Crawford's pretty much done for the season and Glass went to Rockford. Honestly, lets ask if Turdco would like another stint.
Jose Powell
Mason Butler
Caleb Phillips
gg defense
Julian Thomas
Can't get any worse
Brayden Butler
reddit btfo
John Ortiz
>Wagner in front of the net >No dman within 10 feet
I'm starting to blame the coaching for this shit
Jaxon Bennett
>going offside on that bullshit
Hudson Gonzalez
Fuck the hawks. I watch these games just to listen to Pat at this point
David Morris
so say we all
Blake Sanchez
Nathan Bailey
Justin Butler
that was as clean as a hit can get
Jackson Edwards
Jesus man, Montour needs to learn to be able to defend without diving into the goalie. This is like the 3rd time this season and now it has injured Gibby.
Grayson Barnes
>level a guy >goad a duck player into taking out another duck player >choose not to fight back >draw a penalty kek
Mason Hill
Our game ended so I’m joining you lads Let’s go Duckies
Cooper Martin
Well done Hartman. Love the restraint
Ayden Carter
>that was 2:00 for receiving
Justin Jackson
complimenting a guy on his turtling skills is the faggiest shit imaginable. It would have ended up the same if he fought since Manson would have got the instigator but Hartman would have shown he wasn't 100% soy.
Adam Wright
Was masterful play desu
Gavin Cooper
Khabibulin has another season left in him.
Jacob Stewart
Eddie better be doing the Sat game too
Gabriel Rogers
He's had his last treatment right?
Joshua Myers
Pat said at the beginning of the cast
Zachary Price
Pat said he'll be done with chemo this month
Isaac Garcia
Good, good. Fuck you cancer
Nolan Scott
Blackhawks? More like Blackcocks!
It has even more meaning when you realize they have a black on their team
Brayden Davis
Jordan Myers
Carson Young
Ryder Lopez
Isaiah King
Good bantz! Well meme'd friend
Nathaniel Miller
Logan Brown
Carter Sanders
Elijah Flores
Th-thanks :3
Cameron Wright
Tyler Cooper
Nathaniel Kelly
Shut up and strap in. They gotta keep the oilels from getting another number 1 pick
Noah Johnson
It hurts to see Kaner waste what he has left in the tank supporting overpaid hasbeens and scrubs
Angel Robinson
No amount of faceoff acumen will counter just how bad Vermette has become. Kind of sad really, but the Ducks need to cut him loose.
Evan Roberts
Those young scrubs will someday carry him to another cup. Gotta give the kids time. Schmaltz is just getting good. Give the young D time to settle in. Keith was shit for a couple years when he broke in. They have to learn that NHL game
Blake Green
I just want comfy Slav Kane line back desu Why the fuck is Stan bowman still GM
Landon Clark
I bet if skeletonfag stopped avatar fagging the Blackhawks would win.
Eli Jenkins
who else /suddenly crazy sleepy/ here?
Juan Brown
Just chuck my life into pieces It’s all so tiresome
Oliver Gonzalez
queue the empty net goal to end it
Nicholas Martinez
Why you want another episode of the disappearing slav in the playoffs?
Is toews a slav? Is that the fucking problem here?
Oliver Evans
at least there would be a playoffs
Gavin Gomez
Nope, still drinking.
Tyler Mitchell
Fuckin delet this Those have been the most demoralizing part Used to be how a lad would flip a hat trick or someone would break a slump Now we get dunked on nightly
Connor Powell
>ducks are dead on their feet >still can't score
Cameron Rogers
Bread man was electric in regular season and besides being a winner made games fun to watch Maybe his balls woulda dropped eventually Also this checked
Toes is shit and exposed for being a Hossa baby his whole career
Christopher Clark
gg ducks
Kayden Thompson
LOL, Hawks suck, rebuild and baseball when?
Isaiah Long
GG Hawks
Matthew Bell
gg ducks
William Ross
the towel guy looks more and more sad each game
Jonathan Ramirez
>Baseball Enjoy Darvish in 2 years.
Robert Reyes
GG Ducks
Evan Hill
gg chiraq time to watch team usa
Hudson Jenkins
>the fucking burrs have more upside than the cucks >we’re slipping back into bill wirtz dark ages except this time it will be televised >even the bulce are more fun to watch to see the finisher develop