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The source of the force.
it'll grow on you
kek'd and check'd
I don't get it
So this is how Star Wars dies....
ah fuck that's actually gonna be it isn't it
Is that real life? Because if it is, it’s a gigantic waste money to build a humongous set like that, when they could have easily found a real location that would work just as well or even better.
Is this a forced meme because I can't see why The Force being inside a giant tree would piss people off so much. A tree is a lot bigger than a human and could potentially have a lot more Force Power.
>a fucking tree
>having force powers
Is this a joke?
but they would have to somewhere in the mountains for location like that and they are lazy
It has to match Skellig Micheal where they filmed TFA's last scene, and you can't construct anything there because it's a heritage site.
The tree isn't the problem, it's the rumored leaks that go along with it; rumored leaks that happen to be substantiated by the teaser trailer. There are a number of different versions of it coming from different sources, but they all boil down to some variant of this:
"In the distant past, there were two siblings, a brother and a sister, who - either meditating via the tree or granted the power by the tree itself - became the first two individuals to attain mastery of the Force. The sister focused on the light, and the brother on the dark. Eventually the brother grew jealous of the sister and killed her, and subsequently fled to the far corners of the galaxy. The adherents of the sisters' teachings became the first Jedi, and founded the first Jedi Temple around and inside the tree. The adherents of the brother became wielders of the dark side."
Anything beyond that is speculation or substantiated by one rumored leak but not another. Most people are guessing that Rey is somehow a reincarnation of the sister; and Snoke is probably the brother himself, as he's been hiding out for eons beyond the outer rim.
So it's literally just a long-winded setup for "an ancient evil awakens and the chosen one has to fight them"
God this is horrible. EU did the whole origin story way better.
>Happens in a Galaxy far away
>The source of the Force is a fucking oak
What didn't they get in "an other galaxy setting"?
Avatar had a more diverse fauna and flora than the entirety of the SW movies
oh nooooooo
>TFW haven't seen or read any of the new EU
Feels good man. I'll take the good with the bad in the old EU. For every Yuuzhan Vong and Luuuke, there's a Darth Bane and Knights of the Old Republic.
Isn't that more or less the old EU with the Celestials, minus the Father?
Are they gonna go full Lovecraft and throw Abeloth in there for shits and giggles?
why wood you be so mad over such a grainy puny
let me extend an olive branch of friendship before I leave
No Rey, *I* am your father
So they are just rebooting an already canon established facet of the Star Wars universe. Just like they did with The Force Awakens. Bravo JJ. Bravo.
What is the tree's midichlorian count?
sounds like your typical Disney story for children
also this
Evil white man destroys the good side and strong independent womyn needs to get blacked to save it
How much are they going to ramp up her Mary Sue powers in this movie?
How long will her training scenes be? Will it just be a sort of montage?
This sounds so boring that it's probably true.
but what about Anakins midichlorians n sheit
This is EU-tier lore. God I hope this isn't true.
You realize what you are talking about is already legit cannon right?
She's going to continue to grow in power for no reason whatsoever like in the last movie and she won't even need training and she'll gain flying powers and fly away from the planet
Finally put an end to the imperial patriarchy.
>already mastered mind control
>already defeated a sith lord
>can probably force lift rocks
What the fuck is Luke going to teach her that she doesn't already know? The writers backed themselves into a corner by writing her as a Mary Sue.
Force ghostery?
Yoda powerlevels?
Not to mention Luke wasn't even that good of a Jedi.
There, a Force sensitive tree has grown up. A boy and a girl visited it. They were the first humanoids that felt the Force .
Kids start to develop strange powers while standing near a mysterious tree.
The boy then apparently kills the girl and falls to the Dark Side, but she actually survives thanks to the powers of the tree and becomes the founder of the Jedi order.
The founder of the Jedi order eventually died, but promissed what has become a Jedi legend, that she will return as a "Chosen" in time that nobody knows, and should be trained by the Jedi to bring the balance back.
She was granted the spirit survival after death,
while the brother has seeked the way of immortality in flesh, as his spirit can't survive death.
