What shows have been ruined for you over politics?

Oh wow they are going to have political commentary?
On a show driven by philosophy themed interests? Brilliant!



Whatever it is, im sure itll be thoughtful and original and not pretentious in the least.

Other urls found in this thread:


>yfw Snoke will be called a Trump analogue soon
>the Yuuzhan Vong get introduced and they all suspiciously look like Trump

I love star wars

Trump is a liar and a con man, I don't know why you keep bothering to defend him

he maek funy twet

make donald DRUMPF again

is fucking O R A N G E

You can't remain culturally relevant if you don't acknowledge that a reality star with orange face paint is the current president of the US.

DRUMPF absolutely BTFO how well he ever recover??

i support him, but trumps election was literally the worst thing to happen to television and comedy in general. lazy "comedians" and writers have a fucking stockpile of repeated talking points and recycled jokes to fire off at retarded liberals. and the audiences are so stupid, easily pacified and brainwashed that they never get sick of it somehow.

There's a difference between defending him and getting sick of inane jokes. Do you think criticism trump even accomplishes anything?

>enjoying bojack


Considering he changes policy positions and has public freakouts over having his feelings hurt by SNL I would say yeah, it does.

How is that liberal pile of tumblr reddit shit is going to be "ruined" by becoming political? It was already political, liberal and disgusting. That's why I stopped watching, being shit and unfunny didn't help either.

If you care about Bojack, you're already a faggot. The show can't be ruined by going after Trump because it's just the logical direction for the show and the fact that you didn't notice that is proof that you're a faggot yourself and your opinion doesn't matter.

>getting sick of inane jokes
Then why do you watch Bojack?


What I don't get is if these people hate him so much why are they choosing to let their life/work/legacy revolve around him?

No matter what happens Trump will stop being president in ~4-8 years. But the shows/movies being created will last forever.

When someone inevitably rewatches that show or looks it up on Wikipedia there will always be a bullet point highlighting that "X character is a take on Donald Trump" or "Y plot point is a reference to the Trump Presidency"

If you hate him that much why are you letting him effect you? If Trump really is the troll hollywood makes him out to be then they're playing right into his hand

>gotta rewrite the script to include more "WHUMPFT BTFO" jokes

>tfw the end of the second season genuinely inspired me to take up running every day and it did get easier when i did it every day and my life improved immeasurably
it's faggy as shit but it turns out i owe bojack for turning my life around

Cause it makes them money. If Trump suddenly develops a vocabulary and works out to slim down to 180, the jokes will disappear and they'll do something else.

Does it though?

Something like Bojack has already been paid for. Whether or not they take the time to write in Trump references is completely up to them and won't really impact sales either way.
And it's not like ratings matter that much either because it's netflix.

They might get some media buzz so I guess free advertising is a plus

THIS. So much this. It makes me so absolutely angry that these lazy shit writers i was stupid enough to actually admire now all just spew "DRUMPF LMAO" jokes every two seconds. I dont mind political humor in things i may even disagree with, but im so sick of hearing this trash out of everyone bormie personalities mouth constantly.

Call me a faggot but i like bojack. This next season will be awful, i can feel it.

All of them. I don't care what these people have to say about politics. Why should I listen to some rich californian who hit the lottery in their lives and gets to make TV and film for a living? Fuck off.

>banned mudslimes
>shipping the democrat voter base over the border
>cutting NPR funding
>bombing mudslimes
>turning zipperheads into glass
He's done everything I've wanted him to and more!

Can't wait for another season of self fellation and glorifying depression.

Oh and Trump jokes.

They're just lazy.

Comedians like Jon Stewart, Colbert, and the other big name correspondents made huge careers off of lampooning the GW Bush presidency.
Most of the jokes were low hanging fruit but they were really the only ones doing it so it felt fresh. They practically hit a brick wall with Obama, they had to work hard to write jokes that were funny, their audience would not get offended by, and that they were willing/allowed to tell (god forbid your parent company doesn't like what you said about soandso)

We saw it during the campaign.
Trump/Cruz/Rubio/any Republican? Free reign.
Bernie/O'Malley? Go right ahead.
Clinton? Only if it paints her in a good light. Just to be safe let's get in touch with her campaign so they can sign off on it.

Now that a Republican's behind the wheel it's open season again. Only this time every Tom, Dick, and Harry is doing it.
Late night talk shows are almost all politics. Daily Show is still on the air. Bill Mahr, John Oliver, Samantha Bee all have their own shows.

