dead by that point.

>As of now, healtcare spending per capita (private + public) in the US is the highest in the world.
They also enjoy the latest medical technology, the most skilled medical professionals and a cancer survival rate superior to that of any other country.

>And public spending per capita is still higher than a lot of european countries with far more accessible healthcare systems.
Europeons trade quality for accessibility that benefits the dumbest and poorest social classes at the expense of the highly contributing middle classes. In this essence, Europeans practice darwinism in reverse.

>implying that greed and a lack of scruples doesn´t describe the intellectual elite in any and all countries
The brightest, most industrious and most innovative of minds flock to America for political reasons - no other country respects property rights, individual liberty and the sanctity of enterprise in equal measure.

butthurt fellow eurofaggot detected.

>>neo-fascist government

Seek help tbqh

Quality of care for the masses is the only thing that matters, and in this comparison, the US wins by leaps and bounds.


you whites feel so much of a need to be politically correct towards black and spics people but "oh yeah, that entire race of NATIVE INDIGENOUS PEOPLE WE MASSACRED, OH YEAH, THEIR ENTIRE CULTURE THAT WE DESTROYED, YEAH LET'S JUST SWEEP THAT UNDER THE FUCKING RUG AND PRETEND THAT SHIT NEVER FUCKING HAPPENED!"

It's an entire continent of people of our race that you piece of shits wiped out. From northern Canada all the way down to the tip of South America. So actually two continents of people. It's literally unique in human history. The natives of Africa still survive... the natives of Europe still survive, the natives of Asia still survive, from native Russians to native Chinese to native Indians and South-East Asians, and Koreans, and Japanese, etc. And of course some native Americans survive but very few compared to European colonisers. The only comparable situation would be Australia and New Zealand I guess. Although the Kiwis actually have a bit of respect for Maori these days. But the Ozzies with Abbos, not so much.

>There is no such thing as free healthcare

Nice meme nigger, the US isn't some tax haven like for example Switzerland or Luxemburg. Your government just spends the money on stupid shit in order to line the pockets of globalists and the arms industry rather than giving it to the people


>and a cancer survival rate superior to that of any other country.
Yeah, by how much? Because they're spending 4 times as much as my country but they're not surviving cancer 4 times as long. Not even twice. In fact, the survival rate for something like breast cancer is only 4% higher in the US than in my country.
>In this essence, Europeans practice darwinism in reverse.
Yes, Jared Kushner can afford top shelf healthcare because of his talent, goy.
Also, what you're saying is nonsense, they're still giving healtchare to the poorest, they have social programs for that. It's simply far more expensive the way they're doing it.
>the US wins by leaps and bounds.
No it doesn't.