The boy , his survival, is main reason of lost of balance in the Force.
Only demise of brother can bring back the balance in the Force.
The Jedi order has spent millenia in seeking to train the "Chosen One" as only the trained Chosen will bring the balance to the Force. They trained millions.
A fucking tree
dunno why they've filled it with books lol who reads books anymore
should be like a tape of rap music that gives us a quick rundown
The "Chosen One" trope is literally the laziest trope to ever exist in cinema.
So Star Wars is fucking LOST now?
Oh well we know who Snoke is now.
Im Lebanese, I find your post EXTREMELY problematic ok
The only thing good about this is the immortality of the flesh versus the immortality of the spirit, which harkens back to the Platonism of the OT.
Yuuzhan Vong is kino stfu
>>a fucking tree
>>having force powers
I’m fine with this. It is a sci-fi/fantasy story set in an alien universe with dozens of alien species of all types, (something Star Wars was always good about) so it’s not beyond belief that some kinda alien tree might be sentient.
And there’s this;
Who /assholeandpussydiscount/ here
Where are you getting this one?
Worked for Naruto
Wood you like it better if they leafed this plot alone and knot focused on it so much?
Remember when the Force was a mystical cosmic Asian magic field generated and surrounding all living things? Remember when it was mysterious and unexplained? Remember when it wasn't a quantifiable fucking videogame mana bar with a fucking source?
>implying Not!Abeloth won't be the primary antagonist of the sequel-sequel trilogy starting with Episode X in 2025
Remember when you could tell Yoda was a jedi master because of his experience and wisdom and not because his blood test results came back and the count was 15,000?
I don't mind a force-sensitive tree, wasn't all of Dagobah was force sensitive?
What I don't want is a tree that is the origin of the Jedi. I don't want to know the origin of the Jedi or the force.
So have they finally done it?
Have they made something worse than Jar-Jar?
Reminder that if Snyder did this Sup Forums contrarians would be calling it kino
The Force wasn't even really "unexplained" though; it just was. It's presented as a spiritual energy field that exists in the Star Wars universe just as constant fundamental physical forces exist in ours. It doesn't get an origin story any more than we get an origin story for the laws of thermodynamics.
Nothing will ever top Jar-Jar. I don't mean that in a meme way, I mean the build-up and anticipation leading up to him can never be redone.
That's because with Snyder there's a vision to go along with it; literally art.
Snyder has made at least a couple of movies that blow nu wars out of the water.
His DC capeshit stuff is nu wars tier trash tho.
I'm a DC fan and like Synder's movies
As a Star Wars fan this is fucking shit
mfw star wars is this shit now
I unironically liked rogue one for what it was though
it had o much more potential buteven though it wasn't gritty war movie lie it could have been it was executed just fine
maybe with the exception of black guy's stupid death
It relied too much on other works to really be enjoyable for me.
If Snyder did it
>tree would represent Klimt's tree of life, signifying the way that good and evil are relative and connected much like heaven and hell in the mosaics
>the notion of a 'chosen one' would be tied to the devout followers of the jedi literature
>the film would have strong implications that there's no such thing as 'good' or a 'chosen one', that our destinies are our own and it's up to us to do what we know is right despite our heritage
Disney's version
>trees are cool and nonhuman
>what if a tree gave birth to two kids who were the light and darkside of the force?
>the lightside can be a girl cause girls are awesome, and the darkside can be an icky boy cause boo the patriarchy
>and i guess the boy kills the girl cause he's jealous of how great she is?
FINN is a sleeper agent, who's first order program reactivates
when he recovers from his coma.
He is responsible for the explosion at the rebel base and kills general leia in the resulting explosion.
His betrayal wouldn't be apparent at first as this is suppose to be the i am your father moment of the new trilogy when he activates.
First order trooper are trained from birth, they don't grow conciseness, he was also top of his class yet worked in janitorial.
Reminder he could of killed phasma, programming prevented him.
