Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that these are the elite winter sporting nations?
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that these are the elite winter sporting nations?
yes, except delete germany
Yeah except they're all shite at real sports apart from Germany.
I can't see any issues with this image
Take Germany and Britain off and it's perfect.
why did you make france's flag so big?
>sweeden's paint skills
Half the world is not covered in snow so no and fuck you
its like the american calling baseball a world series when only the american play the game
America is the world, Pedro
pls let us join double digit medal club Norway.
>didn't watch luge
I'd unironically add Finland. They never win, like literally never, but they're always close and relevant. Also I know this isn't even bait, just pure memeing but
Lol why the fuck would Great Britain be on there? I mean it's obviously bait, right?
We literally won the winter olympics
What happens there.
What do you mean?
Sweden deserves it more.
Also why is Iceland shit at all this?? Are they all too busy doing crossfit
There was a girl from Iran in the women's slalom. This is a victory for Great Britainistan.
I don't think there's much skiing in Iceland? Not sure though.
Didn't notice Sweden was missing, it's also an obvious add. Finland it's debatable, they lose all the time, but I'd put them in, they're close enough.
Maybe he was joking?
Iceland has 100 000 citizens. 50 000 are soccer players, 50 000 are dentists and 23 of them are both.
>barely even top 5 in the winter olympics, the only sports you're good at.
>completely irrelevant in the real olympics
>not good at any other international sports
>literally has our queen on their money
We're by far the best at one sport, the only one we actually care about (shitposting).
just passin' through to let you guys know that the edgiest badass in the games who was flying face first with his nose inches away from the ice at speeds of 80 mph just won the gold. see you later guys good luck with the figure skating and stuff
Sledding is for kids, not a sport
your mom's for sport. skeleton is for fearless, kid.
t. Paco
how is snowboarding dude weed do you even know how hard it is
You can't ski in Iceland without falling into lava.
Agreed but not Sweden and Netherlands
How's snowboarding without being high a sport?
You don't even need winter for speed skating events
they're still waiting for cousin fucking to become an olympic event
I'm glad we're all on the same page here
And potato eating
For me walking to the nerbay market to get cigarettes should be considered as a winter sport. The sidewalks are slippery as fuck. Every day when it gets little bit warmer like +2-4'C, all the snow and ice melts (see pic). Then comes the night and everything frozes and it is frozen as long the tempature stays below 0. So it can be days.
I walk fast because I have long legs and when its icy I have to focus on every step carelfully. Its fucking anoying that I cant use my full speed. But im getting better at this sport. This year I have only fell down twice (last record 3 times), I have prevented 5 fallings, I have helped people to get up 3 times(all strangers) and once called an ambulance.
Im bit shamed OP left us out of the pic.
really? a fin interacting? with strangers even?
>mfw going to Finland in 2 weeks
It should be okay by then, right?
I think its more akward to just walk pass
what about turning around and hiding until they have left?
>Germany and Netherlands
Literally one sport babby tier countries
Depends where you go. You shouldn't have any flat bottomed shoes.
>tfw no 50km deathmarch in the snow by -15°C at the winter Olympics
>fucking cold
>he cant get up
>keep hiding and freezing
>ask 'are u ok'
>give hand if needed
>keep on walkin
Helsinki, which I assume is one of the warmest parts of the country
To fuck your women
do you have any comparable states that are the best in the world at one thing?
hardmode: not mass shootings
Where is my flag?
You know its just Norway and Canada
In 2 weeks Helsinki will look like this. Not much better than the slipery, but still better.
Looks like England in January desu
word filter for t b h, when?
Actually correct version.
put us back in mohamed
I might be an unironic brainlet because that destroyed my brain for a good bit
Fuck, deathmarch in snowshoes would be the GOAT sporting event
>and once called an ambulance
Fuck this cracked me up.
>give hand if needed
Replace Germany with Finland
Should be:
A long time ago
olympics is just monied up countries waving dicks, pointless shite