Show Sup Forums how you obtain your kino.
Pic related is my way.
Show Sup Forums how you obtain your kino.
Pic related is my way.
my parents pay for cable and I also have netflix
as long as you use a utorrent version that's at least 3 years old. new utorrent is fucking awful.
>my parents pay for cable
Its just a torrent client.
torrents, a local rental store, a public library, and a university library
>using very outdated software that lets random people connect to your pc
there are better alternatives that you can update out there
care to share?
Vuze, have been using it since like 2008/9, simply because it was the first torrent client I could find after limewire didn't work anymore.
private tracker and utorrent 2.2.1 master race here.
I'll let you do your own research. Or dont, doesnt matter to me.
This is such a great, useful site.
Enjoy your 13 year old mentality my little man.
Enjoy your CVEs
>calls people children
>needs other people to spoonfeed information instead of gathering it himself via google
I pay for cable, share my Netflix password with no one and wait till movies come out on DVD.
Nice try, FBI
>I'm a faggot, spoonfeed me.
This site is so juvenile. Is the reason you guys have zero friends/life outside this place because you don't realize that doing favors for someone is generally seen as a good thing that is part of any healthy person's sane mind?
you're a couple of freaks desu
I've enjoyed my 5 years on PTP and BTN using it so far. when will these vulnerabilities cause me trouble?
Yeah at least you don't see us throw a hissy fit because they didn't spoonfeed us like a little bitch
>still throwing a fit
top kek
i was gonna tell you some alternatives but if you're gonna act like a bitch just fuck off
these are both shit tier clients
qbit is a bit better but still not the best
If the person is smart you wouldnt know.
>I'm mad because I'm a child who wanted to be spoonfed.
>I'm so retarded that I actually consider somebody giving me publicly available information "a favor"
Liberal arts major detected
>waaaaaaaaaah he called me out on having zero friends and acting like a retard
>better say he's having a hissy fit!
have a good full day and Saturday night on the chan fellas! I hope you have plenty more wonderful nights eating pizza in your darkened bedrooms, shitposting with the boys on the chan, accompanied by the sound of your parents' laughter resounding through the hallways.
rtorrent is clearly the best client but you can't expect Sup Forums to be able to install it, much less use it.
This board is full of NEET retards
you are so mad lol
>absolutely buttblasted
take it easy
>I'm so mad that they still arent spoonfeeding me that i'm going to lash out like a woman
everyone point and laugh at reddit
faggots aren't allowed on 4chin
>parents' laughter
Haha jokes on you, my parents are separated.
You think I'm telling Sup Forums? Are you crazy? No Thanks.
please explain. seeing as all my logins and bank details are secure, what secret damage could possibly be being done to me?
a dozen stolen netflix accounts, PTP and BTN
>private trackers
>downloads WEBdls, stuttershit and amiable garbage
Some of those could be public. It would be pretty stupid to download popular movies and widely available encodes on private trackers and I use public trackers for those.
3 year private tracker user here.
two of them are pre-retail. one of those leaked today. the GP of rear window is 4gb larger. not worth it for a 60 year old movie.
I have a 15tb buffer. the last time I used a pleb public tracker to download a movie (six years ago) I got a letter from my ISP.
>not waiting for retail
>not downloading the GP so it has more seeds
Netflix/Amazon Prime and DVD/Blu-Ray
I own all the movies I really like. Film is slowly dying. All the talent is in television/streaming now unless you just can't get enough of capeshit #291
DDL for new releases :)
Nothing is better than beggars getting butthurt. You faggots are a bigger cancer than ponyfags were before /mlp/.
I watch whatever is on the telly
250mb/s home connection. what's a few extra minutes?
and I think I extracted all possible kinobytes from skull island already. I haven't even watched personal shopper yet.
stay angry. still, I might send a PTP invite your way if you apologise properly and post a 250 word explanation of why you might be a good addition to the site.
>I might send a PTP invite your way if you apologise properly and post a 250 word explanation of why you might be a good addition to the site.
don't act smug, pleb
Any good streaming sites?
fancy BTN? same conditions apply.
nah you're still a pleb
private tracker and qbittorrent plus 1gbps connection
I think you just cropped my image.
anyway, now I require 500 words for the entry essay to get into HDbits :^)
Exactly the same here
yeah i cropped and sharpened it, mongo
Nice HDB account, romanian gypsy king
Its not just about stealing your info. Your computer resources can be used aswell.
if you really had an hdb account you would have posted a screenshot of it, pleb.
I really will invite you to HDB now if you post a grovelling apology.
I can still fap and shitpost on Sup Forums without any noticeable lag. good luck to whoever is harnessing 1% of my laptop's CPU power.
>hahaha i'll post a pic of romanian HDB i'm sure he won't know, that's funny!!
>oh shit he discovered me, i'll accuse him of not having it
stop it dumb pleb
it has a Sup Forums filename. got it from Sup Forums for baiting. cropped out the happy new year message from 2016. what a newfag you are.
still waiting for that HDB screenshot you pleb.
qbittorrent master race reporting
at least try harder
also >reddit spacing
It's the only decent option there is to be honest. All the others are bloated with useless features.
>not using an exclusive underground forum that only uses encrypted ftp folders
I obtain my kino through buying them on blu-ray and dvd
where my /ptg/ niggas at
I still use utorrent, my p2p is capped at 1mb so idgaf if it was slower than any other torrent client.
>I have a 15tb buffer. the last time I used a pleb public tracker to download a movie (six years ago) I got a letter from my ISP.
Yeah but thats when you were retarded and thought downloading the Avengers on a public trackers was a good idea. Nobody is going to see you downloading some indie french ghost movie.
Switched to this recently after I got tired of uTorrent not opening torrents properly over and over
ive seen this posted 4 times in the last 3 days
If you haven't noticed private tracker plebs are desperate for attention.
Have been using beyondhd for idk how long.
>still waiting to watch any kino you'd like
Haha i remember those days
>shit quality
no thanks kodifag
here here!
torrents, netflix, and when all else fails, google play. also sometimes my internet friends stream movies on ustream and i watch with them.
Filmbuffs/cinephiles buy movies on bluray (or dvd when no bluray transfers exist).
It's hilarious how on a board dedicated to films you actually get laughed at and even scolded by 12 year old shits, poorfags and normies for actually caring about the quality of the media you watch
No, filmbuffs/cinephiles use private trackers to download the full bluray and have access to films others dont from all over the world.
But you can download the entire Bluray for free. There's no need to buy the disc at all. It's just plebs who download the shrunken copy of a movie.
Patricians around the world download Blurays in their original quality from all over the rest of the world. Even those that aren't sold to their region.
You are literally wasting your money for cheap, useless plastic. The data is freely available if you look.
Im patrician so