Are we idiots for enjoying watching millionaires play pretend while we ignore extreme income inequality?

are we idiots for enjoying watching millionaires play pretend while we ignore extreme income inequality?

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>income inequality?
it's a meme

>income inequality

This meme again?

Jokes on you, I only watch poor people play pretend

Because we are entertained. As long as the bread and circuses are running, the plebs will leave the aristocracy to their plunder.

cum in equality heheh

The problem is people earning more money than you, not somalis, they're fine.

W-what is that koala doing?

>raped the men and killed the wife
fucking niggers can't do anything right

>120 hours of community service

>it's edgy sheltered 4channers writing off income inequality episode
get a fucking job

it's literally a pseudoproblem, you mongoloid. Just because someone earns way more than you doesn't mean that you can't still be earning a decent wage.

what a cunt


What's the dichotomy here? How are these two issues related?

>people think that a glass ceiling exists

the problem with income inequality is that as an economy's size grows the proportion of wealth that the working and middle classes have tends to get smaller and wealth becomes concentrated in the hands of a few, even though the lower and middle classes do the actual labour. This is only going to get worse with more automation

The problem with income inequality is that stupid lazy fat slobs don't deserve a high income but will bitch about income inequality anyway. Work hard and earn a decent wage. Work harder and break through to the upper class. Or just relax and stop being a retarded communist faggot

>pure ideology

>Muh income inequality

Noose yourself you filthy commie.

>Work harder and break through to the upper class.

I didn't think there were still retards and sentimentalists who believed this sort of Horatio Alger crap. Then again Sup Forums's hardly where you'd look for a representative sample.

>Just because someone earns way more than you doesn't mean that you can't still be earning a decent wage.

The reason you typed "the same amount" is because you know someone HAS to lose. Don't fucking kid yourself.

Maybe collectivist faggots shouldn't have spend the last few decades making sure to fuck the working classes as much as feasibly possible.

i don't watch millionaires play. they're boring.

John Steinbeck was literally a communist who visited the soviet union many times just to soak in the communism. His work is filled with communist ideology and is stained by it.

Importing cheap labour is a rational response to market forces in a globalised economy, I'm not defending the current system mate. Neoliberalism is fucking shit

not an argument

We are idiots for wasting our time on entertainment of any kind.

what was the name of that tv show where the lesbian coala tries to fuck the grill?

I don't know where you live but in the United States if you are absolutely dedicated and have the conviction and work ethic you can go into the medical field after college. You can go to college after taking out a loan. So basically you can start off with no assets, go to school, and enter at least the upper middle class after 8 years of work.

>tax and regulate all the jobs away with the government
>even impose arbitrary regulations on the underclasses
>corporations move overseas
>devalue education
>import slave labor to take all remaining jobs from tomato picking to doctors and engineers
>just in time for automation
>then blame capitalism
>then say we need big government

Helicopters coming.

Yeah but it's not as bad as worshiping those assholes

Movies aren't meant to be taken seriously. It's all make believe bullshit

? I never argued for any of this. If you own a buisness and you can import cheap labour and pay them less you will, if you are able to make goods more cheaply somewhere else then you will, these are structural problems with capitalism. It's much easier to make money when you have some to invest etc. wealth will always tend to accumulate in the hands of a few (proportionally at least)
what do you propose? extreme protectionism?

But how can the Monopoly game problem of capitalism be solved? In the end the system inevitably reaches the Pareto-optimum where the 20% owns 80% of the wealth.

No, because there's nothing any of us can do about it. The rich bastards have all of the power.

Most Western intellectuals were fascinated by Communist Russia in the 1920s

>He still believes in the American dream meme

You're getting mad at a non issue, promoted by the elites to keep your focus away from real problems

>muh income inequality

>do the actual labour
Yeah, because that's the role that is worth the most.
Not the conception, funding, design, planing, arrangement, engineering, etc.
Nope, it's the goons that move thing in place that they're told to that should be reaping all the rewards

How is it a non issue when it's impossible for me to find ANY employment opportunity which pays a fair wage, no hope of ever owning a home because the prices are all driven up astronomically by the rich who just keep getting richer because people like myself are forced to pay them rent...

