Post leftists, particularly leftist cuck males

Post leftists, particularly leftist cuck males.

Other urls found in this thread:

anyone got a picture of OP?

... is he a male ?

Triggered cuck spotted.


Boyish aesthetics along with a high hairline?

Where did you get your woman's studies degree, son?


Take it back to SRS cucky

lmao underage B&




Crazy leftists are trying to bring trans agendas to my school, could you give me a hand please?











Is the joke she knows she's fat and ugly or something?

Cheeks down seem pretty well structured and fairly masculine seems to be from the angle he is holding the camera with the hair line thing.

Protip:big forehead gives you a baby face.

Holy fuck I went through A&W drive through a few days ago and there was this fat pink haired woman with the exact same facial hair as in OP's pic. FUCKING DISGUSTING. If I wasn't so hungry I would have told her that she looks disgusting and to shave that shit and drove off.


What the fuck, I fucking give up.

In most cases. I think I have a pretty good chin even if I am a bit babyfaced

For years i thought this song was funny satirical take. Then they post this on twitter...

They were 100% serious.

transgender Jeb! ???

>he's still posting

ChristDamn right. Let's see yours



fuck this one pisses me off every time

>expecting me to post my face


Hello newfriend

I dislike transsexual people. What a bunch of delusional homosexuals.

Do these individuals count as people?
Is it possible for them to ever grasp a different viewpoint?

Mkay name cuck

that looks like milo yioanopolous if he went another route in life

where do you think you are m8


>watch out nazis!


>unironically defending names/trips


"Not me! Us!"
Very jewish

I dont know why, but this one actually made me cringe.

Glad to see milo has come out....again.


Lol, the Fragile is pointing at him!! XD good one friend!




What an absolutely pathetic life, I almost feel bad for that guy, except considering its reddit it probably is just fantasy posting for sympathy upboats.

I honestly wish fish had just ended himself.

Oh hey, it's another guy from this

shame, imagine if this guy got a mustache/proper goatee, shaved his head, and wore muscle shirts. He could be a boss

No sign he's a leftist. He could just as easily be a shut in alt-right or libertarian

not a leftist, he's a corporate shill

come on, that's badass - it's like a Beavis and Butthead/King of the Hill-style Bernie

again, could be a leftist, could be part of the religious right

ooh, this is cringe - good job

seems like these are out of touch old people trying to stay hip

it would be cringe, except that people with the real hats look just as ridiculous

this is painful

there are a lot of middle aged UK82 guys in England who look retarded now... not that they didn't look retarded back in '82

so... they haven't changed?

would bang the girl in the blue shirt

wow, that's a lot of autism to take in

What does FF stand for? Also, why all the CP?

I feel at the time of writing it was. now the fame's got to them I think. they haven't produced anything worthwhile since 2012 anyway so it's not as if it matters anyway.

when you live in a world where people have to label themselves "a reader" you know your whole civilization is circling the drain and its over.

Jesus what are they gonna tell their wife's son?

>No sign he's a leftist. He could just as easily be a shut in alt-right or libertarian
You haven't seen any of his videos have you?

I wanted to say this too.

>No sign he is a leftist
Go to his youtube channel, I honestly don't know where to begin.

Nope. I have no idea who that is.

>Bernice Panders
Yes... yes she does.

what's his channel?


Signed. Hope the best for your school, user

>girl in the blue shirt

I see white, black, green.


>acknowledge that females wearing trump hats are attractive
>call him Drumpf
>identify as a woman for no other reason than to wear the hat
There's something very wrong with this person's mental health.

black, then... maybe I should get my eyes checked out


That black is clearly navy

I can hear her shallow breathing through this image.

Dat woman's face. Kek

I honestly don't mind environmentalists, notwithstanding the "capitalism destroyed the earth!" or anti GMO crowd

These types of protests irritate me. I'm all for protest as a concept, but if you do it looking like a retard your just going to hurt your own cause.

Maybe my monitor colors are fucked up.

Anyways, it's white and gold.

>this fucking thread


Who told Badger to stop selling drugs?




Fucking nothing makes me rage like cunts like you who post mega replies in threads like this. WHY DO YOU THINK YOUR CONSOLIDATED OPINION IS SO IMPORTANT FAGGOT?!?!?

From my youtube history

I would make a best of video but he is so autistic he makes a video everyday, I can't even find my favorites in the mountain of shit. His body litterally does not make testosterone. You really can't get anymore leftist.


>I think I have a pretty good chin
It's too flat. It needs to be more pointed.

I don't think it's important. I like conversing. Why are you so upset?

>systemic oppression

What a repulsive thread

Please take your reddit tier images and newfag ass and go back


Why do we allow this? Why do they use this word?

wow, thanks!

>Liberal youth
>4 childhood friends eventually became trans
>Implore me that they would never become full sjw
>My 5th friend starting dating a "FtM trans asexual pan"
>It implore everyone that it was not sjw
>As the monster becomes entrenched it started to show lite sjw tendances
>It cucks my best freind into beliveing he's a she
>Everyone else is slowly coming around to the monster's ways
>Been told my behavior has been "hatful" all because i made a klan joke.
>Everyone stops calling each other faggots as its deemed hateful too

I've accepted my 5 friends are going to kill themselves before they're 30. They're too far gone. Pic related is the last thing that thing posted

Why does it piss you off so much? Story?