Did you know Eve golfs too?

Did you know Eve golfs too?

Is there no limit to what my waifu can do?

She couldn't beat the awful USA team.

>Is there no limit to what my waifu can do?

Win a gold medal.

She curls, golfs and bagpipes.

Surely she is part of some kind of propaganda by scottish nationalists

I prefer my waifu to be of legal age, thanks.

the pic looks like its from some porn set

does she really have an olympic tramp stamp


She's a skanky chavvy porridge wog.

You bet.

>“I promised my mum that I wouldn’t get any more (tattoos); you know what mums are like about that kind of stuff. But if we win the gold this time…”

What can she gets that tops olympic rings tramp stamp?

>olympic tramp stamp
Well hello boner... Belle and Sebastian already gave me a hard on for the accent and culture. Based Scots.

Love heart nipples

She has a tramp stamp?

why does she put swords on her rifles that has to block the scope

Is that a tranny?

pretty sure that scoping with these kind of rifles is pointless anyway

I think so

Eve was cute when she was 19 in Vancouver 2010, but she is not even that attractive now.

they look pretty pointy to me


You guys need to get more sun over there, Eurofriends.

Can you imagine the explosive diarrhea that she gets when the Crohn's kicks in? I wish I could raid her hamper and see the shit stains in her dirty panties.

She has a terrible fake tan now.

How much dick do these slags get in the Olympic village?

Your "waifu" has swallowed more cum than you've jerked off your entire life
Think about that when you losers obsess over these broads


>Aye me nickers

>However, staying on the gluten-free diet has not been an easy process for her. She occasionally cheats on the diet and quickly regrets the decision. After eating several slices of pizza that had gluten, she suffered from severe pain and cramps.


What's the name of the pornstar who looks just like her in this pic again? Tori Black?