I'm guessing you're not of working age yet though. Wait a few years and then tell me it's a non-issue. Wages have been stagnating whilst inflation soars for YEARS now, it seems to have an awful lot of tangible impact on day to day life for a non-issue.

What skills do you have that would make you valuable to an employer

Love how NEET's can never answer this question

Taking money away from the rich isn't going to get you a job dude.
If everyone was earning the same amount, there would be even less jobs.
>it's impossible for me to find ANY employment opportunity which pays a fair wage
They're all fair wages. They're just not the amount you want.
You're a greedy faggot that wants more money than skill you offer.
Wages are based on how easy it is to replace you. There is always someone willing to do the same for less.

they get paid that much so they can distract you from the fact youre paying tax dollars to bomb 3rd world countries and bail out corporations who rip you off lul

most of the people who make the most money from companies are not those who conceve, design etc. Funding maybe but this goes back to the accumulation of capital argument, you gotta have money to make money, where do you get that money from? you sure as shit better get working hard and get fucking lucky if you were born lower class.

>fires 59 cruise missiles costing $1.4 million each at airbase
>airbase is up and running the next day
>spends over $300 million to develop MOAB
>fires it in middle of desert to kill 100 random ass "terrorists"

lul nice use of tax dollars there merica

>saudi arabia sends 10 dudes on a plane and kills 2,000 civilians and 3 world trade towers

whos winning this war again?

>wahhhh why am I not a millionaire

Its called the 1% for a reason

If you live in the U.S., you can set yourself on a path that will get you 100k a year with a GED and a trade certification, you're just being a lazy, unimaginative fuck

>Daily Mail Online
This is definitely a story from a totally reputable source worth uncritically accepting as fact

I don't live in the US, but the US has a relatively low level of social mobility and an insane level of income inequality, again all you can resort to is the 'embarassed millionaire' american meme shit

>you gotta have money to make money, where do you get that money from?
turn 5 bucks into 10 bucks
Some of the greatest billionaires started that way
Can't do that?
Then you can't turn 10mil into 50mil
It's literally a skill that is rarer and more important than moving thing.
Without which nothing would ever get done.
And none of the laborers would have anything to labor over, leaving the even poorer than they are now.

I'm an immigrant and a high school drop out yet I somehow manged to figure my shit out. I'm not rich but I am rather well off for someone from my background

You are just being lazy

lmao 'the path to 100k a year pretax'

that is still sub 1% poorfag tier

so you're somewhat smart. I guess you know that anecdotal evidence doesn't count for shit then?

Then you can't turn 10mil into 50mil
>what are hedgefunds

Its a middle class salary and a decent life, but for some reason you think you deserve more even though having zero skills or value to anyone else

dole shite northerner detected

since when did anyone get what they deserve in this world?

people who think 100k a year is something amazing to aspire to are really the dumbest fuckers; 99% of people with real wealth are born into it

Well there's next to nothing we can do about it, so watching rich people play pretend is all we can do.

>tfw I get paid 35 dollaridoos an hour for sitting on my ass all day.


all u need is 70k to live comfortably and happy. after that not much else changes.

I pirate everything though

Considering the average was in the U.S is half that, 100k is pretty good for someone who came from nothing

Yes some people are born into money, get the fuck over it. Some people are born tall and fast but that isn't an excuse to complain about not getting into the NBA and having to work a normal job like the rest of the world.

You are just lazy and entitled, the job of your dreams is seldom within walking distance of your house

We need a little entertainment in our lives. But you go full retard when you start praising celebrities and calling them "based" or getting upset after they die.

They don't know or care about you, acting has basically no contribution to mankind (some of the best movies of all time have bad acting) and they live life in easy mode with everything being handed to them.

