>links to all the other league website >no link to majorleaguesoccersoccer dot com giuseppe pls
Brayden Morales
Has Miami killed the Rowdies' MLS chances?
Easton Robinson
Jacob Diaz
Nah. We are like the fourth or fifth best league in the Americas and that's only due to money
Angel Wood
Our domestic players cant even beat Timmy and Turner so no.
Gabriel Nguyen
>serious replies to an obviously memeing post
Brayden Myers
almost forgot the expansion tracking
Sebastian Sanders
what the fuck could garber possibly be doing that is more important than expansion news?
Jonathan Thomas
Why is being slightly behind Brazil, Argentina, and Mexico - all 3 of which are top 10 leagues in the world - bad?
Jason Parker
Because Americucks will figure out ANY reason to shit on their own league because it isn't "the best"
Cooper Gonzalez
Why did it fail? Weren't they NASL champions? Isn't San Francisco a sports town? Didn't they play in historic Kezar Stadium?
Charles Sanchez
There won't be another NASL season so it doesn't matter
Andrew Thomas
But even if there was another season (which seems unlikely given that NCFC and Indy jumped ship, and Miami and Jacksonville are seeking refuge at NPSL), the Deltas wouldn't have stayed on anyway. What went wrong? I know attendance was poor, but surely they could have found a way to somehow keep going? It felt like the owner gave up too quickly.
Jonathan Ward
n-no bully pls
Juan Cook
>tfw loons
Samuel Jones
What could have been done to save the San Francisco Deltas?
Jonathan Martin
Non clipart logo would be a good start.
Luke Adams
How did this happen? Was it Bayern's reserve team?
Ryder Davis
Owner had no idea what he was getting into and wasn't prepared to lose a lot of money.
Andrew Brown
Jose Richardson
You tell me, I don't know what their normal starting lineup would have looked like.
Christian Brown
this pretty much, no other country has such a high amount of self hating faggotry in sports
a lot of americans are conditioned to want acceptance from others, hence why so many americans shit on MLS to try and impress people that don't give a shit about them
Robert Miller
same reason why NYRB Youth Team beat Chelsea
Jason Bailey
Tyler Gray
I don't want to be that guy, but that was their B team. Lahm, Neuer, le cut inside man, Ribery. Literally their team was all in the bench. Also >Erick Torres Come the fuck on.
who cares, it was preseason. an amateur mexican team beat MLS Cup winners, the Union tied Swansea and a couple years ago Red Bull Youth beat chelsea, they're meaningless games, we're all just autistic and use these things as banter fuel
they're not real euros, they're euroboo tv supporters
Nathaniel Morgan
no man im from chelsea, england born and raised!
Grayson Sullivan
How the FUCK did you let morris score on you twice
Daniel Brown
Brayden Clark
What was stavs present?
Carter Bailey
twitter.com/kbaxter11/status/964308032380321792 >Kevin BaxterVerified account @kbaxter11 >@GalaxyPodcast reports the Galaxy will have approximately 7,500 season ticket members this season. That number is down from a year ago but by how much is uncertain. Sports Illustrated claimed the #LAGalaxy sold 11,400 season tix in 2017, which would put the drop at nearly 4,000. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Mason Parker
>>Erick Torres That was the year he was with Chivas RIP and was hot shit because he was the only one they had that could score.
Asher Sullivan
Hot damn, bwp Also, >mls played 20 minutes with 3 center forwards on the field Memes.
Jaxon Campbell
Chicanos are not loyal.
Mason Hughes
>your team doesn't have the best American striker in the league Sad!
Charles Torres
Stavros Popadoupalos you here m8?
Bentley Young
look up the embarrassing public letter where the owner basically admitted he didn't know what he was getting into and begged people to bring 2 friends to the stadium with them. "if every one of you brings 3 friends we'll be in great shape!"
Cubo GOATing that season. One of my favorite clips. the goal was brilliant, commentary had a great flow to it (spanish commentary tends to go overboard most times but this was perfect and the effect english commentary struggles to recreate), and the 40 people in the stadium were wildly cheering too.
COMFY season. Chivas were terrible but played just OK enough to utterly ruin some teams expectations of an easy win. Every time CUSA won it was a soul-searching disaster for the other team. Ultimate spoilers.
Julian Mitchell
Yeah, this one and the sick volley from the long ball are two of my favorite MLS goals. Cubo is pretty much the only mexican player I like.
Connor Phillips
nick got him a penis pump from greece and also this ridiculous like random internet guy's homemade contraption that lets you hang weight off your dick
adam got him a leatherbound folder with these consent and NDA forms for sexual contact (which is funny because it's actually a chapelle's show bit that he stole)
as for mexican players depends if you're old enough to have seen the peak cuau chicago fire years. that was a magical time as well. toyota park completely full and the fire base at their best. will never forget that chicago/new england playoff series in 09. 2nd leg atmosphere/match was legitimately a worldwide thing. i think that day there was nothing on in the world and everyone watched that match.
remember when veron was in a barco-ish situation (Except he was older) and left in the middle of the libertadores final?
Mason Hernandez
So we can all agree that the white man's soccer team in Los Angeles is the Galaxy while all the stinky mestizos jump ship to their smelly brown club lafc
Nolan Mitchell
Imagine being this insecure
Leo Harris
So you're saying LAG is going to get BTFO by LAFC...
Nathan Richardson
>white men >soccer WHITE BOI OH YOU SO BAD
Blake Nguyen
The white race is about to get EXPOSED as SUPERIOR blacks/hispanics just got their own team.
When will they learn?
Elijah Collins
>whites being this salty
your era truly has ended
Isaac Rodriguez
Ok can you stop posting now?
Henry Ramirez
quick, lads: which team should I bandwagon?
Juan King
Hunter Jackson
Justin Smith
Parker Howard
>lafc Be like every normie
Henry Hughes
user we both know that others shouldn't share our fate
Camden Bailey
It's gonna be Orlando City's year, I can feel it in my bones.
>16 goals in a league where the top 10 score 25 on average MLS American players are pure unbridled dogshit
Michael Johnson
Yep, this is it. Thanks
Luis Baker
>Sapong unironically scored as many goals as Giovinco while playing for the fucking Union
our strong black americans are miles ahead of the whites, as soon as the weak white players are all put as defenders or bench players is when MLS will get better
Governor and the state of Connecticut approves the funds needed to repair a soccer stadium and secure a USL 2019 bid.
Finally something to do in this city
Ayden Bell
i cant fucking believe you live in hartford
literally all i did in hartford was cocaine and eat brazillian food
Jeremiah Fisher
Oh their food is awesome. A lot of republicans are mad to be paying for the stadium and says go play in the football stadium in East Hartford but oh well
Joseph Davis
lenas pizza and el serape are great too. fuck those """""downtown"""" bars tho
utilizing rentschler seems like a decent idea... i mean nycfc did it 8) plus ct is in a huge deficit bc the retaard governor
bro im bout to buy a house in hartford for like 90k wtf
Chase Miller
10th page bumperino
Aaron Martinez
r8 the Riverhounds' new logo
Nolan Long
>implying there are non meme MLS teams
Oliver Sullivan
Move Houston and Vancouver all the way to the right. Move the revs way down. Move Philly to the right and up to the top. Move SKC up and to the right a bit. Move fatlanta all the way down.