>born Muslim
>strangers hate me because of this
>1.7 billion peaceful Muslims judged bases on the actions of a literal hundredth of a percent
When will this end?
>born Muslim
>strangers hate me because of this
>1.7 billion peaceful Muslims judged bases on the actions of a literal hundredth of a percent
When will this end?
Other urls found in this thread:
When you're all dead.
Cry me a river
it's just the newest bogeyman - jews, fascists, commies, muslims. the next one will probably be chinese, which idk might not be that great for you either
Malaysia is the exception to the rule of Islamic barbarism although probably not for long goliven recent events.
Bullshit Thread
When that 1% is rooted out by the "moderates"
Keep holding your breath it'll
Work out...
If I'm a white convert, is it hard to find a wife?
Don't care about the West or a bunch of edgy young adult hentai aficionados. Study, help your community, and fight against any occupiers.
.7 billion peaceful Muslims judged bases on the actions of a literal hundredth of a percent
No I am judging them on the actions of Muhammad, the person the claim to follow
See check em
>born muslim
>can't find an explosive belt your size
When they're all dead.
When every single mosque is burned to the ground.
When every single quran is tossed into the flames.
When every single trace of this primitive, subhuman, disgusting ideology is wiped from existence.
When the single mention of anything shitslam related is met with scorn and disgust.
Do humanity a favor and kill yourself and as many of your fanatic brothers and sisters as you can.
isnt a hundredth of a percent out of over a billion still like a million
whats your game, fake usa
>1.7 billion
jesus christ theres 100 millions more every month
Stop following a religion that was founded by a pedophile and spread by murdering millions of people you fucking faggot.
Don't you live in a Muslim country?
Eh. Where do you think we got the phrase "run amok" from?
>born Muslim
>Islam is a race
Why are people this retarded?
Based Husarr is based.
>born muslim
What? No, you were born an atheist. You were raised to be muslim.
Why dont you just stop being muslim if it bothers you
You live in Malaysia, a Muslim majority country. What the fuck does it bother you
Do you believe Shari a Law should law of the land?
Do you believe suicide bombings are sometimes justified?
Do you believe fags should be imprisoned or killed?
It will end when you decide to stop believing in made up shit. If you fucking people could just accept that you just die and nothing fucking happens to you, the world would be better for it.
I know they breed like roaches but I swear every week or two they add another 100 million to their self-estimate to make themselves seem more numerous, lol
>1.7 billion peaceful Muslims
there's a few million peaceful muslims at most, the rest may not be actively violent, but support the violent factions philosophically if not monetarily.
are you implying those are or were not legitimate threats to the american way of life?
wtf is that guy in the audience wearing on his head?
But I've never done that. You are literally the same as a feminist who calls out "all men" as rapists and blames the patriarchy.
What recent events? Here?
We hate the Chinese too
It's not 100% Muslim, they're are lots of Chinese and Indians
when muslims go away from europe back to whatever hellhole they came from and they stop commiting rapes and attacks, then it will stop
Ismaili Muslim here.
when you all shall turn to ashes
trips never lie
When your maniac brothers and sisters decide its time for you to join the holy war and you say 'no I'm moderate' they'll kill you. If you renounce your religion, they'll kill you. If you don't renounce your religion, we'll kill you.
You're fucked no matter what.
when you have some sort of reform and actually do something about that so called 1% of yours.
Ever noticed how the words "christian-a-phobia" or "Bhudist-a-phobia" don't exist? Well, there's a fucking reason for it.
Sort your shit out, apologize for the carp you've caused and then maybe we'll let you into the party tat is humanity.
Is this a man or a woman?
Well, Islam is retarded, but the terrorists are simply retaliating because we are stupid enough to bomb Muslim countries for Israel.
It's not your fault, it's ours.
When you all die.
>born Muslim
This pissed me off the most
holy shit
NOBODY is BORN a fucking Muslim or Christian. A baby has no understanding of Islam and lacks any ability to determine whether or not it believes a fucking doctrine.
You were NOT born Muslim.
You were born to Muslim parents, and lacked the mental fiber to walk your own path based on reason and rationality and thus became the same thing your parents were.
That's a huge fucking difference.
In Western Europe, ask any Morroccan if they are Muslim. ALL of them will answer yes. All of them.
Not a fucking fraction of them has ever even fucking read the Quran.
You really should be worried about other Muslims
Bitch, you aren't born Muslim. You are taught to be one.
Solution: say the following words:
"I am not a follower of islam anymore".
When u stop blowing up twin towers
>Born a muslim
Nice meme, but no one is born a religion.
Now end yourself.
Can you really not tell?
Mr Goldberg pls
>When will this end?
When you convert
>Born muslim
no such thing
Then you should start up protests against the muslims that are to distinguish yourselves. If you cannot actively condemn them you are part of the problem.
Nobody is born Muslim. You had, and still have, a choice whether or not to buy into that bullshit.
Not our fault you believe in fairy tales
What are the differences? Are they as pronounced as different types of Christianity?
Help me understand user.
>You were NOT born Muslim.
You don't get a choice if you're brainwashed from birth and you'll be killed if you try to leave your cult. That's how religion works.
When you either die or give up islam
just because you are living against the core doctrine of your religion doesn't make muslims peaceful.
>want most of the world to be ruled by you or eradicated
>wah why the hate
Are you so beta that you can't attract a wife here?
Of course
In Islam everyone is born Muslim, friend. Islam rejects the Christian doctrine of original sin.
Isn't Japan 99% Shinto? That's like tree worship or something.
