New alien covenant scans

What did they mean by this?

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turkey's done

the trailer makes it look like another generic Alien ripoff film rather than something original.

>Ridley has gone full fucking retard


nice nips

really? a robot can't cut his own hair?

>its a bit nipply out

>how to retroactively kill a franchise

I believe the term is BASED.

why the fuck are people in flicks these days so fucking ugly

is this a diversity thing

Stop watching porn, it's twisted your fucking brain.

all kikes


I for one am ready to XENOKINO.
I'm liking everything in those pictures.

porn isn't evil you methodist

are those Engineers?

I want to suck those nips so bad

>having wrong opinions
Wew lads.


these women are so strong meme needs to end
fuck hollywierd

how did his hair grow? he's a fucking robot

Very, very disrespectful

This is going to be a fucking train wreck. Worse than Prometheus.


desu as much as I usually hate that obnoxious shit, I think Ridley Scott is one of the rare directors who can pull it off without being in-your-face about it.
Ripley in Alien was the same and from the trailers we've had so far Waterston seems okay.

anyone else confused by the casting of kenny powers

may as well spoil the movie:

David and Shaw reach the Engineer's homeworld, David makes a "Covenant" with the Engineers where he is given his heart/head's desire and made into a human, Shaw unfortunately is not so luck and is transformed into the proto-xeno thing you see in the latest shorts


Looks p kino to me.

>we will never see a Tony Scott-directed Alien film starring Denzel Washington

looks pretty good for someone who is 79 years old


Yeah fuck, I was certain that nigga was around 65.
>inb4 he goes from this to full Alzheimer's in the span of 2 years and lives another 15 years as a vegetable

THose are some great nipples.

The nipples are 10/10 but that face is 4/10
Sigourney may have no ass but at least she has a cute face.

Its the bad haircut. She looked great in Inherent Vice.

I am more peeved that the Synth is called Walter and not a name that starts with E

>it's just an AUG
Wow, I can't handle all this sci-fi.

You can't possibly think this movie will be good?

Katherine Waterson a cute!

>you can't possibly like what I don't like
Fuck off mr patrician.

thing is about this woman she looks different in every pic, she has so many looks.
Seriously google her


but I like these guys

She was 11/10 in Inherent Vice, I don't understand how Ridley managed to make her so ugly.


i'm a manlet who is into tall chicks so i still think she's fine as hell, just needs to grow back her hair

Why did they make the Engineers look like a bunch of middle aged bald guys?

>fassbender on fassbender

>She was 11/10 in Inherent Vice, I don't understand how Ridley managed to make her so ugly.

By not using makeup, in other words, her real face.

It's not ridley going full retard, it's ridley that don't want to ignore prometheus because he can't admit failure. If Alien Covenant was not connected to Prometheus I'm sure it would have been alienkino. But once again, Lindelof fucks everything up.

>majority white casting

>engineers in prometheus were 8 foot tall spess mahreen tier demigods in appearance
>they now look like lepers.


i guess the leaks are true then, what with the pod's getting released

what leaks?

I can't see that fat fucking face without hearing a guitar riff in the background

Dr Prometheus, i'm EARTH

it's engineer

>I thought that was iggy at first
Why the fuck did an android grow hair ridley?

Didn't know Aliens used earth degrees.

They use earth wheat. And 100% scientifically accurate earth human dna.

so? the space marine gear in aliens is fairly normal as well and not very 'scifi'.

WTF? I love rice now!

This to be honest

So we pretty much know that the plot will be fassbender will destroy the engineer's planet by attacking them with the goos

bit rude

Kenny fucking Powers outta nowhere!

That jaw line is very odd, even for Hollyweird.

What's up with those contemporary guns

I like her nipples. They seem like they would be very good for feeding our children


And that's an excuse for not making the props seem even a bit futurstic how? They're hundreds of years into the future.

Everything about this seems fucking lazy and cheap.

>We have these prequels but our technological level is more advanced to to the earlier installments but still looks contemporary to the viewer

bravo ridlay

I assumed that the nostromo/sulaco were like freight ships and had all that rough and ready hardware that could take a beating

The Prometheus ship by comparison is small and has high tech equipment because weyland was traveling on the ship kinda like a private jet.

If only modern movie makers put as much though into their work as you.


Have you seen The Babysitters?

Did you expect the kind of woman who's smart enough to be sent on a mission like this to be a 10/10? Step into the real world


Did they actively look for the least charismatic actress they could find ?

She's so fucking plain, it only becomes more evident when they dress her up as Ripley.

Such shitty casting, and that fucking McBride as some space cowboy, it's like they are deliberately making it suck.

she's supposed to be ripley?

>Implying the Prometheus concepts are shit
>Implying it wasn't just the writing

The engineer shit is the most interesting part of these prequels and it's why people were so interested in Prometheus. Fuck out of here.

Why exactly was it badly received?

She looks like Dan Aykroyd

>Implying it wasn't just the writing
>Why exactly was it badly received?

Are you retarded? The guy just told you

Nice nipples

She's Not Ripley, a totally original character in this totally original movie.



>Danny McBride
why... just why

le comedy relief man


Why do they they pick such an ugly ass to play le stronk woman role when Sigourney was pretty much perfect?

You are becoming hysterical

Who's the young man in OP's picture?

The main thing every Alien movie that wasn't Aliens got blasted for was being too similar to Alien, they've got to at least try and put some differences in there

you and I are going to have a talk about safety


>Sigourney was pretty much perfect

goddamn right