Tonight the Melbourne Storm take on the Leeds Rhinos.
This humiliating defeat will be free to watch on Channel 9, kickoff at 8pm (12 hours from this post)
Tonight the Melbourne Storm take on the Leeds Rhinos.
This humiliating defeat will be free to watch on Channel 9, kickoff at 8pm (12 hours from this post)
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The main league is full however based N created a second league which you can join with this code -- 203469
3rd for Based Betty saving us from the spoon.
How will NRL recover when Leeds, Hull FC and Wigan all win this weekend?
I'm thinking I'm back.
Why did you make a new thread? Old one has about 50 posts. Moron.
Lost on the first leg.
Thread just started smelling of semen lads.
good posts
based walkie
first for lawgod
based /afl/ lads
never forget who owns you
submitted a jobseekers claim with centrelink lads
>Leeds Rhinos furious over decision to play under two referees
>Leeds Rhinos are furious but Melbourne Storm veteran Ryan Hoffman isn’t too concerned about playing under two referees in Friday night’s World Club Challenge.
>The NRL told the RFL of the decision last week and worked in consultation together to make the ruling.
>Rhinos coach Brian McDermott expressed his frustrations to media on Thursday but Hoffman doesn’t think having two referees would be a big issue.
>“We were surprised too,” he said of the referee change.
>“We were expecting only one referee as per the international rules, but that was completely out of our control. To be honest, it won’t really matter to us whether we had one or two. It’s what we do with the ball. The idea is to not have the referees involved in the game too much.”
>Hoffman knows the Super League game style well after a year with Wigan and will play his fifth WCC game.
etc etc
Fucking PooRL got so embarrassed last year they're literally rigging the game now
hello lads.
Wigan, Hull and Leeds are shit by the way this season. If you unironically lose then NRL becomes the Nonce Rugby League (again)
>failed at the warriors
>didn’t make the league World Cup squad for England
Post other confirmed soyboys
He's one epic sidestep away from a career ending ACL injury. Hopefully very soon.
he's been shit since he thought he was the next big player, went to NZ and flopped hard. Never recovered.
Big storm brewing in WalkBro City
>yeah the rules are as they are
>but gay people can marry so why not 2 refs?
t. NRL
Are you enjoying Kingdom Come Deliverance?
When, specifically, is the game set?
Very early in the 15th century. It's pretty historically accurate.
So around 1500?
nrlel "intellectuals", everyone
LOL it's obvious bait but I'm gonna reply anyway because it's SO funE!
just baited a poopee faggot lads
NRL actually doing something good for once
>le change the rules for excitement man
NRL is a joke
Gonna be a lot of defenders running in and then pulling away and leaving one bloke to have a crack after the attacking player is already rocked and tossed around
>Should've held the ball harder mate ;)
fuck you
>>Should've held the ball harder mate ;)
>implying this is wrong
Cheerleaders are DISGUSTING and I don't want to see them during MY sport ladies
england more like islam looool
But Cheerleaders love doing what they do and if you get rid of them a lot of Women would be out of a job?
C'mon lads come in here and shitpost I missed you guys
umm maybe they should get new jobs paid for by the clubs? sweetie
They're all intelligent brave women, they'll have no problem getting other jobs now that unattractive women have helped them escape the patriarchy
>Brett Delaney
Anyone remember when he got king hit by Jaimen Lowe after he grabbed his nuts?
Oh god how can the NRL even compete
The Chad Leeds
Rhinos more like RhinYES
Leeds more like LeADERS
Just put Bromwich into my SC side lads
>Needs penalties to compete
Posts more like BTFO
Do Super League give piss weak penalties like that?
Poor leeds thought they were playing footy instead of refball.
Why were Melbourne so heavily favoured to win this? They are literally being dominated.
They'll get refballed home mate don't worry
Anyone else love their team but hate the sport?
As a neutral watching this I am just getting mad at how shit the rules and referees are in this "sport"
>shoulder charge someone
>come off worse than the guy you shoulder charged
I'm so fat lads
Become a lifelong poocastle customer like me
cucks think the big 3 was the big 2
fullback and hooker dont make any difference, its all the halves
nah mate, probably going to abandon the sport the next time my team has a shit season tbqh
Every time they show Storm's number 11 my brother squirms and puts a pillow in his lap.
He just ran into the bathroom.
Did he eat something bad today or something lads?
Who is their 11?
Yeah. I just watch because I have nothing better to do. Good tging we won a hip in my lifetime so I could stop being so emotionally attached
Depends on the fullback, Ben Barba's ability to score himself or make the extra pass was missed by Sharks last year. Their attack with Valentine at fullback was shit.
>rhinos are losing
Smith IS a trap lads
Holmes is not a fullback no matter how much he wants to be. He's a slightly better than average winger at best. Sharks would be smart to have Dugan or Moylan play fullback instead.
Brody Croft more like Lara Croft XD
They were dominating at the time of posting. Also it's possible to be behind on the scoreboard but dominating on the field.
wow how long did that take you
Longer than you think, was fapping A LOT. Brody is handsome guy don't sue me
Umm sweetie Lara Croft actually wears clothes these days
Leeds more like Losers
True. They are literally only in this contest because of Croft.
Holmes literally cannot pass. The Sharks attack almost always dies when he gets the ball.
wtf no their name is Leeds
Anyone here dumb enough to put money on Melbourne -22 like me?
Gayest sport bros
Need a new sport to watch where its objective not refball
Woah this great sport and community definitely needs TWO whole threads shitting up my catalog, so I won't report this one. Good stuff!
>Slater getting away with shit already
This. I hope this meme about the 'spine' dies soon.
Only redditors use the catalogue
>taking the 2 in a glorified trial game with like 4 minutes left in the half
If we bought a camera and a tripod and 50 L of baby oil, got naked together, rubbed all over each other, sword fights with our penises, hid our penises in places, got more oil, got aids, hiv, hep alphabet it would LITERALLY be LESS gay than this poort.
Tell you what lads I really like the look of Croft. Shame he's so expensive.
Yeah I refuse to spend more than $200 an hour
>Look up Brodie Croft
>He's a Queenslander
Don't fall for the Croft meme m8. He'll be a worse sc scorer than Cronk.
he must watch the nrl too
I don't enjoy NRL anymore. I'm switching to soccer and AFL 2bh.
un-australian desu
Vonny looks like she lost a little weight. Maybe she read our mean comments last year
I am part of the rhinos+22 masterrace desu