And of course every other writer wants to take a stab at political commentary so you can't even escape it by watching a cartoon.

It's just insanity at this point.

You right wing autists are a bunch of faggots, stop crying about everything.

God can you people just fuck off back to Sup Forums

Dude we're all mentally broken lmao
Dude we're all bad people lmao
Dude I'm not sure if I'm a good person or not so I need external validation to justify my continued existence lmao
Dude being an adult means constant sadness lmao

If someone says they like Bojack Horseman, they're a guaranteed LOSER

>Clinton? Only if it paints her in a good light. Just to be safe let's get in touch with her campaign so they can sign off on it.

During the primaries SNL and a few others criticized the fuck out of Clinton, but as soon as Bernie was officially out every "joke" about her became positive.

I'm not the one who's complaining about the show possibly making jokes about Trump.

Politicians are walking jokes, especially American politicians. You voting for Trump doesn't make him, or you for that matter, any less of an idiot. Stop caring about meaningless bullshit and you'll be a lot less angry, I promise.

As someone who doesn't care, this shit is annoying if only for the fact that it's the same joke over and over again. It'd be just as annoying if they were all talking about anything else. Imagine if they were joking about Game of Thrones or something instead. Every single fucking night, every episode of every show, every news outlet, every celebrity "SO, GAME OF THRONES..."

Just shut the fuck up already. Talk about literally anything else.

>As someone who doesn't care
Then why even talk about it?

What animal will represent Trump?

>You voting for Trump doesn't make him, or you for that matter, any less of an idiot. Stop caring about meaningless bullshit and you'll be a lot less angry, I promise.
Swap Trump for Clinton and you could say the same exact thing to all of Hollywood

Liberal tears are reason enough to like Trump

Because you're a faggot.

Something really hamfisted like a fly that's constantly eating shit

Im not alt-right you autistic mouth breather, i just hate the same jokes on repeat for over a year now. Its not funny anymore. Its just annoying.

There's a big difference between when SNL ""pokes fun at" a Democrat politician (especially one like Clinton) and when they do """political satire""" on a Republican

>Snoke is introduced as having prepared for the inevitable Yuuzhan Vong invasion all along
>Resistance team up with the Yuuzhan Vong to defeat the evil anti-immigration first order
>All Yuuzhan Vong are portrayed by mexicans or middle-earstern descended people

Ideally, the show will talk about how Hollywood liberals have lost touch with the common man. I doubt that'll happen, though.

i really can't believe they're still pushing that retarded RUSSIAN HACKERS angle. do people seriously believe that?

They're strictly preaching to their dwindling choir at this point. It makes them feel like they're doing something that they're not. As usual.

>anyone with a problem with lazy ass Trump jokes is defending him
Believe it or not, I don't want my world revolving around the man.

It's not the show Im worried about, it's the fact that more and more shows are gonna join the "Drumpf xD" train as this shit gets more popular. It's gonna get to a point where every conversation is gonna relate to him somehow, I just wanna escape it sometimes.

butt he maek burgerland gr8 agen xdd le pepe meme hahah lololol

i hate niggers xdddd

Hi Sup Forums! Triggered again? You sure are easily offended.

It never fucking ends. I really can't wait for the nuclear blast wave to usher me into the abyss.

>go to the weight room
>TV always on either sports or news
>go to lounge where I'm in medical school
>TV on news or sports
>TVs on less and less
>TVs off all the time

people really are sick of this shit. No one wants to hear about or bring up politics.

for fucks sake, the did a non-comedy musical piano tribute to her. It wasn't even SUPPOSED to be funny.

I voted for trump because he promised to drop MOABs on sand people. I want that haha~

Yes your butthurt never ends, you've posted that same image over 300 times holy shit
Seek help

I mean, for nearly 2 years Trumpists purposefully went out of their way to trigger liberals. Now Trumpists are in a position where the tables are turned because their guy turned out to be a basic bitch neocon. Seems only fair tbqh.

let them keep pushing

Cry some more, alt-right pussy

Name one time this happened

Funny thing is that image has been posted less than the amount of times Sup Forums whines about politics

It only gets posted a lot because you alt-right faggots won't stay on your shitty containment board

>this is what a redpill looks like

But pizzagate was totes real, right?