> an american actually unironically says this
Either kill the Salafists and Wahhabists yourself or the rest of the world will step in and clean up your mess for them. And they are not going to be as discriminate about who is innocent and who is guilty as you will be.
I've no beef with the Shia and Kurds who are busy fighting ISIS. Hell, or even the Pakis who are fighting the Taliban in their own country, or the Afghans.
You Western Muslims? You refugees? Fuck off, you're cowards and ticking time bombs.
Multikult will be to the 21st century what nationalism was to the 20th - the road to genocide, ethnic cleansing, civil war.
Around 50% of your culture condones these actions though.
And when I say condone, I mean that they don't give a fuck what happens. I can't sympathize with you because your culture is associated to multiple mass murders and other violent acts of terror throughout the world.
If we were seeing an uproar from the mulsim community it would be somewhat different. Except the attacks are only becoming more frequent.
>NOBODY is BORN a fucking Muslim
It's part of Islam; they believe that all humans are originally Muslim, and that converting is the process of "returning" to the faith. You made a good point though: You can choose whichever religion you want.
I don't care.
Keep your gay ass bullshit in your countries.
I don't want anything to do with your backwards ass.
You are just a chinese who fucked up choosing religion. Go back to your buddha or animal worshipping or whater your pagan folks used to venerate before being cucked by muhammad.
>born Muslim
Isn't Islam something you have to affirm? So no, you were not born a Muslim.
But, laying that aside
>When will this end?
When the other 99.99% that you claim are peaceful and represent "real" Islam stand up and kick the trash infecting your faith community to the fucking curb. Until then, you are enabling them.
Just stay where you belong and maybe kill the Christians in your country to get rid of that autistic comic fag.
By your figures of 1/100% of 1.7Billion=170000 slobbering head-chopping goat-fuckers, way to many in a civilized world.
Unfortunately, your estimate is way to low if you look at the percentage that say death to those who insult islam and believe in sharia.
If you support sharia law in any way you are not a harmless muslim. Therefore something like 80% of then are potentially dangerous.
More like:
>born as a wild animal
>attack humans instead of being good pets
>hate humans when they get scared seeing you
I don't blame all Muslims, but if you let Muslims immigrate to your country, they or their descendants are going to start committing atrocities eventually. It's inevitable due to the nature of the doctrine. So I'd rather just not have to deal with it and deport you all. I'm more than happy for you to practice your religion and suffer all of the problems that come along with it - in your own countries.
>born Muslim
no such thing
>born muslim
>worships terrorist prophet
>obeys terrorist manual
>follows terrorist manual
>wants to impose medieval law
>ruins every nation they touch
>responsible for 1400 years of war
>why do they persecute me so?
When you stop trying to take over the world and turn it into a shit hole.
Probably it ill end when the 1.7 billion 'good Muslims' stop tolerating and supporting that oh so small percentage of 'bad Muslims'.
After all, if it is really that small of a percentage and there really are so many 'good' Muslims then your taking care of the problem shouldn't be an issue...right?
Or maybe you are just full of shit.
Stop being a mudslime. Repent!
I hate the regular Muslims more than the terrorists. At least the terrorists blow themselves up rather than sticking around for 70 years and shitting up the neighbourhood.
Everyone's born as muslim according to these looneys.
Couple that with apostasy = death, and you kinda can have a go at every non-muslim.
You know what is your problem? Your religion is fucking shit. Just read quran, it's full of mohammed's madness. And you are not even allowed to drop it because quran.
This. Multiculturalism is the problem.
>born atheist
>born Muslim
Stop right there. No, you and all other humans were born Atheist. Nobody is born an adherent to a religion. Don't be foolish. It is very easy to choose to leave your religion and pick one where you don't have to deal with hate, if it really upsets you that much.
look here you dumb nigger
we can't tell the difference between you camel fuckers
soooo you kill the terrorists
or we will kill you all
also stop being muslim you stupid goddamn nigger
No one is born a muslim.
You either get accept the ideology or you don't. It's a completely free choice.
And if you choose wrong, you must die.
>born Muslim
Really sad what happened to Iran
Doesn't that put her at risk of death by the hands of 1.7 billion of peaceful Muslims?
Isn't the middle east just alot of pedos? Don't Muslims believe in fucking prepubescent children or something.
stop being a muslim
if i was part of a group that every terrorist on earth kills in the name of, id leave that group
>want apostates and homosex to be executed
So you admit Sharia Law should replace constitutional law, and can't understand why you're not welcome anywhere...
Maybe you shouldn't make such shitty comics
If we wanted you, we'd take you, bong. Let the fact that the British flag flies over your shitpost be testament to our mercy and benevolence.
I want some of that brown hijab pussy, amigo
everything I needed to learn about Islam I learned in 1453
>born Muslim
How did that work? You were literally born believing in Islam and with a full knowledge of the doctrines of the religion?
>born Muslim, ashamed
Then go leave the faith faggot
Or are you afraid your peaceful peers are going to hunt you?
You are part of the problem, deal with it or duck off
> have plenty of countries that practice your ass backwards savage beliefs and culture in the purest and most fundamental forms
> migrate into other cultures that you're incompatible with
> try to force those cultures to adjust to your bullshit
> kill people repeatedly while trying to spread your terrible garbage that you call religion and culture
only 2 options.
>born muslim
>came preprogrammed with Quranic knowledge before I could speak
>fucked my first wife by the time I was 10
>cannot understand how people can be born into a family that practices Islam instead of being born AS Islam
Smh you 1.7 billion kufirs