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When will they realise you can't appease these people? They're wasting their time and throwing money away on half baked catering
When will you realise that these movies are literally just propaganda vehicles for children?
No self-respecting adult should be even vaguely interested in Star Wars.
Murder niggers now, or it's going to be too late
Finn and Poe should've been the main heroes of the story not some little girl that can't act. While the character of Finn was half assed, boyega did good with the script he had. He actually showed some emotion unlike that mouth breathing retard called Rey
I agree with you, but my statement was more in general. The far left is a tiny, tiny fraction of the world's population and people bend over to them because of their vocal internet presence. They're misguided in thinking these peoples opinions matter. I mean that in the wide range of entertainment, company products and politics
Boyega was a little hammy, but the whole movie was just one massive slab of ham, so I can hardly blame him for it.
>self-respecting adult
Posting on Sup Forums
Whoever made that is spot on.
What's bizarre is that you think this is catering. It's propaganda, the purpose is to warp the minds of children to make them more agreeable to whatever dumb bullshit makes their masters the most money.
Nah, you went full retard. I was right though
This, companies are run by nerds who think Twitter is edgy, so they listen to all the fat ugly bitches and the "minorities" who whine there 24/7.
Wasn't Finn's spine sliced open at the end of the last movie and this sequel takes place immediately afterward?
Even Luke had to sit in a Bacta tank for a few seconds. Finn will spend about 10 minutes in a medical to continue to Empire Strikes Back scene for scene remake this movie will be.
This trailer is bad in every single level. Why did it get a million likes on youtube?
>Finn and Poe should've been the main heroes of the story
Can't agree more. I wouldn't mind keeping Rey in it, but even with Poe's little screen time, he was more likable than Rey.
The writers and director were so far up their asses for the 7th one
You've been skullfucked by the whole "tinfoil hat" thing
>give franchise to a Jew
>he pushes niggers into it
every time senpai, I don't want my kids watching some savage subhuman ape drooling and swinging a bling lightsaber around while looting a store, it's not right i tell you
>Wasn't Finn's spine sliced open at the end of the last movie and this sequel takes place immediately afterward?
I hope he spends the next film in a wheelchair and hospital gown with brain damage and Rey turns his life support machine off at the end.
>I don't want my kids watching
Implying you have or ever will have kids in the first place
Why are people still annoyed by the fact that it's a black dude and a girl? If the new trilogy still had an average white dude as main character it would be boring as fuck.
Also, it's Star Wars so race issues would be represented by alien species, not human skin color, so if you can't feel related to a black dude it's kind of your fault.
>Why are people still annoyed by the fact that it's a black dude and a girl?
Because it's fucking disgusting.
>this image came out over a year ago
>some autistic sperg made up some fanfic plot revolving around a tree
>claims to be an insider, but again is just some autist
>Sup Forums doesn't want to admit this
Because he's not a good actor and it shows. A great actor can work with terrible material or a bad actor can be elevated with good lines, but the combination is intolerable.
>if you can't feel related to a black dude it's kind of your fault.
No, it's the producers fault.
Yeah I guess that makes sense, these two idiots are useless and it's not like they don't have enough good actors to choose from.
>If the new trilogy still had an average white dude as main character it would be boring as fuck.
lol shut the fuck up you fat nigger
>when people who post on Sup Forums pretend to be more mature than people who like Star Wars
>tfw if Snyder did the same exact thing Sup Forums contrarians would be fawning over it and calling it kino
Finn is using Force to guide him so he closes his eyes. The same way Luke did in 4th episode during attack on Death Star. The same technique uses Rei before training: she has to breathe properly/be reborn to become Jedi.
Because you're in Sup Forums that is full of edgy low IQ manchildren and literal 14 year olds that can't enjoy anything else other than complain about big blockbuster franchises and banepost.
See example A here:
Just search "capekino"on twitter to see what kind of retards post here.
I hadn't considered that. That's pretty good.
no, probably not.
Can someone explain to me how on Earth this trailer is good, or at least how it's not the worst fucking trailer ever made? Absolutely everything about this trailer is shit. What am I not seeing?
What is retarded or low IQ about not wanting to see savage inhuman nigger apes stenching the place up in my space movies?
That great opening shot where it looks like a starfield and then it becomes a rock.
>dude we're all virgins and manchildren because we're on Sup Forums xD
Keep holding onto that belief to feel better reddit
>my space movies?
