This is a bully free zone.
Puck drop soon.
This is a bully free zone.
Puck drop soon.
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i was about to make the thread reee
Sorry, you can make the next one.
its fine, i was literally going to use the same op pic but with the OP of "BATTLE OF THE NO CUP PACIFIC AQUATIC PREDATORS". also baerschi is out tonight
Hoping for no shitty refereeing tonight
I think he will score tonight
rip hansen
he should have 28, that mdz goal last night was last touched by boeser so he should've had a 2 goal night
yeah that was total bullshit.
damn that singer is a CUTIE
Hey this thread is a bully free zone.
sharks legend goldobin
tell that to the refs.
Really thinking that Shorks should be sellers at the deadline if they lose this game. Our team is being grinded to dust by chippy fuckers and refs seem to hate us. So things aren't looking so bright. Plus the tables are so even right now.
>burns as a forward
>still no "soft" goal yet
>8 men on the ice
>Too many men on the ice
The jaws thing the fans do is kinda cute 2bh
Golden Knights vs Edmonton Oilers
1-0 Knights end of first period
the Knights are definitely going to win the cup, neither of these teams could stop it
sounds good faggot, you picked the new horse and it worked out. Quit acting like you have any hockey knowledge at all you fucking mongoloid.
Oh boy here we go
well at least it wasnt THAT soft
Golden Knights are goonish fucks and they don't deserve the cup.
i only dont like james neal, the dude has a history but is overshadowed by marchand
Dadrock intensifies
honestly dont think anybody can stop the perds this year.
for me, its tampa.
Vegas gets away with being thugs because "muh cinderella story" referee favoritism. It's disgusting.
i havent really seen it, who's thugging? i've only watched like 2 vgk games
That last game they had against the Sharks was really more like a horror film. They were high sticking for fun because they knew they could get away with it. And also injured Ward and I think it was Couture as well. Struck me as a really dirty team desu
holy shit stecher bleeding out after that high stick
This powerplay is really feeling like november vintage. As in not very good
Looks like the same cut as yesterday opened up again.
Did Stecher fuck some ref's wife or something
Has a puck ever broke one of those electronic ads on the boards?
< cause im too lazy to write it twice
you cant hit it its behind a piece of glass.
I didn't pick the new horse, I AM the new horse. I was born and raised in vegas actually, so I AM VEGAS STRONG
so has the glass ever cracked
There's no way in hell Boeser will catch up in the rookie scoring race right?
Halftime intermission
look at him biting that stick
It's Barzal's to lose at this point. Only way Boeser MIGHT get the Calder is if he hits 40+ goals
Did a Shark player make this one. I know Tanev drew the Canucks one.
Not looking likely either. Boerser's really cooled down a lot and Baertschi is just free riding.
Really hard to compete for the Calder when the other guy had 3 5+ point games.
Not sure. I saw it them both posted by I think the same user in a thread once. Figured he made them both. He didn't post any other logo though.
>announcers refering to the Canucks as our friends across the border
Really hoping that rebuild with work out for you Canucks lads desu
sharks and canucks confirmed true bros
its an aquatic predator feel
The jet black alts? Those jerseys are sick. Would totally buy one 2bh.
Wew that was close
w-wasnt worried at all
That was in desu. But just barely.
Nice dubs there bud.
dont think edler would have saved that tbqh
Where the fuck is everyone. Thread feels slower than usual
im watching desu, nothing really worth posting yet
Burns moved permanently to forward confirmed?
Shitposting for our friends cause they don't seem to be here tonight
Are the Canucks playing Goldobin purely for the memefactor of playing him against his former team?
didnt he start his career as a forward?
nah, he was called up because of injuries
It's beginning to go way back but yeah he did at least play for a while as a forward.
How dissapointing
Baerschi out so that's probably why
4h4 hours ago
Biega in, Hutton out.
Goldobin in, Baertschi out.
Coach Green said #Canucks need to bring energy tonight in San Jose. Biega and Goldobin bring that.
Shorks bringing back the vintage rovers.
fugggggggggggggggggg this game, >we need a pp
Tbh I think one of the elements >we are really lacking in is kind of a physical edge. At least from what I've seen.
>Special Chinese New Year celebration with the Canucks event
>NO NO NOooo
What the fuck was that lmao
going to be turning over to my curlingfu soon
>tfw would make a clip of that but Sup Forums doesnt allow sound
>Announcers quickly reminding people who how the Sedin twins are
>this shot difference
coming up
sharks best period is the third.
Is Martin Jones going to get a shutout? That would be a pleasant surprise desu. Very good game from him so far.
KNOCK ON WOOD!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah probably
you just jinxed it
dubs and the nucks will come back and force OT
Wonder how many sticks will break this period. Seemed to be an awful lot of them snapping this game
This Holm guy has a huge fucking nose
nobody on the canucks scores. fucking alex edler is the teams leading scoring in the year 2018.
you know what they say about guys with huge noses
thats mostly because of the powerplay though
They're merchants?
yes. phillip holm is our greatest ally
so? doesnt change the fact the team basically just waits around until boeser does something.