What was the moral of the story?
What was the moral of the story?
Around blacks, never relax
How many more times are you going to make this thread?
Blind hate is wrong, but 99% of niggers are still animals.
Hate is never the solution, user.
Minorities are destroying America:
Koreans buy the store, hire mexicans and pay them at a cheaper wage
Black men ruin a humble fire fighter's son's life because they lost an apehoop game
Black principle/ teachers push anti white media
Jew literally destroying the nuclear family
Blacks one again instigate the situation by killing the main character's brother
These are the facts
I'm a nigger and I hold a part time job while in college, with no criminal record. Don't be so quick to stereotype. Your hate does nothing for you.
gas the kikes race war now
Wow, you're one of the few, guess that means literally all other niggers are good boys who didnt do anything and were in college
Fucking nigger can't even think
>I'm a nigger and I hold a part time job while in college, with no criminal record
Wow! A nigger that can actually behave! So proud of you buddy! Keep up that great work of being a black male with an iota of self-control!
Jesus, this has to be the dumbest thing I've ever read in my entire life. You are the people that this movie makes fun of.
You'll get raped in prison by "lol no homo" dudes.
>trying to make this movie a meme
>white majority
>vote in politicians that sell you out with corporatist policies
>blame minorities
>we dindu nuffin, we wuz good white picket fence christian aryan family AYO
99%. While you might possibly be in that 1%, I still doubt it.
I've seen this thread maybe five times now without clicking it. How has this not been answered yet?
It's exactly like Chris Rock said
>A nigga will be proud of something he's SUPPOSED TO DO
>"I take care of my kids" YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO!
>"I ain't never been to jail" WHAT DO YOU WANT A COOKIE?
>nothing found
FAIL. You're clearly the newfag here since you can't make proper links.
>Niggers and spics are too dumb to utilise their rich environment
Weird how much there's in cental/eastern Europe and Scandinavia yet Spain and Portugal are empty.
Who drew that shit?
hahaha that drawing is so true!
Always found it funny how North African Muslims colonised parts of Europe for hundreds of years & no one says shit, but Europeans & Ottomans have some disputes over North Africa for less than 50 years & Europe is to blame for all their problems
But they're not priding themselves on that, they're holding themselves out as a contrary example to the rule the user stated. As in, it sure is a coincidence that the supposed 1% category was able to represent themselves less than 10 minutes after the post was made.
Also, nobody is supposed to go to college. Looks like they were right - your hate really doesn't do much for you.
Both Democrats & Republicans are corrupt
You are not on Reddit, you don't have to pretend Obama was a saint
>we dindu nuffin, we wuz good white picket fence christian aryan family AYO
We literally were. Look at cities like Detroit and Chicago. They were pretty great before niggers moved in.
I didn't mention Obama. White people voted Obama in. Learn 2 argue.
Again. Who voted the politicians in? Who brought over slaves?
>we wuz good bois we dindunuffin
is that LD the dota2 jew?
>see the nigger, pull the trigger
>Again. Who voted the politicians in?
The corrupt democrats that turned most of these cities into complete shitholes? The enfranchised niggers did, mostly.
>well not ALL niggers are criminal
>I am not a criminal and I'm a nigger
He may have refuted this specific argument but the question is why 99.99999% of all niggers are criminal
If you're a neo-nazi in prison, don't befriend a nigger or the fellow neo-nazis will buttfuck you.
Can you back that up or you are just full of shit ?
Go back tó reddit.
Why would he go back to Sup Forums if he is the one telling people to fuck off to Sup Forums ?
(((critical theory)))
I can vouch for him, he is right.
Any proofs though?
Can someone explain to me why the white race is the superior one when it can't let go of the jew cock ?
Yes, there is plenty of proof
Behold, the superiorest
Post them
Think for yourself.
google them you fucking lazy cunt, honestly kys.
>typical lazy nigger needs to be spoonfed
you're on Sup Forums though
>africa is empty
>only europe and america are rich
>africa is still the most resourceful country in the world
>China is benefitting the most out of africa right now
>the native sold the slaves themselves
>the people of africa never came out of the bronze age only Egypt and mediterranean countries managed it
>they destroyed their infrastructure unlike India or other former colonies
>theyre totally dependent on the UN
Are they really getting abused? Or are we just using unused opportunities they dont know about?
Think back 100-200 years. Did our ancestors live with better healthcare or work conditions?
Africa is just that far behind but theyll catch up. Stop crying about "muh poor fellow african people" you cannot fix them with by letting them immigrate nor by spoonfeeding them everything. It's just to many people to handle.
Die, nigger.
Niggers may commit crimes but nazis are fags who will rape your asshole