Didn't know you were the owner of fucking Disney
Is this you b t w famalang or any other twitter shitposter?
>mfw that's a drop pod and he's being dropped onto a battlefield
But the Disney Jews probably put him in a coma
That wasn't very amusing and it was kind of ruined right afterwards with Rey's hand slap and her "I'm acting!" eyes wide open stare.
fuck you rey is a terrible character
finn although I thought it was forced black storm trooper turned out to be really good but has to play the sidekick to eternal terrible character rey.
There are boards for more adult topics here and many here are probably turned off by your manchild movies. Star Wars was created to teach morals to literal children.
Hehe black ppl are chimps hehehe hehe I lel'd hehe include me in the screenshot too hehe
I am a while male and this franchise exists to serves my cultural needs. If it does not serve me then it is worthless and must be eradicated.
>I am a while male and this franchise exists to serves my cultural needs. If it does not serve me then it is worthless and must be eradicated.
Lel good shitpost Hitler Jr. call me when you finally leave your mom basement to start the Fourth Reich
>that pic
holy shit, this is embarrassing.
>I am a while male
>I am a while male
Ew yuck you should just be killed or something
calm down cunt
Rey is so fucking Mary Sue that it physically disgusts me.
ayyyy yoooo so you sayin we wuz cheeyumps n sheeeeeeeeeeeeeit
>an average white dude...boring as fuck
So you admit the story sucked balls and the only reason to make this shitty movie was money and social engineering.
Same here. And I have zero respect for anyone who claims she is not a Mary Sue (at least in TFA, maybe just maybe they fix her character in TLJ somehow).
dumb nigger
>What is retarded or low IQ about not wanting to see savage inhuman nigger apes stenching the place up in my space movies
This DUDE TREES LMAO meme is so stupid.
Autistic fuck
fuck off nigger lips
Will they finally break the Empire's anti-miscegenation laws and liberate the galaxy from white male dominance in VIII?
there is no need to be upset
>rey is good at everything and has no personality flaws
>can't have a character arc
>finn already had his character arc
>can't do anything with him
The writers really backed themselves into a corner with episode 7.
>What is retarded or low IQ about not wanting to see savage inhuman nigger apes stenching the place up in my space movies?
You literally answered your own question.
Her flaw is that she can't give me a boner.
>it's a 'decadent society attempts to write a story about virtue' episode.
thats a big set
Dude, there should be no more Jedi!
No he didn't.
Idk senpai. Having niggers in space really breaks my immersion. Like, I'm pretty sure that by the time whites invent planet-destroying space stations they would have gotten over the whole multiculturalism meme and would have no longer felt obliged to share their space technology with Africa. The original trilogy was more realistic because there was really only one nigger in a major position of power, and even then he was a halfie. I just can't believe that the First Order would have an affirmative action program.
This is painfully accurate.
It's a joke, not a cock. Don't take it so hard.
Why would this fag help ease the acceptance of a main female character?
Yes, of course I do
You know star wars isn't real, right?
>dude it's star wars skin color doesn't matter, if you can't relate to a black guy it's your fault
>but if the main character was a white guy it'd be boring
literally contradicted yourself
I don't think you got what I meant at all.
Not really, I didn't
>dude look at how diverse we are! an interracial couple in star wars!
>china: if nigger kiss white girl movie banned
>th-they're just friends it's not always about romance! l-look at how progressive we are!
>dumb cuck seriously gets mad at obvious satire post
This is true.
Another thing is people need to realize BMWW is a fetish couple based on white supremacy and black self hatred. White women who are used up, ugly or just in general not good enough for hot white men can get a hot black guy.
Jungle fever isn't a real thing, it's white fever.
Yellow fever isn't a real thing, it's white fever.
Settling for a black man isn't progressive, it's an exploitative last resort for used up white women and status seeking black men.
The top rappers all use white girls to shake their asses even though they're smaller, it's definately a status thing
Poe > Ooga >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rey
>ITT fags in denial that Boyega was only hired because he's black and ugly to spite angry white men
Isn't boyega gonna get an asian romantic interest?
Finn is such an interesting concept for a character in the Star Wars universe and they fucked him over and gave him a shit arc.
now that disney owns star wars they're turning it into every other disney movie ever, i think im just gonna drink and try to forget this happened while reading and watching now defunct extended universe shit
honestly rey looks more like a monkey than finn does
Fuck. It all makes sense now.