At least they had fun and werent just crying and complaining all the time

I want redditors to leave.

we're fine

People have spent years triggering liberals because of the shitty social justice movement, it only became about Trump last year and even then it was mostly shitposters and people who aren't get paid to write those kind of jokes. Now Trump is a cash cow and libs are just milking it for money.

Actually lefties are having all sorts of fun gloating and laughing in the faces of you dumbasses. They told you so. They told you so from day 1.


>t. Facebook tourist

Yes yes, human rights are shitty.

>t. Redditor

>First world faggot thinks his "rights" are violated

>Moreover, Mr. Bannon’s Svengali-style reputation has chafed on a president who sees himself as the West Wing’s only leading man. Several associates said the president had quietly expressed annoyance over the credit Mr. Bannon had received for setting the agenda — and Mr. Trump was not pleased by the “President Bannon” puppet-master theme promoted by magazines, late-night talk shows and Twitter.


>I call my own shots, largely based on an accumulation of data, and everyone knows it. Some FAKE NEWS media, in order to marginalize, lies!

OJ killed Nicole and ron.

The mafia had JFK whacked.

>t. Tumblr

Yes yes, thinking it's only exclusive to one country.

>t. Redditor

Why are you so fragile and defensive over your meme president

>The first world is one country

>Bojack lives in LA, California
>Democratic stronghold and very liberal
>Works in Hollywood which is another layer of liberal ideas and rules
>Bojack is rich as fuck and hasn't ever dealt with any real politics just his own depression and terrible choices
>No real references to Obama or current political jokes
>Suddenly Trump is going to change the tone of the show

>Probably lazy "Trump tricked everyone and he's evil!" or "Immigrants are awesome, why would anyone want to deport an illegal?"

Are all "conservatives" as retarded as you?

Because he turned out to be a total fraud and they were too blinded by their bootlicking authoritarian daddy complexes that they couldn't see it and now they are dealing with untold levels of cognitive dissonance.

You almost just have to pity them, really.

>So triggered by liberals you vote a reality tv show star for president
>When he's elected, liberals still make fun of you
>Butthurt so real you can't help but screech about how your hurt feelings determine your vote

LMAO, you Trumptards are too much.

I don't know, do all liberals consider "muh pronouns" as the pique of human rights?

>What shows have been ruined for you over politics?

Pretty much all of them.

That's why I don't watch any TV, and haven't been to any new film releases in over a year.

lmao kys

lol you leftists still think you're the majority here, it's so cute

>Hurr only liberals and Trump voters exist
Can't wait for every show to tank because they took the lazy route of pandering to Trump-obsessed tards like you.

Not a show, but Dennis Miller's hard turn to the right after 9/11 ruined a comic who'd I enjoyed as a teenager.

>elect a joke president
>get mad when people make fun of him

How is that changing policy positions?

>Not even 100 days yet and Trumptards are trying to pretend they don't even know who the guy is.
>Trumptards so retarded they thought that electing a meme into the white house would suddenly make people not look at them as degenerate filth.

Take it to Sup Forums faggot.

The Trump dinner scandal was when I finally decided enough was enough and became a cruz missile.

>and has public freakouts

>lol you leftists still think you're the majority here, it's so cute

Literally every thread started on Sup Forums by an alt-right pussy turns into said pussy getting shit on for his pant-on-head-retarded politics.

>why wont people take my meme president seriously REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

This is also why I hate F Is For Family. I do not know how you can watch those two cartoons and Rick and Morty without necking yourself.

Not a show, but JonTron. I watched for a fat wacky man saying funny shit. Now I feel like it's a facade and he wants to gas me for being browner than him.

>Literally every thread started on Sup Forums
The vast majority of political threads on this board are in support of the right wing.

You're the minority lol and it makes your so mad.

There is no "alt-right".

Those are just people that don't agree with your faggotry.

Why didn't they make fun of liar and con man Barry O? Oh right they're partisan Democrat hacks and giant nigger lovers

Bojack is probably the most pretentious show I have ever watched. It's funny for like two episodes, than it gets boring while trying to be deep

Not even American, you braindead piece of shit. I'm just sick of hearing about him constantly, and now every show is hopping on the bandwagon. Why can't you see how fucking tiresome this is? Every day "HOOO TRUMP BREXIT RUSSIA SYRIA REFUGEES" and now I have to watch champagne neo-liberals make the same 5 jokes I've been hearing since 2015. Fuck you and fuck everyone who wants this.