>everyone hopes Rey turns to the darkside in an epic twist to counteract her over-powered status and retroactively fix TFA
>Disney's response: "Finn is a sleeper agent who kills Leia! How will Rey fix this mess guys?"
>could of
>we have to live for decades with the media telling us that this xenomorph is hot and pretty and DAMN DAISY LOOKS LIKE *THAT*
My friend swallowed the pill and will make any excuse to say how much he finds Xeno Morph attractive and I want to beat his fucking skull in
what? it relied on you knowing that Empire is a thing and its evil. actually no, even that is kinda established in the first scene. how did it rely on other movies?
she's just so empowered and radiant
such a SHAME i'll never get to fuck her
Next time he comes over I'm going to find my old Alien figure and have in the room and tell him Ms Ridley is joining us this evening.
>waste of money
It's Star Wars, not only does it have practically unlimited funding it's also guaranteed to make it all back.
The finale of the film is reliant on you knowing they eventually blow up the death star. That's the most obvious one.
Forest Whitaker's character felt very surface level and shallow to me. It felt jumbled and it appears like he's going to get much more fleshed out with EU material and so I think that's why it ended up that way.
There are others, but I think these two explain how the film was a bridge for what came before and after. Don't get me wrong, it was entertaining but I just don't really see the need to ever rewatch it again.
Also, my gripe isn't with all of the simple references to other things. Seeing the pilots from A New Hope was fine and not distracting.
So does this mean The Ones are canon?
>a Force sensitive tree has grown up. A boy and a girl visited it. They were the first humanoids that felt the Force .
>Kids start to develop strange powers while standing near a mysterious tree.
>The boy then apparently kills the girl and falls to the Dark Side
Was this memed in episode 7? I remember seeing this thread like a year ago
>The finale of the film is reliant on you knowing they eventually blow up the death star.
not really, what happens with death star laters does not matter for understanding the ending
>Forest Whitaker's character felt very surface level and shallow to me.
agreed, but all characters were shallow. I treat it as a flaw of the movie itself, not reliance on other material
I liked rogue one, i just went all the movie thinking that Cassie was Kyle Katarn and Jyn as Jan Ors
>this image came out over a year ago
>some autistic sperg made up some fanfic plot revolving around a tree
>claims to be an insider, but again is just some autist
>post literally a few weeks ago to start shit and force a stupid meme
>Sup Forums doesn't want to admit this
>not really, what happens with death star laters does not matter for understanding the ending
Would Rogue One be the same movie if Luke and everybody died while trying to attack the Death Star?
nerds BTFO
What is this? The new random thing in a trailer Sup Forums goes full autism mode over? Are we gonna have a hundred daily threads about this like we did with the wheat or whatever the last thing was?
>or whatever the last thing was?
I like how you play it off like you're just on here five minutes a day and you're too cool to know what's going on.
>Would Rogue One be the same movie if Luke and everybody died while trying to attack the Death Star?
yeah. R1 is about hope, it's ANH that is about first victory of war. Saving Private Ryan also works as a movie even when you dont know who won the war. and lets be real, who doesnt know that they blew up the death star, even if you havent seen the movie you'd know this through cultural osmosis
>even if you havent seen the movie you'd know this through cultural osmosis
That's exactly my point.
It was literally an autismo who made up the "leak"
so yes.
haha damn you
>already mastered mind control
Yeah this is bullshit that she was able to do that shit. I get that it was just a stormtrooper she mind fucked, but seriously, she probably only heard what she thought were myths about that type of shit.
>already defeated a sith lord
Kylo Ren isn't even a sith lord. He was fucked up from Chewie, and it's heavily implied (and even shown at one point) that Rey has experience in melee combat due to her staff.
>can probably force lift rocks
Making assumptions doesn't help your shit argument.
>Bor Gullet! Bor Gullet can feel your thoughts. No lie is safe. Bor Gullet will know the truth. The unfortunate side-effect is that one tends to lose... one's... mind
but it doesnt matter anyways. is knowin that rebellion eventually wins is required for understanding the story of ANH? no, it has its own payoff, same as R1
They need to stop shoehorning Amy Schumer into everything.