People who think we have an "overpopulation problem" are just trannies who want to justify why they cant have kids as a...

People who think we have an "overpopulation problem" are just trannies who want to justify why they cant have kids as a good, intellectual thing

>South Korea
>~39,000 sq miles / 51 Million people
>~51,000 sq miles / 3 Million people

Attached: 1560846336147 I LOVE MY TRANSGENDER GIRLFRIEND.jpg (500x608, 80K)

Square miles aren't the problem, resources are. Noob

Food can be grown
Water comes from the fucking sky
Trees are a renewable resource and we use that to build homes

As populations become more dense, use public transport increases which means less oil and electricity consumption

The world isn't overpopulated at all
It's complete bullshit

>people who think human race is going to die because some people don't have kids
How does it feel to hate personal freedom?


Attached: DILATE TRANNY.png (700x700, 432K)

>food takes up land and nutrients to grow
water has a limit. too many people can mean that the world's water is inside of us, animals and in sewers.
>trees aren't used to build homes, we use materials that are hard to breakdown and last long. for placement of these homes we destroy forests and the wood is sold off for burning and furniture.

as populations become dense, the use of public transport doesn't increase, the only thing that increases is the destruction of natural resources which don't get renewed, more cars, more trucks and shops need more stock to support feeding everyone and electricity consumption sky rockets.

you're a retard user, as simple as that.

I don't know what that means but it's not a proper response anyways. You're welcome to move to Saudi Arabia or China where the government cracks down on these things more

B-But we do have overpopulation problems...and i'm a nazi!

>as populations become dense, the use of public transport doesn't increase, the only thing that increases is the destruction of natural resources which don't get renewed

There's more trees in America right now than in the 18th century

You are a retard

Yeah just not take part in the most meaningful life experience because "muh personal freedom"

You are just an intellectual onanist