>western media
watch nollywood instead

>tfw almost became an inheritor of millions of dollars but my grandfather missed winning a huge lottery drawing by one number

forever a fucking peasant

Only if they are playing pretend BADLY.

Guess porky are creating racial strife to divide the proles through fake-news.


>le "it's your fault you're not already wealthy" meme

Americans are so jewcucked it's not even funny any more. And I actually have plenty of skills and qualification which, thirty years ago, would have earned me enough to buy a home and support a family. The problem is that all those things have gotten more expensive, but wages haven't risen, which means in practical terms I'm earning a lot less than a baby boomer would have in the same job.

Ok? Care to list your qualifications from a economy 3 decades old?

Are you fucking retarded? In terms of my current job it would be man management - I basically run an entire small business day to day - but your central argument here is COMPLETELY asinine. You've never had a job, have you?

So what are your qualifications? What certifications or licenses do you hold? If you have a degree what is it in?

Simple questions anons who are the managed at a franchise McDonalds never answer



Why can't commies understand economics. same people that support open borders dont have a clue about labour markets

People that win lotteries always lose their money in 10 years anyway. Rich people stay rich because they have connections.

You dumb shit, how are you not getting this? I'm not talking about not being able to get a job, I have a job, unlike you evidently. I'm talking about wages vs inflation. When the latter rises without the former, it can only ever result is an exponential increase of the wealth of the ownership class at the expense of everyone else.

You claimed to have qualifications so lets hear them

Or are you going to continue to ignore the question and make more vague claims about your management "job: that sounds more like the manager of a radioshack

Ugly Americans was a great show.

I still miss it.

I'm not going to list my fucking qualifications because I'm not going to be dragged down into your pedantic sideshow of autism. You can decide "well then he's clearly lying and doesn't really have skills, qualifications or a good job", but if that were the case, why would I be mad about the specific issue I'm mad about? Your autism won't make any of what I've said any less true.

What are your qualifications, by the way? Do you have a job? What do you do?

Commercial dive tickets in three different countries, IRATA rope access, certifications in multiple NDT methods

So yeah I'm not a millionaire by any stretch of the imagination, but I have enough going for me to live a comfortable life, never run out of work and get to stay away for a dead end HR job behind a desk

kill yourself reddit

So stoner summer jobs? You don't even have a degree? Come back to me when you've moved out of your parents' place, and let me know how getting a place of your own goes on your shitty vacation bucks.

>They still blur the eyes out


>you need a degree to get a good job

I can tell you multiple ways to get to a very comfortable life without a degree. You just have to be a bit imaginative and willing to put in the time and work to get there

Fuck off, retard.

Go on then. Do any of them involve mommy and daddy's money, by any chance?

No, like I said I come from a poor immigrant background and have dropped out of HS

If anything I took the long way to get where I am, but being an old fag I hate seeing young people sit around with shit jobs because they aren't exposed to the world and don't know anything outside of what their parents did

get a decent job

I miss ugly Americans so much

>income inequality
If you're not making money it's your own fault, period. That's just the way it works, and I'm a neet.

why should I care about other people

You're not the first person to think "the Arts" are a waste of time and money friend, but as your picture shows sometimes you have to make time for beauty.

So are you going to share any of these multiple ways, or...?

Also, how old is old?

Why would income need to be equal? Shouldn't we be against unfairness rather than inequality?

I'm 27 which is old for here

Also depends on your situation, do you live in a big city or small town? Are you willing to hit the road and travel for a bit?

Grew up in a small town, now living in a big city, and the longer you stall the more certain I am you're talking out of your ass.

That's actually pretty cool user

I work in TV
Film school is a meme, it is absolutely unnessary to work and do well in media

I'm trying to look at your personal situation, I'm not going to recommend someone with alot of injuries or health problems get a rope access ticket.

But you seem like the type who will find an excuse to bitch about things instead of taking some genuine advice.

We're idiots for allowing nepotistic multi-millionaires living in walled-off mansions with armies of security guards talk as though they know how the average Joe is suffering and that they know best